If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

This is actually dead wrong..
No pre-contact sub-Saharan African society ever created even a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or any social organization, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or infrastructure of any kind.

They never drilled a well or irrigated or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago. Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures. 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African (Haiti). There has never been a successful Black nation. The only successful African nations were White-governed (Rhodesia, South Africa). No modern creations or civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not brought there by Whites. There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are. Put Whites on an island and you get England; put Asians on an island and you get Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti. Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. Blacks are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society. Simply, life is an IQ test. All Black civilization is in fact transplanted White civilization. No Black society has ever independently developed and maintained its own technological way of life..

OK, have you said what you want?

Because all of this is wrong.

Thank you for your participation.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

This is actually dead wrong..
No pre-contact sub-Saharan African society ever created even a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or any social organization, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or infrastructure of any kind.

They never drilled a well or irrigated or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago. Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures. 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African (Haiti). There has never been a successful Black nation. The only successful African nations were White-governed (Rhodesia, South Africa). No modern creations or civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not brought there by Whites. There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are. Put Whites on an island and you get England; put Asians on an island and you get Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti. Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. Blacks are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society. Simply, life is an IQ test. All Black civilization is in fact transplanted White civilization. No Black society has ever independently developed and maintained its own technological way of life..

OK, have you said what you want?

Because all of this is wrong.

Thank you for your participation.

If its 'wrong' then you should've posted a refutation instead of this tepid bit of empty arrogance...essentially none of it is wrong, and more to the point in follows a pattern right up to the present...thanks you for your awkward denial...
When people become obsessed with genetics, racial purity and superiority...and judge people on that basis, I get this awful feeling of dejas vous.

It is repulsive.

Well, considering that a cause of racism is Oxytocin, the love hormone, which also causes cuddles, love, generosity, honesty, and which low levels are found in Sociopathy, Psychopathy, and Schizophrenia.

Considering that the Amygdala causes hierarchy, Conservatism, and racial disdain, and that a weaker Amygdala is linked to also Sociopathy, Psychopathy, and Schizophrenia.

Then you tell me who's the bad people?

you got a link to the connection between OXYTOCIN and
racism?. What means "a weaker amygdala"? how does one measure the "strength" of the amygdala? Are you referring to ACTIVITY on fMRI?

The 'Love Hormone' Can Make You Hate: Study
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Majority of Black americans are brown you dummy. The Egyptians look just like us except most of the time they are darker.



Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

Good grief you idiot---the Arabs ARE Semites...by contrast the vast majority of Israeli Jews are not...they are the offspring of Khazar-converts to Judaism...Turks...Mongols...Russians...Eastern European parasites and thieves!!!
Some of them were clearly mixed. Hell I'm mixed but I am still Black though. Now again I ask why are they predominantly portrayed as Black? Are you going to avoid my question forever?

You must need glasses if you think Egyptians predominantly portrayed themselves as Black.

Majority of these look brown, much like modern Egyptians.

Egyptian Art - Google Search
Majority of Black americans are brown you dummy. The Egyptians look just like us except most of the time they are darker.



Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?
No they were never white. Shem or Chem even means dark.. Gert Muller can educate you on that fact.

The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs by Gert Muller and Anu M'Bantu (2013, Paperback) | eBay
You must need glasses if you think Egyptians predominantly portrayed themselves as Black.

Majority of these look brown, much like modern Egyptians.

Egyptian Art - Google Search
Majority of Black americans are brown you dummy. The Egyptians look just like us except most of the time they are darker.



Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
When the smart Jewish slaves left with Moses, they had to bring inferiors from the south.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

This is actually dead wrong..
No pre-contact sub-Saharan African society ever created even a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or any social organization, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or infrastructure of any kind.

They never drilled a well or irrigated or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago. Blacks are the oldest race, so they should be the most advanced — but they never advanced at all. Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures. 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African (Haiti). There has never been a successful Black nation. The only successful African nations were White-governed (Rhodesia, South Africa). No modern creations or civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not brought there by Whites. There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are. Put Whites on an island and you get England; put Asians on an island and you get Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti. Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. Blacks are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society. Simply, life is an IQ test. All Black civilization is in fact transplanted White civilization. No Black society has ever independently developed and maintained its own technological way of life..
Who told you it was wrong? Multiple sources point to the fact that Blacks created civilizations long before whites became self aware and stopped living in caves. How do you think the Nile got diverted? How about the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Pyramids in Nubia?
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?
No youre talking about the mixed so called Arabs. These are the same arabs that enslaved whites in europe for sexual pleasure. The first Arabs were Black people.
Majority of Black americans are brown you dummy. The Egyptians look just like us except most of the time they are darker.



Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
When the smart Jewish slaves left with Moses, they had to bring inferiors from the south.
Thats just a story. There is no proof the Black Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. There is no proof anyone wandered the desert for 40 years either.
Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?
No they were never white. Shem or Chem even means dark.. Gert Muller can educate you on that fact.

The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs by Gert Muller and Anu M'Bantu (2013, Paperback) | eBay
Gert Muller!? THE Gert Muller? Like... The same Gert Muller that brought us such classics as...



That Gert Muller? :laugh2:
white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?
No they were never white. Shem or Chem even means dark.. Gert Muller can educate you on that fact.

The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs by Gert Muller and Anu M'Bantu (2013, Paperback) | eBay
Gert Muller!? THE Get Muller? Like... The same Gert Muller that brought us such classics as. View attachment 155782

And... View attachment 155783
And... View attachment 155784

That Gert Muller? :laugh2:
Yes that Gert Muller. Kinda puts a fly in your white ointment doesnt he? I bet about right now your searching your little recessive DNA best to find something to discredit him huh? :laugh:
Last edited:
Aren't those Nubians?
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
When the smart Jewish slaves left with Moses, they had to bring inferiors from the south.
Thats just a story. There is no proof the Black Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. There is no proof anyone wandered the desert for 40 years either.
We're friends now, right? So, some jungle bunny civilization stories, OK? :)
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
When the smart Jewish slaves left with Moses, they had to bring inferiors from the south.
Thats just a story. There is no proof the Black Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. There is no proof anyone wandered the desert for 40 years either.
We're friends now, right? So, some jungle bunny civilization stories, OK? :)
I dont associate with inferior people. You cant be my friend. Dont beg either. :laugh:
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

Good grief you idiot---the Arabs ARE Semites...by contrast the vast majority of Israeli Jews are not...they are the offspring of Khazar-converts to Judaism...Turks...Mongols...Russians...Eastern European parasites and thieves!!!

I said just that Semitic Arabs, I made no such mention about Jews what so ever, but you did.

Jews are hardly Eastern Europeans, they're Mediterraneans, because they're mostly a mix of Semitic, and Italian.
Egypt conquered Nubia.
Nubia conquered Egypt as well. Thats like saying me and my brother got into a fight and one of us won.
When the smart Jewish slaves left with Moses, they had to bring inferiors from the south.
Thats just a story. There is no proof the Black Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. There is no proof anyone wandered the desert for 40 years either.
We're friends now, right? So, some jungle bunny civilization stories, OK? :)
I dont associate with inferior people. You cant be my friend. Dont beg either. :laugh:
No jungle-bunny civilization stories?? Come on, at least one. Maybe about the sub-Saharan codexes that no one's ever seen in the genuine jungle-bunny alphabet?
another BLACK CENTRIC NUT-----who has no notion of the
issue of POPULATION GENETICS--------human beans is one
species--------"race" is a false designation invented by ego centric nuts who seek "IDENTITY"

Yeah and that's exactly what we are talking about is how whites have determined race and identity.

But white centric deniers do is exactly what we see in the quote.

white centrics do the same thing that black centrics do. ----
from the standpoint of BIOLOGY------both are worthless.
A person of any group, or creed or nation or "race" can learn

I know all about biology irosie. You are just stupidly assigning the same motivations to separate people with separate reasons for doing what they are doing.

Racial differences do exist
Could be since they ruled Egypt as well.

Egypt conquered Nubia.

not exactly-----Egyptians and Nubians were "interacting"
for millennia--------where there is "interaction" between
human beans-------there results HYBRID human beans

Drop the colorblind racism. You can't understand it is whites who created the concept of race. What we are doing is defending the reality that blacks existed in places like Egypt and that blacks actually did have advanced civilizations or at least civilizations equal to any white one.

Actually the Semitic Arabs had formulated many concepts of race before Whites had.

the semitic arabs are racially WHITE-----mostly------"arabs" ---being the early slave traders-----who harvested most of the slaves they traded from among subsaharans-----are extensively "mixed" with "blacks. In general---your sentence makes no sense. Semitic ARABS did not have an alphabet until about 300 AD and did not leave records----thus WHAT DA HELL are you mumbling about?

Arabs aren't White people, but unfortunately are Caucasoid.

What difference would it make that Arabs came up with a alphabet in 300 AD, or not?

The concept of race was largely formulated much later, considering much of Sub-Saharan Africa was unexplored at 300 AD.

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