If Mitt is elected and he has the support in congress Obamacare is toast.

Bad thing no..forcing people to get healthcare yes is bad. Government needs to get the hell out of healthcare and education and everything else and allow the market to control things.

The unrestricted market that would have created a Depression if the Government had not bailed it out?

Any proof to back this up? I do believe the market if its left along unmolested would do as its supposed to do. Read some Hazlitt,Schiff,Mises...something...

It would have crushed the financial sector. No money would have entered the economy. Auto companies would have collapsed with no money to support a recovery. Losing 750,000 jobs a month would have led to 20% unemployment
So we are supposed to take your say so for the proof? Hmm...ya know back in my fathers day he is 55 they allowed businesses to collapse if they couldn't sell enough stuff to stay open..We bailed GM out and now they are talking about going under AGAIN! What we gonna do bail them out again? Waste more taxpayer money? Obviously people don't want their vehicles. So let them collapse.

A free market is the only way to go to allow bubbles to burst let the pain hit and it will ease off.This is going to happen merely because the government keeps playing with the economy...raising and lowering interest rates,creating bubbles...they don't know what they are doing.
I've seen many of you deny this position. But it will happen if he wins and has the votes. Congress will Definitely put forth the bill to end it. Do you believe Romney would be dumb enough to veto said bill?

If you do then I say you're not firing on all 8 cylinders.

Oh believe me, I am VERY concerned that the jackass rw voters will screw this up for everyone. There's something about spending less for something that makes you wanna go right on spending less for it.

But, rw's are so damn lazy and dumb, they haven't bothered to educate themselves about the health care act. Just because they're STOOOPID, the rest of us could end up paying for it.

And you, gramps - you nitwit. You SAID you own a business but I think you're lying. If you really owned a business, you would not be so in favor of paying higher taxes and for paying more for your health care.
So we are supposed to take your say so for the proof? Hmm...ya know back in my fathers day he is 55 they allowed businesses to collapse if they couldn't sell enough stuff to stay open..We bailed GM out and now they are talking about going under AGAIN! What we gonna do bail them out again? Waste more taxpayer money? Obviously people don't want their vehicles. So let them collapse.

A free market is the only way to go to allow bubbles to burst let the pain hit and it will ease off.This is going to happen merely because the government keeps playing with the economy...raising and lowering interest rates,creating bubbles...they don't know what they are doing.

You are so cavalier about allowing the pain to hit. That pain is peoples lives, their life savings, their American Dream. Allowing a depression while you wait for some bogus economic figures to eventually recover is foolish.
As you allow bubbles to burst, economic sectors to collapse, jobs to disappear at close to a million a month you are destroying peoples lives
The unrestricted market that would have created a Depression if the Government had not bailed it out?

Any proof to back this up? I do believe the market if its left along unmolested would do as its supposed to do. Read some Hazlitt,Schiff,Mises...something...

It would have crushed the financial sector. No money would have entered the economy. Auto companies would have collapsed with no money to support a recovery. Losing 750,000 jobs a month would have led to 20% unemployment

If the auto industry had gone under, it would have meant millions of jobs lost within a very short time period.

Not a problem though because Mitt's money is invested in other countries, other industries.

He has said he would let the housing industry collapse so that he and his 1% cronies can buy up the properties cheap and then rent them back to the owners.

That would give them even more money to invest in Adelson's China, among others.

Hard to imagine how our country can sink any lower than the GObP party. I've never seen a political party literally sell out their country to foreigners.
So we are supposed to take your say so for the proof? Hmm...ya know back in my fathers day he is 55 they allowed businesses to collapse if they couldn't sell enough stuff to stay open..We bailed GM out and now they are talking about going under AGAIN! What we gonna do bail them out again? Waste more taxpayer money? Obviously people don't want their vehicles. So let them collapse.

A free market is the only way to go to allow bubbles to burst let the pain hit and it will ease off.This is going to happen merely because the government keeps playing with the economy...raising and lowering interest rates,creating bubbles...they don't know what they are doing.

