If more guns = safety , then more nukes = safety?

Most Americans are so full of hubris. Why does the US feel it has the right to decide whether or not a nation acquires Nuclear Weapons? I mean, it's not offering to give up its own Nuclear Weapons. And it's the only nation on earth to actually use WMD on a mass scale, in Japan.

My advice to Iran and North Korea, would be to acquire Nuclear Weapons as soon as possible. Otherwise, the US/West is gonna annihilate them. Possessing Nuclear Weapons is the only deterrent at their disposal. I advise they get to work. Otherwise, they'll go the way of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on...
Get an avatar, moron.

I'll get an avatar when the US gives up its Nuclear Weapons. :rofl:
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

There's a lot that's irrational about the lines of argument gun rights folks offer. You've pointed out yet another of them.
Yup. The winners write the histories. Always good to be the winner, and wise to make sure you are.

Yup, that is how most Americans view things. Such hubris. But one day, there could be a big price to pay for that hubris. Right now, Americans can afford to live the 'Might makes Right' theory. But that probably won't always be the case. We're $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. There will likely be a reckoning.

If there ever is, you'll all be going with us. :lmao:

Hopefully, we'll stop y'all crazed Warmongers before that happens. God willing anyway.

No warmongering. You threaten us, your chances of survival diminish. That's all. Obama time is over.

Any leader and nation that refuses to be a US/Western Puppet, is immediately marked for death. That's what it's all about. It's 'Empire Imperialism.' It's what our Founding Fathers warned against. 'Empire-Building' never ends well. All Empires fall.

Dschrubend over pot: 17042055 said:
Most Americans are so full of hubris. Why does the US feel it has the right to decide whether or not a nation acquires Nuclear Weapons? I mean, it's not offering to give up its own Nuclear Weapons. And it's the only nation on earth to actually use WMD on a mass scale, in Japan.

My advice to Iran and North Korea, would be to acquire Nuclear Weapons as soon as possible. Otherwise, the US/West is gonna annihilate them. Possessing Nuclear Weapons is the only deterrent at their disposal. I advise they get to work. Otherwise, they'll go the way of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on...

You're nuts. I bet you wouldn't be such a faggy cheer leader for enemies of ours if your family was one turned into sidewalk art.

We need to adopt a humble foreign policy. I'm completely over Endless War. We have to break the Vicious Circle of War. It's time.

A humble and bendover policy is partly to blame for that fuckface in N. Korea being so emboldened as to threaten us every week. We don't need to be wicked bullies but we certainly need to show stoic resolution and strength through military might if needed. The only war we are engaged in is the war on terrorists. We need to quit fucking around and hit those camel sucking shits harder than we have.
Most Americans are so full of hubris. Why does the US feel it has the right to decide whether or not a nation acquires Nuclear Weapons? I mean, it's not offering to give up its own Nuclear Weapons. And it's the only nation on earth to actually use WMD on a mass scale, in Japan.

My advice to Iran and North Korea, would be to acquire Nuclear Weapons as soon as possible. Otherwise, the US/West is gonna annihilate them. Possessing Nuclear Weapons is the only deterrent at their disposal. I advise they get to work. Otherwise, they'll go the way of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on...
Get an avatar, moron.

I'll get an avatar when the US gives up its Nuclear Weapons. :rofl:

And what of Russia, N Korea, Pakistan, Israel, UK, France, India, and China? What's the plan there?
Most Americans are so full of hubris. Why does the US feel it has the right to decide whether or not a nation acquires Nuclear Weapons? I mean, it's not offering to give up its own Nuclear Weapons. And it's the only nation on earth to actually use WMD on a mass scale, in Japan.

My advice to Iran and North Korea, would be to acquire Nuclear Weapons as soon as possible. Otherwise, the US/West is gonna annihilate them. Possessing Nuclear Weapons is the only deterrent at their disposal. I advise they get to work. Otherwise, they'll go the way of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on...

What country are you from?

Just curious.
Most Americans are so full of hubris. Why does the US feel it has the right to decide whether or not a nation acquires Nuclear Weapons? I mean, it's not offering to give up its own Nuclear Weapons. And it's the only nation on earth to actually use WMD on a mass scale, in Japan.

My advice to Iran and North Korea, would be to acquire Nuclear Weapons as soon as possible. Otherwise, the US/West is gonna annihilate them. Possessing Nuclear Weapons is the only deterrent at their disposal. I advise they get to work. Otherwise, they'll go the way of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on...
Get an avatar, moron.

I'll get an avatar when the US gives up its Nuclear Weapons. :rofl:

And what of Russia, N Korea, Pakistan, Israel, UK, France, India, and China? What's the plan there?

Let me know when the US offers to give up its Nuclear Weapons. Till then, all nations on earth have the right to do everything necessary to defend themselves.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?

Common fallacy. It is not the number of weapons present, it's the number of people who know how to use them correctly.
Let me know when the US offers to give up its Nuclear Weapons. Till then, every nation on earth has the right to do everything necessary to defend themselves.

I believe the biggest danger of nuclear war comes from small tactical nukes. They are the most prolific variety, and the type countries are most likely to use, and thereby start a much bigger war. Strategic nukes by definition are self limiting in the number a country can have, since there are a finite number of strategic targets, and once you have enough nukes to hit all of them, any additional are just very expensive duplicates.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?
You can think of it that way if you like.

