If Muslims believe in the Koran, they must become Christian

Isa - still NOT Jesus.

Jesus’ name was never ‘Isa

Jesus’ mother tongue was Aramaic. In his own lifetime he was called Yeshua in Aramaic, and Jesu in Greek. This is like calling the same person John when speaking English and Jean when speaking French: Jesu, pronounced "Yesoo", is the Greek form of Aramaic Yeshua. (The final -s in Jesu-s is a Greek grammatical ending.) Yeshua is itself a form of Hebrew Yehoshua’, which means ‘the Lord is salvation’....

Yeshua of Nazareth was never called ‘Isa, the name the Qur’an gives to him. Arab-speaking Christians refer to Jesus as Yasou’ (from Yeshua) not ‘Isa.

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

You might not want to believe, but it is just two names, in different languages for the same person

Afrikaans Jesus
Albanian Jezusi
Arabic `Isà عيسى (Islamic or classical arabic) / Yasū` يسوع (Christian or latter arabic)
Aragonese Chesús
Aramaic/Syriac ܝܫܘܥ (Isho)
Arberesh Isuthi
Armenian Հիսուս (Eastern Armenian) Յիսուս (Western Armenian) (Hisus)
Azerbaijani İsa
Belarusian Ісус (Isus) (Orthodox) / Езус (Yezus) (Catholic)
Bengali যীশু (Jeeshu/Zeeshu) (Christian) 'ঈসা ('Eesa) (Islamic)
Breton Jezuz
Catalan Jesús
Chinese simplified Chinese: 耶稣; traditional Chinese: 耶穌; pinyin: Yēsū
Cornish Yesu
Czech Ježíš
Dutch Jezus
Estonian Jeesus
Filipino Jesús (Christian and secular) / Hesús or Hesukristo (religious)
Fijian Jisu
Finnish Jeesus
French Jésus
Galician Xesús
Garo Jisu
Georgian იესო (Ieso)
Greek Ιησούς (Iisús modern Greek pronunciation)
Haitian Creole Jezi
Hausa Yesu
Hawaiian Jesu
Hebrew Yeshu ישו (Jewish, secular) / Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ (Christian)
Hindustani ईसा / عيسى (īsā)
Hmong Daw Yexus
Hungarian Jézus
Icelandic Jesús
Indonesia Yesus (Christian) / Isa (Islamic)
Irish Íosa
Italian Gesù
Japanese イエス (Iesu)/イエズス (Iezusu)(Catholic)/ゼス(zesu) ゼズス(zezusu)(Kirishitan)イイスス(Iisusu)(Eastern Orthodox)
Jinghpaw Yesu
Kazakh Иса (Isa)
Khmer យេស៑ូវ (Yesu)
Korean 예수 (Yesu)
Kurdish Îsa
Latvian Jēzus
Ligurian Gesû
Limburgish Zjezus
Lithuanian Jėzus
Lombard Gesü
मराठी-Marathi येशू - Yeshu
Malayalam ഈശോ (Isho), യേശു (Yeshu)
Mirandese Jasus
Maltese Ġesù
Neapolitan Gèsù
Norman Jésus
Occitan Jèsus
Piedmontese Gesù
Polish Jezus
Portuguese Jesus
Romanian Isus (Catholic) / Iisus (Eastern Orthodox)
Russian Иисус (Iisus)
Sardinian Gesùs
Serbo-Croatian Isus / Исус
Sicilian Gesù
Sinhala ජේසුස් වහන්සේ - Jesus Wahanse
Scottish Gaelic Ìosa
Slovak Ježiš
Slovenian Jezus
Spanish Jesús
Swahili Yesu
Sylheti যীশু (Zishu) (Christian) 'ঈছা ('Eesa) (Islamic)
Tajik Исо (Iso)
Tamil இயேசு - Yesu
Telugu Yesu
Thai เยซู - "Yesu"
Turkish İsa
Turkmen Isa
Ukrainian Ісус (Isus)
Uzbek Iso
Venetian Jesu
Vietnamese Giêsu
Welsh Iesu
Yoruba Jesu
Zulu uJesu

Just because you consider yourself a christian does not mean you know all there is about your religion or the people in it.
Some of you who have commented on the Qur'an have obviously never read it. There is an on-line Qur'an (M.H. Shakir translation) which has word-search for easy research. Here's the link:

The Koran

If you use the word “son” in word-search you will find over a dozen verses whereby the Qur'an asserts that Isa (Jesus) was not the son of God. Surah 4:147 will tell you that Isa was not crucified but was taken up by Allah. And just for giggles you may want to use the word “swine” in word-search to discover that not only are Muslims not deathly afraid of pork, they are permitted to eat if they are truly hungry.