You are so cavalier about allowing the pain to hit. That pain is peoples lives, their life savings, their American Dream. Allowing a depression while you wait for some bogus economic figures to eventually recover is foolish.
As you allow bubbles to burst, economic sectors to collapse, jobs to disappear at close to a million a month you are destroying peoples lives

rw's don't think things through. They care only about what fux/beck/lushbo says and just can't see beyond that.

rw's believe that only a few hundred thousand people would go under, lose their homes, end up in endless lines for unemployment the R will do away with. Fact is, if American auto industry were to go under completely, it would mean MILLIONS of jobs lost across the country.

I've never seen so many Americans working to end our country. I'm ashamed of them and wish they'd go live where they'd be happier - like China.
Pubs have created bubbles. Read something. Lying greedy cronyism and corruption. 1870's,1923,1929, 1987, 2008. Learn it.
Hell, half the dupes now believe OBAMA started this depression, not ended it- OVER total mindless obstruction.
Many of them here believe that Obama put us deeply in debt.

How have they missed so much of the past four years?

I keep posting tis in hopes that one or two of them might actually read it and THINK:

The Current ReaganBush Debt is:
which means that in a total of 20 years,
these three presidents have led to the creation of
of the entire national debt
in only 8.4746% of the 236 years of the existence of the United States of America.

I would not bet on Romney now. Two women I know who said six months ago that they would NOT vote for Obama, now say, with the Ryan monkey on Romney's back, they ARE voting for Obama. Likewise, I was leaning toward Romney when I believed he'd pick a decent VP, not so with the Ryan slime attached to him. Much as I know Obama has not accomplished what is needed for the economy, anybody looks good next to ferret faced Puke Rancid. I am seeing LESS Romney yard signs, and bumper stickers in this very conservative area, post PR.

WHAT WAS ROMNEY THINKING? It reminds me of Nixon & Watergate, there was no reason to please the far right, Romney had them anyway. Nixon should have realized he'd annihilate McGovern, why sanction crimes to defeat an opponent who had no chance?
So we are supposed to take your say so for the proof? Hmm...ya know back in my fathers day he is 55 they allowed businesses to collapse if they couldn't sell enough stuff to stay open..We bailed GM out and now they are talking about going under AGAIN! What we gonna do bail them out again? Waste more taxpayer money? Obviously people don't want their vehicles. So let them collapse.

A free market is the only way to go to allow bubbles to burst let the pain hit and it will ease off.This is going to happen merely because the government keeps playing with the economy...raising and lowering interest rates,creating bubbles...they don't know what they are doing.

You are so cavalier about allowing the pain to hit. That pain is peoples lives, their life savings, their American Dream. Allowing a depression while you wait for some bogus economic figures to eventually recover is foolish.
As you allow bubbles to burst, economic sectors to collapse, jobs to disappear at close to a million a month you are destroying peoples lives

And sending trillions outside the US on a war to avenge a toothless threat to a prior President, even if he is your father, adds to the Bush II MISERY INDEX.

Where is that oil money that was to pay for Bush's personal war? In offshore accounts with Romney's hundreds of millions?
Because health care for millions of Americans is a bad thing.. Like school lunches for children - bad. And funding for education - bad..
Bad thing no..forcing people to get healthcare yes is bad. Government needs to get the hell out of healthcare and education and everything else and allow the market to control things.

Because it works so well? Tell us where it works so well.
I'm in deepest darkest red land too and have been seeing/hearing things. Hopeful. People are finally getting scared that, for once, the Rs are telling the truth - they really do plan to bankrupt the country.

Romney is such a dishonest sneak and some people really do remember Nixon and how sneaky he was. Hes lied about everything - well, except for tying the dog on top of the car. Parts of that story seem to be true.

Other than that, both he and Ryan are corrupt liars and people know it.

They also know Obama has consistently fought for the country and for the common folk.
As much as I think we need(ed) reform what we got is not what we needed, in my opinion. As with most things liberal the end result will be the exact opposite of their stated intent. So if this is called the affordable health care act then you can bat the farm that it will be anything but affordable. Certainly it will be affordable to those who won't be paying but to the rest of us, look out. Hell nothing was done to actually curb costs other then maybe limiting payment which will drive out practitioners.

