If more guns = safety , then more nukes = safety?

Yes, North Korea and Iran would be crazy not to develop Nuclear Weapons. They've seen what happened in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Those nations didn't have a Nuclear deterrent. And that's cost em bigtime. Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?

If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Qudaffi pissed off his own people. We just protected the Rebels from any air assault . They did the rest.

I think it was a good thing . And not one US troop died.
Yes, North Korea and Iran would be crazy not to develop Nuclear Weapons. They've seen what happened in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Those nations didn't have a Nuclear deterrent. And that's cost em bigtime. Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?

If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Yes, Gaddafi refused to be a US/Western Puppet. That was a death sentence for him.
Yes, North Korea and Iran would be crazy not to develop Nuclear Weapons. They've seen what happened in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Those nations didn't have a Nuclear deterrent. And that's cost em bigtime. Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?

If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

South Korea . Japan . As far as counties in that area .
They don't have free elections?

What does the "free election" part have to do with it?
If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Kdaffy had proposed his Dinar instead of the dollar. Saddam did the same thing.

Yup. Anyone who tries to go independent and refuses to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. That's how it works.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

Mutual assured destruction ormutually assured destruction(MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender


/--- at the time MAD was deployed only the USA and USSR had nukes. As bad as the commies were they weren't suicidal. Can't say that about NKorea and Iran.

Iran in fact wants to create Global Chaos. That's what brings their "messiah back.
Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?
Can you really blame the world for wanting to stop them from getting nukes?

Who's 'the world?' And i'd bet you anything those calling for the end of North Korea and Iran, have a whole lotta Nukes themselves. When are they gonna give theirs up?
WE arent going to give up our nukes. THEY arent allowed to have them. Do you think thats unfair? Too fucking bad.

Right, such American hubris. It's a 'Might makes Right' mentality.
Nah, its just common sense that you seem to be devoid of. Dont worry, the rest of us will keep you safe.
If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Yes, Gaddafi refused to be a US/Western Puppet. That was a death sentence for him.

We didn't cause the rebellion . Q was also a confirmed terrorist and despot . No big loss . He got what he deserved .
If they would stop with the "we'll destroy America" bullshit they might be viewed in a better light.

No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Qudaffi pissed off his own people. We just protected the Rebels from any air assault . They did the rest.

I think it was a good thing . And not one US troop died.

Can you really blame North Korea and Iran for seeking Nuclear Weapons?
Can you really blame the world for wanting to stop them from getting nukes?

Who's 'the world?' And i'd bet you anything those calling for the end of North Korea and Iran, have a whole lotta Nukes themselves. When are they gonna give theirs up?
WE arent going to give up our nukes. THEY arent allowed to have them. Do you think thats unfair? Too fucking bad.

Right, such American hubris. It's a 'Might makes Right' mentality.
Nah, its just common sense that you seem to be devoid of. Dont worry, the rest of us will keep you safe.

You're a lost soul. Too much hubris. But all Empires fall. The US won't be any different. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. A day of reckoning is coming.
Can you really blame the world for wanting to stop them from getting nukes?

Who's 'the world?' And i'd bet you anything those calling for the end of North Korea and Iran, have a whole lotta Nukes themselves. When are they gonna give theirs up?
WE arent going to give up our nukes. THEY arent allowed to have them. Do you think thats unfair? Too fucking bad.

Right, such American hubris. It's a 'Might makes Right' mentality.
Nah, its just common sense that you seem to be devoid of. Dont worry, the rest of us will keep you safe.

You're a lost soul. Too much hubris. But all Empires fall. The US won't be any different. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. A day of reckoning is coming.

Sooner than anyone realizes.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

Mutual assured destruction ormutually assured destruction(MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender


/--- at the time MAD was deployed only the USA and USSR had nukes. As bad as the commies were they weren't suicidal. Can't say that about NKorea and Iran.

Iran in fact wants to create Global Chaos. That's what brings their "messiah back.