There are a lot of myths about the Qur'an and the only way to discover the truth is to read the book yourself. Even if you are not a Muslim and never intend to become one you should read the book. There are about 1.8 billion Muslims in the word and it behooves everyone to know what they believe. Like it or not, their belief is shaping the very world we live in.
Then they don't believe in the Koran, which calls him the Word of God, Spirit of God, etc etc etc
Sorry Jake, but you know very little about what the Quran says or means about this subject.

Polytheism, the associating or partnering of anyone or anything with Allah (God) in arabic is called "Shirk", which is the most grievous all of sins.

The Quran clearly states many times that Allah has no Son or partner, and that only Allah is worthy of praise and prayer. Period...end of story. .... :cool:

Shirk (Islam) - Wikipedia

You did not provide "news" sunni dear-----the Koran is not rocket science. It is a pile of
BS. ......end of story
Some of you who have commented on the Qur'an have obviously never read it. There is an on-line Qur'an (M.H. Shakir translation) which has word-search for easy research. Here's the link:

The Koran

If you use the word “son” in word-search you will find over a dozen verses whereby the Qur'an asserts that Isa (Jesus) was not the son of God. Surah 4:147 will tell you that Isa was not crucified but was taken up by Allah. And just for giggles you may want to use the word “swine” in word-search to discover that not only are Muslims not deathly afraid of pork, they are permitted to eat if they are truly hungry.

There are a lot of myths about the Qur'an and the only way to discover the truth is to read the book yourself. Even if you are not a Muslim and never intend to become one you should read the book. There are about 1.8 billion Muslims in the word and it behooves everyone to know what they believe. Like it or not, their belief is shaping the very world we live in.

all good points PROF. I read the Koran when I was about 20 ---(picthall version) at a time
when most USA people had no idea what "KORAN" was. Of course, I am sure you know that
most americans never read the bibles, either OT or NT either. -----USA people are not big
"READERS" -------interestingly enough I have worked with LOTS AND LOTS of muslims------
even less muslims have read the Koran, proportionately. It IS good to read it (along with the
bibles, the Bhagavad Gita, the ancient greek plays, Plato's crap ---and even Beowulf)
DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH BTW there is no truth in the Koran-----even as a very naïve
kid of 20--------I was "smart" enough to see that way back then. It is a pile of very confused
jumbled up fragments of this and that which MOSTLY supports the barbaric agenda of its
highly questionable protagonist------the murderer/rapist warlord---muhummad
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:

I read the Koran and am clear on the history of that time. I read the picthall version
which way back then was fairly new and "lauded" for its 'accuracy'. I also have a
grasp of imagery used in semitic languages. Tilly is right
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

Tilly------I was no scholar of religion when I read the Koran. The book fell into my
hands from a bunch of cartons of discards dumped as a donation at the hospital
in which I worked. The hospital would send a thank you note and burn them----
the books were ---FREEBIES for me-----no one else wanted them (don't tell
anyone)--- PICTHAL I had read the Bhagavad Gita Ramayana, OT ,
NT, POWER of Positive thinking, LOLITA , etc etc----so why not this
thing called KORAN? I was a naïve kid---no religious education except
random UNDIRECTED casual reading. I found the Koran SUCH A MESS
of confused misrepresentations of bible stories that I CONCLUDED that
my copy was a MISPRINT <<<< true story
Errors like this one:
...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...
Tilly, the Bible and the Quran are full of middle eastern idiom's that aren't to be taken literally. There are many examples of "son of" or "daughter of", scattered throughout the O.T. and N.T.

Like when Jesus referred to the afficted woman in the Gospel of Luke as a "daughter of Abraham", he didn't mean she was Abraham's actual daughter; they were separated by several thousand years. But that the woman as jew, was a descendent of Abraham.

