if not evolution

another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
yes--I know--the answers to cover everything!!!---man's ''fall'', free will, ''it's god's plan''.......etc ...the answers for all evolutionist ...

ie::man's wisdom teeth, impacted teeth , etc sure does seem to go with the evolution hypothesis that man's jaw got smaller, etc which effected the teeth, etc....
humans and monkeys, etc have the same skeletal forms......was this a joke from god?
Truthfully, I don't believe in creationism or evolution. I don't know what happened, but both theories have major questions.

thanks for all replies
creationism is not a theory--but a belief, yes?
Both Intelligent Design and Evolution are both theories and beliefs.
but evolution has a ''complex'', scientific, etc base---fossils/DNA/etc---even if you don't think these thing disprove evolution..
creationist just say ''god did it''

the critical aspect is if you think the earth is as old as evolutionists say----that would definitely point to evolution
I'll say it again---creationists do not make sense if all they have to say is ''it's god's plan/the fall of man-Sin etc because the human body is not perfect...humans are not perfect
we have fossils of dinosaurs/etc---god just made the dinosaurs for scientists to have fun with?

why is the human body imperfect? and you can't just say it's god's plan/sin
I asked a very religious person that if Adam and Eve's kids had kids, etc --wasn't that incest?
the answer:: not back then it wasn't !!!!!!!!!!!!

this is another aspect---only god could populate the earth from ONE man and woman--because this is impossible without god
so there could not have been disease, starvation, etc with Adam and Eve--so we have a totally different world with Adam and Eve, yes?? this doesn't make sense
The answer you are seeking is things are the way they are to propel consciousness to the next rung in the anthropological ladder.
another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
Are you arguing that since man is not perfect there can be no God? Why?
no, I'm saying that it would not make sense for god to make man with the many physical problems man has by creation and not evolution
--not to mention the mental ones

why do we have problems with wisdom teeth? if not evolution, then why?
conjoined babies!! ?
The answer you are seeking is things are the way they are to propel consciousness to the next rung in the anthropological ladder.
humans have no idea how god or ''godness''/etc works ..it's beyond our comprehension
the beginning of the universe is beyond our little minds
but the human body is not
fossils are not
I asked a very religious person that if Adam and Eve's kids had kids, etc --wasn't that incest?
the answer:: not back then it wasn't !!!!!!!!!!!!

this is another aspect---only god could populate the earth from ONE man and woman--because this is impossible without god
so there could not have been disease, starvation, etc with Adam and Eve--so we have a totally different world with Adam and Eve, yes?? this doesn't make sense
Adam and Eve, as well as several generations of their children were just about genetically perfect. They did not have recessive genes, which are the reason we don't marry our siblings anymore. And you would also have the same problem of inbreeding with evolution. After all, you guys believe we all evolved from a single one-celled critter.
another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
Are you arguing that since man is not perfect there can be no God? Why?
no, I'm saying that it would not make sense for god to make man with the many physical problems man has by creation and not evolution
--not to mention the mental ones

why do we have problems with wisdom teeth? if not evolution, then why?
conjoined babies!! ?
Many people do NOT have problems with their wisdom teeth. I didn't.
another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
Are you arguing that since man is not perfect there can be no God? Why?
no, I'm saying that it would not make sense for god to make man with the many physical problems man has by creation and not evolution
--not to mention the mental ones

why do we have problems with wisdom teeth? if not evolution, then why?
conjoined babies!! ?
You might want to ask yourself why we have two sets of teeth? Our baby teeth, and our adult teeth. How do evolutionists explain that one? And why can't we grow new teeth after we get our adult teeth? You'd think evolution would have came up with a solution to that problem after all these billions of years.
another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
Are you arguing that since man is not perfect there can be no God? Why?
no, I'm saying that it would not make sense for god to make man with the many physical problems man has by creation and not evolution
--not to mention the mental ones

why do we have problems with wisdom teeth? if not evolution, then why?
conjoined babies!! ?
You might want to ask yourself why we have two sets of teeth? Our baby teeth, and our adult teeth. How do evolutionists explain that one? And why can't we grow new teeth after we get our adult teeth? You'd think evolution would have came up with a solution to that problem after all these billions of years.
what's creationists' answer to impacted/wisdom teeth?
conjoined twins?
all the physical imperfections?
if you don't believe in evolution, then you must believe a fully formed man just appeared/etc?
is this correct?

Not “just appeared “ but created by God.
I'm not trying to be a jerk---but what actually happened?
a swirl of dust turned to man? man would've HAD to just appear--like a Star Trek energizer!! how else would be?
god did it with clay, piece by piece?
what is your idea/belief??
if you don't believe in evolution, then you must believe a fully formed man just appeared/etc?
is this correct?

Not “just appeared “ but created by God.
I'm not trying to be a jerk---but what actually happened?
a swirl of dust turned to man? man would've HAD to just appear--like a Star Trek energizer!! how else would be?
god did it with clay, piece by piece?
what is your idea/belief??

I’m not saying it’s my belief, I just knew the answer to your question.
another aspect is if god created man, why is the human body so imperfect?
Are you arguing that since man is not perfect there can be no God? Why?
no, I'm saying that it would not make sense for god to make man with the many physical problems man has by creation and not evolution
--not to mention the mental ones

why do we have problems with wisdom teeth? if not evolution, then why?
conjoined babies!! ?
Why not?

How do you know that getting to experience the full spectrum doesn't make us better people?

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