That all said, Obamatax isn't going anywhere. Once the tentacles of government has entangled itself into our lives it won't let go.

Which brings me to why the democrats, or some of them, pretend to be so sure of an Obama win. I see absolutely nothing that warrants another term. He has divided the country like no other president before. The recovery from the recession is the weakest and the longest when history has shown it should have been one of the strongest. The ME, he gave 1.5 billion to the Muslim brotherhood who is going to install a theocracy in Egypt, before or after they tear down the pyramids. Gasoline prices just keep going up and up regardless of demand. 8 percent unemployment appears to be here for some time. Consumers spent more in chain stores last month but consumer confidence just keeps going down. Don't forget our credit rating be devalued. Most of all we now have 4 trillion dollars of debt put on our grandchildren by Obama and the democrats, to that there can be no reward.

That all said, my opinion is we are stuck with Obamatax.
I'm in deepest darkest red land too and have been seeing/hearing things. Hopeful. People are finally getting scared that, for once, the Rs are telling the truth - they really do plan to bankrupt the country.

Romney is such a dishonest sneak and some people really do remember Nixon and how sneaky he was. Hes lied about everything - well, except for tying the dog on top of the car. Parts of that story seem to be true.

Other than that, both he and Ryan are corrupt liars and people know it.

They also know Obama has consistently fought for the country and for the common folk.

So smear is the agenda of the democrats and Obama. Obama has been caught in so many outright lies if you really cared about honesty Obama would not get your vote. For 17 years he claimed to be born in Kenya until someone told the Constitutional scholar he couldn't make that claim and be born in Kenya, then it all changed. He is a liar of the first order, not just a sneak, but an outright liar.
So we are supposed to take your say so for the proof? Hmm...ya know back in my fathers day he is 55 they allowed businesses to collapse if they couldn't sell enough stuff to stay open..We bailed GM out and now they are talking about going under AGAIN! What we gonna do bail them out again? Waste more taxpayer money? Obviously people don't want their vehicles. So let them collapse.

A free market is the only way to go to allow bubbles to burst let the pain hit and it will ease off.This is going to happen merely because the government keeps playing with the economy...raising and lowering interest rates,creating bubbles...they don't know what they are doing.

You are so cavalier about allowing the pain to hit. That pain is peoples lives, their life savings, their American Dream. Allowing a depression while you wait for some bogus economic figures to eventually recover is foolish.
As you allow bubbles to burst, economic sectors to collapse, jobs to disappear at close to a million a month you are destroying peoples lives

And sending trillions outside the US on a war to avenge a toothless threat to a prior President, even if he is your father, adds to the Bush II MISERY INDEX.

Where is that oil money that was to pay for Bush's personal war? In offshore accounts with Romney's hundreds of millions?

How about the 1.5 Obama gave to the Muslim Brotherhood that is going to install a theocracy in Egypt, and eliminate all but the state religion? At least with a war it simulates the economy. Giving 1.5 billion to the MB does nothing but transfer wealth, and they ain't gonna like us any better.

Muslim Brotherhood’s $1.5 billion Holy Week Windfall

Muslim Brotherhood’s $1.5 billion Holy Week Windfall
For 17 years he claimed to be born in Kenya

If you're saying what i think you are, someone else said it.

If not, EXACTLY where did Obama say it?

No, I don't mean where did someone else write it.

Where did President Obama write or say it?

No, I don't mean the phony quote on You Tube.

I mean, where did Obama write or say it?

No, I don't mean the birther crap.

I mean, the REAL THING.
For 17 years he claimed to be born in Kenya

If you're saying what i think you are, someone else said it.

If not, EXACTLY where did Obama say it?

No, I don't mean where did someone else write it.

Where did President Obama write or say it?

Probably in the 1995 memoir where he specifically describes the hospital in Hawaii where he was born. Oh wait--d'oh!

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