People during that time in the middle east understood what was being said, and weren't confused about these common idioms, like western people are today.

Seriously Tilly, you need to ditch the nonsense hate sites. And use the time wisely to educate yourself by reading reputable sites, authored by accredited scholar's on the subject at hand. ..... :cool:
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Errors like this one:
...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...
Tilly, the Bible and the Quran are full of middle eastern idiom's that aren't to be taken literally. There are many examples of "son of" or "daughter of", scattered throughout the O.T. and N.T.

Like when Jesus referred to the afficted woman in the Gospel of Luke as a "daughter of Abraham", he didn't mean she was Abraham's actual daughter; they were separated by several thousand years. But that the woman as jew, was a descendent of Abraham.

People during that time in the middle east understood what was being said, and weren't confused about these common idioms, like western people are today.

Seriously Tilly, you need to ditch the nonsense hate sites. And use the time wisely to educate yourself by reading reputable sites, authored by accredited scholar's on the subject at hand. ..... :cool:

ROFLMAO-----right-----the bible is FULL of Hebrew and Aramaic Idiom----and who are the
people familiar with them? DA JOOOOOS-----even like me-----which is why I could see the
SCREW UPs in PICKTHAL's "Koran" so easily. duh..."western people"----how about
traditionally ILLITERATE people -----like muslims -----they were clueless even while authoring
that pile of crap- 'koran'. Hebrew and some Aramaic idiom has even been carried into
other jewish languages-----like Yiddish and Ladino
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

Tilly------I was no scholar of religion when I read the Koran. The book fell into my
hands from a bunch of cartons of discards dumped as a donation at the hospital
in which I worked. The hospital would send a thank you note and burn them----
the books were ---FREEBIES for me-----no one else wanted them (don't tell
anyone)--- PICTHAL I had read the Bhagavad Gita Ramayana, OT ,
NT, POWER of Positive thinking, LOLITA , etc etc----so why not this
thing called KORAN? I was a naïve kid---no religious education except
random UNDIRECTED casual reading. I found the Koran SUCH A MESS
of confused misrepresentations of bible stories that I CONCLUDED that
my copy was a MISPRINT <<<< true story

The language in the quran does not translate word for word well unless you understand the form of the language at the time. The way they spoke and wrote the language, not quite the same thing.

Think of a rapper or Caribbean/Jamaican islander trying to read and quote Chaucer or Beowulf ..............."what the H--- are they talking about"

Arabs at the time would have understood either the written or the spoken, if no both at the time. Technically, the quran is not supposed to be read or recited in any language but the western quraysh dialect.
Arabic, like latin for catholics till last century, is the language of Islam.

The bible was for a millennia only in greek or latin, and most people could not read at all.
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

Tilly------I was no scholar of religion when I read the Koran. The book fell into my
hands from a bunch of cartons of discards dumped as a donation at the hospital
in which I worked. The hospital would send a thank you note and burn them----
the books were ---FREEBIES for me-----no one else wanted them (don't tell
anyone)--- PICTHAL I had read the Bhagavad Gita Ramayana, OT ,
NT, POWER of Positive thinking, LOLITA , etc etc----so why not this
thing called KORAN? I was a naïve kid---no religious education except
random UNDIRECTED casual reading. I found the Koran SUCH A MESS
of confused misrepresentations of bible stories that I CONCLUDED that
my copy was a MISPRINT <<<< true story

The language in the quran does not translate word for word well unless you understand the form of the language at the time. The way they spoke and wrote the language, not quite the same thing.

Think of a rapper or Caribbean/Jamaican islander trying to read and quote Chaucer or Beowulf ..............."what the H--- are they talking about"

Arabs at the time would have understood either the written or the spoken, if no both at the time. Technically, the quran is not supposed to be read or recited in any language but the western quraysh dialect.
Arabic, like latin for catholics till last century, is the language of Islam.