That's what they want you to believe . Iran is located in a tough spot. With enemies all around . Not surprised they talk a lot of shit .
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

Mutual assured destruction ormutually assured destruction(MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender


/--- at the time MAD was deployed only the USA and USSR had nukes. As bad as the commies were they weren't suicidal. Can't say that about NKorea and Iran.

Iran in fact wants to create Global Chaos. That's what brings their "messiah back.

That's what they want you to believe . Iran is located in a tough spot. With enemies all around . Not surprised they talk a lot of shit .

It's got nothing to with I "want" to believe kid. It's their Religion.
No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Yes, Gaddafi refused to be a US/Western Puppet. That was a death sentence for him.

We didn't cause the rebellion . Q was also a confirmed terrorist and despot . No big loss . He got what he deserved .

No, he just did his own thing. He refused to be a US/Western Puppet. And that meant a death sentence for him. It's what happens to folks who refuse to go along with the US/West. It is what it is.
No, that ship sailed a long time ago. North Korea and Iran refuse to be US/Western Puppets. And that renders them marked for death. Any foreign leader and nation that refuses to be US/Western Puppets, must be removed. Iran and North Korea are well aware of how it works. They'll need Nuclear Weapons to deter the US/West from attacking. You can't blame them for it. It's just the reality.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Kdaffy had proposed his Dinar instead of the dollar. Saddam did the same thing.

Yup. Anyone who tries to go independent and refuses to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. That's how it works.

If you are looking for a good example , try the Ukraine . What's his face was elected as president . But was run out by the west for being pro Russia . That caused Ukraine to destabilize and Crimea to want to go Russian.
Can you really blame the world for wanting to stop them from getting nukes?

Who's 'the world?' And i'd bet you anything those calling for the end of North Korea and Iran, have a whole lotta Nukes themselves. When are they gonna give theirs up?
WE arent going to give up our nukes. THEY arent allowed to have them. Do you think thats unfair? Too fucking bad.

Right, such American hubris. It's a 'Might makes Right' mentality.
Nah, its just common sense that you seem to be devoid of. Dont worry, the rest of us will keep you safe.

You're a lost soul. Too much hubris. But all Empires fall. The US won't be any different. We're already $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. A day of reckoning is coming.
Uhuh, Suuurrrrre. :laugh:
If more guns = safety , then more nukes = safety?

More guns and nukes than your enemy = safety

It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Sigh... you are pretending like they are independent self sustaining countries. Iran is a puppet of Russia and NK is a puppet of China.

What country is a US puppet? You could make an argument for Israel, but they have free elections, despite the money and other efforts made by Obama to undermine those elections.

Anyone refusing to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. Don't kid yourself, that is the reality. Right now, Iran and North Korea are refusing. Therefore they must be annihilated. I can't blame them for trying to get Nuclear Weapons. It's the only deterrent at their disposal. They have to do what they have to do to survive. It is what it is.
What did Libya do to piss off Clinton and Obama? I never understood that one. Was it the move away from the dollar for oil?

Kdaffy had proposed his Dinar instead of the dollar. Saddam did the same thing.

Yup. Anyone who tries to go independent and refuses to be a US/Western Puppet, is marked for death. That's how it works.

If you are looking for a good example , try the Ukraine . What's his face was elected as president . But was run out by the west for being pro Russia . That caused Ukraine to destabilize and Crimea to want to go Russian.

True. The US/West won't tolerate anyone who tries to be independent and refuses to be a Puppet. Ukraine was all about overthrowing a Democratically-Elected Pro-Russia Leader. It was an illegal Coup. And that's what's caused the chaos in Ukraine. But of course the US/West conveniently blamed it all on Russia. Same ole, same ole. Nothing ever changes.
But of course the US/West conveniently blamed it all on Russia. Same ole, same ole. Nothing ever changes.
Please don't link anything that frightened little boy Obama did or didn't do to the US and the west.
Now that we can all see the mess the world and our nation was left in we should all be marching on Obama's house with pitchforks.

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