Crimes by a state such as N.Korea can only be deterred with nuclear weapons. However DJ Trump and his close generals are hoping they can extinguish N.Korea's nuclear capability before they develop it.

As far as your analogy to people goes, criminals are normally cowards who only prey on the weak. Therefore if you are strong, and armed, and a good shot, and you can draw quickly and shoot accurately, you will most likely scare away any criminal long before you have to shoot him.

But shooting him is not bad either -- it keeps recidivism low and prison populations lower too.

But not everyone has the balls to carry their own gun.

So if you Timmy don't have those kind or any balls then you can go on pretending some kind of legislation will help you or that the police can protect you -- which they cannot.

Fallacy of false analogy.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia

I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .
Let me know when the US offers to give up its Nuclear Weapons. Till then, every nation on earth has the right to do everything necessary to defend themselves.

I believe the biggest danger of nuclear war comes from small tactical nukes. They are the most prolific variety, and the type countries are most likely to use, and thereby start a much bigger war. Strategic nukes by definition are self limiting in the number a country can have, since there are a finite number of strategic targets, and once you have enough nukes to hit all of them, any additional are just very expensive duplicates.
Well fortunately that is NOT what everybody on the planet is worried about right now.

Most in Japan and S.Korea are worried about being nuked -- in Japan's case nuked again for the 3rd or more time.

Most downwind from Japan and S.Korea are worried about nuclear fallout.

These are both from fat boy Kim in N.Korea retaliating with STRATEGIC nukes against a conventional US missile strike from the US Navy currently on station just off the N.Korean coast.
I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .
It is incredibly brave to carry a gun with you everywhere because (1) you must be constantly vigilant to protect the gun itself and (2) because you need to be prepared to draw and shoot the gun while getting shot yourself.

This takes big steel balls -- which fortunately I have.

Nobody gets my gun or wallet unless they can peel it from my cold dead hands.
this is a common talking point for righties . If more guns are aviailble to people then there's less crime because everyone is armed .

Wouldn't that translate to a global scale with nuke weapons ? More countries wh nukes, then less likelyhood of war ! Right?
You can think of it that way if you like.

Crimes by a state such as N.Korea can only be deterred with nuclear weapons. However DJ Trump and his close generals are hoping they can extinguish N.Korea's nuclear capability before they develop it.

As far as your analogy to people goes, criminals are normally cowards who only prey on the weak. Therefore if you are strong, and armed, and a good shot, and you can draw quickly and shoot accurately, you will most likely scare away any criminal long before you have to shoot him.

But shooting him is not bad either -- it keeps recidivism low and prison populations lower too.

But not everyone has the balls to carry their own gun.

So if you Timmy don't have those kind or any balls then you can go on pretending some kind of legislation will help you or that the police can protect you -- which they cannot.

Fallacy of false analogy.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia

I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .

I suggest you're confusing fear with preparedness. I won't speak for others, but I fear no man, armed or otherwise. Fear rarely helps.
Let me know when the US offers to give up its Nuclear Weapons. Till then, every nation on earth has the right to do everything necessary to defend themselves.

I believe the biggest danger of nuclear war comes from small tactical nukes. They are the most prolific variety, and the type countries are most likely to use, and thereby start a much bigger war. Strategic nukes by definition are self limiting in the number a country can have, since there are a finite number of strategic targets, and once you have enough nukes to hit all of them, any additional are just very expensive duplicates.
Well fortunately that is NOT what everybody on the planet is worried about right now.

Most in Japan and S.Korea are worried about being nuked -- in Japan's case nuked again for the 3rd or more time.

Most downwind from Japan and S.Korea are worried about nuclear fallout.

These are both from fat boy Kim in N.Korea retaliating with STRATEGIC nukes against a conventional US missile strike from the US Navy currently on station just off the N.Korean coast.

Just leave. Let North and South Korea work out their differences. We don't belong there. Period, end of story.
I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .
It is incredibly brave to carry a gun with you everywhere because (1) you must be constantly vigilant to protect the gun itself and (2) because you need to be prepared to draw and shoot the gun while getting shot yourself.

That take big steel balls -- which fortunately I have.

You can't just carry one of those Nija star belt buckles instead ?
I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .
It is incredibly brave to carry a gun with you everywhere because (1) you must be constantly vigilant to protect the gun itself and (2) because you need to be prepared to draw and shoot the gun while getting shot yourself.

Nobody gets my gun or wallet unless they can peel it from my cold dead hands.

That take big steel balls -- which fortunately I have.

Everything Timmy knows about Guns and their "proper" use he learned on TV.
I took the gun safety class , but haven't Applied for my license yet .

I don't think it's "brave " to carry a gun everywhere . Kinda the opposite , being so fearful that you can't leave the house without being strapped .
It is incredibly brave to carry a gun with you everywhere because (1) you must be constantly vigilant to protect the gun itself and (2) because you need to be prepared to draw and shoot the gun while getting shot yourself.

That take big steel balls -- which fortunately I have.

You can't just carry one of those Nija star belt buckles instead ?
I am a gunfighter, not a Jap or Chink ninja.
Timmy someday you will possibly grow a pair of balls and then life will seem different with all that testosterone rather than estrogen finally coursing through your veins.

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