The bible was for a millennia only in greek or latin, and most people could not read at all.

yes------I understand that. I tried to read Chaucer---HOPELESS and I understand that MOST
muslims are completely unable to read the Koran-----they depend on their "scholars"
Islam has attempted to appropriate and pervert Jesus Christ (just as they have done with many Christian and Jewish biblical figures) in an attempt to claim them for their own - to claim them as Muslims, and to claim Christian and Jewish history as Islamic history.
Fortunately, you have distorted them to such an absurd degree (in order to make them more like the warmongering mohammed) that very few people - on even a cursory glance at Isa - fall for the ruse :thup:
Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

Tilly------I was no scholar of religion when I read the Koran. The book fell into my
hands from a bunch of cartons of discards dumped as a donation at the hospital
in which I worked. The hospital would send a thank you note and burn them----
the books were ---FREEBIES for me-----no one else wanted them (don't tell
anyone)--- PICTHAL I had read the Bhagavad Gita Ramayana, OT ,
NT, POWER of Positive thinking, LOLITA , etc etc----so why not this
thing called KORAN? I was a naïve kid---no religious education except
random UNDIRECTED casual reading. I found the Koran SUCH A MESS
of confused misrepresentations of bible stories that I CONCLUDED that
my copy was a MISPRINT <<<< true story

The language in the quran does not translate word for word well unless you understand the form of the language at the time. The way they spoke and wrote the language, not quite the same thing.

Think of a rapper or Caribbean/Jamaican islander trying to read and quote Chaucer or Beowulf ..............."what the H--- are they talking about"

Arabs at the time would have understood either the written or the spoken, if no both at the time. Technically, the quran is not supposed to be read or recited in any language but the western quraysh dialect.
Arabic, like latin for catholics till last century, is the language of Islam.

The bible was for a millennia only in greek or latin, and most people could not read at all.

yes------I understand that. I tried to read Chaucer---HOPELESS and I understand that MOST
muslims are completely unable to read the Koran-----they depend on their "scholars"

There are now legal translations in some 114 languages for muslims elsewhere to read select verses and more than 45 for the complete quran, but prayers are still in arabic.

I grew up with syriac, french and latin services when I went to church with my father or grandmother. Even greek and armenian when we were invited to wedding or funerals.

Every group has their own language
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When appropriation goes wrong:

..The Qur’an has a Samaritan making the golden calf, which was worshipped by the Israelites in the wilderness (Ta Ha 20:85) during the Exodus. In fact it was Aaron (Exodus 34:1-6). The Samaritans did not exist until several centuries later. They were descendants of the northern Israelites centuries after the Exodus....

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa
When appropriation goes wrong:

..The Qur’an has a Samaritan making the golden calf, which was worshipped by the Israelites in the wilderness (Ta Ha 20:85) during the Exodus. In fact it was Aaron (Exodus 34:1-6). The Samaritans did not exist until several centuries later. They were descendants of the northern Israelites centuries after the Exodus....

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa


"Samiri" is the one to lead the Israelites to fashion the golden calf in Moses

Please, if you want to quote the quran, use a quran not some anti muslim web site.

If you don't know, ask

>>There was an Egyptian magician named As-Samiri, who along with many other non-Jews had left Egypt with the Jewish people. As-Samiri started telling people that they should make an image of a God to lead them, since no one knew what had happened to that old man Moses. Actually, As-Samiri and a few of his friends had already asked Moses to make an image of a god to lead them, not long after the Children of Israel had safely crossed the sea of Reeds. As-Samiri said, “Oh Moses, make for us a god just as other people have gods”. Moses replied, “You are indeed people given to ignorance... shall I seek a god for you other than the one God, when He has exalted you above all other people.” With these words Moses had silenced As-Samiri, but now with Moses missing, As-Samiri started urging the Children of Israel to force Prophet Aaron, the brother of Moses, to make a statue of a god so they could be safe and secure.<< Rabbi Allen S. Maller

When appropriation goes wrong:..The Qur’an has a Samaritan making the golden calf, which was worshipped by the Israelites in the wilderness (Ta Ha 20:85) during the Exodus. In fact it was Aaron (Exodus 34:1-6). The Samaritans did not exist until several centuries later. They were descendants of the northern Israelites centuries after the Exodus....
Another failure from the anti-muslim hate site that you frequent Tilly. .... :cuckoo:

The Quran verse you quote to back up your nonsense claim, refers to a man who's name is "Samiri".....not the Samaritan people. .... :cool:

Samiri (Islamic figure) - Wikipedia
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Tilly, judging by your ill informed comments, and the nonsense sites you have posted on this thread as evidence.

It's obvious that you have never read the Quran, nor do you have the slightest inkling of its theological and historical nuances in relationship to the O.T. and the N.T. ..... :cool:
The appropriation, gross distortions and blatant anachronistic revisionism of Christian and Jewish history are anything but 'nuanced', Sunni Man.

But, had mohammed not indulged , there would be no Islam to speak of and mohammed would have remained a brutal desert bandit.
Pity he didn't have any originality instead of plagiarising from the bible. But then what's a caravan robber to do? Pity he couldn't read too, then maybe he wouldn't have made so many errors.
Errors like this one:

...Mariam the mother of ‘Isa is called a sister of Aaron, and also the daughter of Aaron’s father ‘Imran (Hebr. Amram). Clearly Muhammad has confused Mary (Hebr. Miriam) with Miriam of the Exodus. The two lived more than a thousand years apart!...

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

Tilly------I was no scholar of religion when I read the Koran. The book fell into my
hands from a bunch of cartons of discards dumped as a donation at the hospital
in which I worked. The hospital would send a thank you note and burn them----
the books were ---FREEBIES for me-----no one else wanted them (don't tell
anyone)--- PICTHAL I had read the Bhagavad Gita Ramayana, OT ,
NT, POWER of Positive thinking, LOLITA , etc etc----so why not this
thing called KORAN? I was a naïve kid---no religious education except
random UNDIRECTED casual reading. I found the Koran SUCH A MESS
of confused misrepresentations of bible stories that I CONCLUDED that
my copy was a MISPRINT <<<< true story

The language in the quran does not translate word for word well unless you understand the form of the language at the time. The way they spoke and wrote the language, not quite the same thing.

Think of a rapper or Caribbean/Jamaican islander trying to read and quote Chaucer or Beowulf ..............."what the H--- are they talking about"

Arabs at the time would have understood either the written or the spoken, if no both at the time. Technically, the quran is not supposed to be read or recited in any language but the western quraysh dialect.
Arabic, like latin for catholics till last century, is the language of Islam.

The bible was for a millennia only in greek or latin, and most people could not read at all.

yes------I understand that. I tried to read Chaucer---HOPELESS and I understand that MOST
muslims are completely unable to read the Koran-----they depend on their "scholars"

There are now legal translations in some 114 languages for muslims elsewhere to read select verses and more than 45 for the complete quran, but prayers are still in arabic.

I grew up with syriac, french and latin services when I went to church with my father or grandmother. Even greek and armenian when we were invited to wedding or funerals.

Every group has their own language

gee-----the Koran is now "officially" translated into 114 languages-----I AM OLD----back in
my youth muslims I knew never read the Koran------even Pakistanis because there was
no translation into URDU-------I gave my English Pickthall to a Pakistani surgeon-----I would
be EXTREMELY surprised if he ever READ IT.
When appropriation goes wrong:..The Qur’an has a Samaritan making the golden calf, which was worshipped by the Israelites in the wilderness (Ta Ha 20:85) during the Exodus. In fact it was Aaron (Exodus 34:1-6). The Samaritans did not exist until several centuries later. They were descendants of the northern Israelites centuries after the Exodus....
Another failure from the anti-muslim hate site that you frequent Tilly. .... :cuckoo:

The Quran verse you quote to back up your nonsense claim, refers to a man who's name is "Samiri.....not the Samaritan people. .... :cool:

Samiri (Islamic figure) - Wikipedia

who is samiri? what is his Hebrew name?

...The Qur’an mentions the Holy Spirit in connection with Jesus, using phrases which come from the gospels. Ibn Ishaq (Life of Muhammad) reports Muhammad as saying that this ‘Spirit’ was the angel Gabriel (cf also An-Nahl 16:102, Al-Baqarah 2:97). However the Biblical phrase ‘Spirit of God’ (Ruach Elohim) or ‘Holy Spirit’ can only be understood in light of the Hebrew scriptures. It certainly does not refer to an angel....

The Muslim Jesus, known as ‘Isa

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