If Obama could run for a third term, would he win?

His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.
He could also be physically arrested and perp walked out of the homo billboard house too if he tried it.

Only if the inmates take over the asylum. Crazies would love to do just that, but they're crazy.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
Stop apologizing for Obama's failures. Obama and his lefty minions think apologizing for mediocrity is a valid policy.

It's still funny he thinks he's a good president. Even if we give him his customary affirmative action points, he is still a failure. Worse than that, his actions will cost America in the long run. My legacy is safely ensconced in the Czech Republic, but future Americans will pay dearly, whether it be in race relations or economic malaise.

No apology involved. Just statement of fact. The right decided to oppose him at every step before he was sworn in, and have continued that tactic since. Disgusting traitorous jerks. Please leave my country soon.
What PLANET have you been on, zipper head?

The RINO's in congress and SCOTUS have given the kenyan practically everything he ever wanted.

Get a fucking clue ignorant POS progtard commie rat prick.

Get the fuck otta my country.
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.
He could also be physically arrested and perp walked out of the homo billboard house too if he tried it.

Only if the inmates take over the asylum. Crazies would love to do just that, but they're crazy.
Oh absolutely... law enforcement or our military following our constitutional laws are **CRAZIES**.... pfft... my God... go stand back on your head in that barrel of BULL SHIT you live in... dumbass twit.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
Stop apologizing for Obama's failures. Obama and his lefty minions think apologizing for mediocrity is a valid policy.

It's still funny he thinks he's a good president. Even if we give him his customary affirmative action points, he is still a failure. Worse than that, his actions will cost America in the long run. My legacy is safely ensconced in the Czech Republic, but future Americans will pay dearly, whether it be in race relations or economic malaise.

No apology involved. Just statement of fact. The right decided to oppose him at every step before he was sworn in, and have continued that tactic since. Disgusting traitorous jerks. Please leave my country soon.
I am not in my country idiot, nor in yours.

Apologizing and finding excuses for failure is not going to fly. It really is that simple. The presidency should not be a venue for affirmative action.
I think liberals are totally delusional if they think obama could win a third term. His approval rating is a made up number. The poll bots make polling obsolete.

This has been discussed with every president well except carter lol.
% Approve % Disapprove
07/25-27/2015 44% 50%

Looks like the 50% is disapproval not approval. Losers.
It depends, Deany:

1. Would Obama be responsible for ANYTHING that happened in his second term, or would he still blame Bush?
2. How many of our 57 states would Obama win?
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
Stop apologizing for Obama's failures. Obama and his lefty minions think apologizing for mediocrity is a valid policy.

It's still funny he thinks he's a good president. Even if we give him his customary affirmative action points, he is still a failure. Worse than that, his actions will cost America in the long run. My legacy is safely ensconced in the Czech Republic, but future Americans will pay dearly, whether it be in race relations or economic malaise.

No apology involved. Just statement of fact. The right decided to oppose him at every step before he was sworn in, and have continued that tactic since. Disgusting traitorous jerks. Please leave my country soon.
I am not in my country idiot, nor in yours.

Apologizing and finding excuses for failure is not going to fly. It really is that simple. The presidency should not be a venue for affirmative action.

How was it a venue for affirmative action?

I guess people forget that the republicans put up the best they had running and lost. All according t the same rules and by-laws that have selected everyone of our previous presidents. This was done twice!!

No affirmative action clause was introduced into our constitution. You are upset because the conservatives lost fair and square. Get over it.
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.

Rderp.. he hasn't done shit but give us $10,000,000,000,000 new debt and record unemployment and now a nuclear Iran.
You could say Barry Hussein's approval rating is "near 50%" or to put it another way his approval rating is "under 50% even after 7 years of non stop propaganda. Judging by the republican landslide last Fall (which the radical left conveniently forgets) which was as much a referendum against Hussein's policies, he couldn't get elected dog catcher.
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.

Rderp.. he hasn't done shit but give us $10,000,000,000,000 new debt and record unemployment and now a nuclear Iran.
Not so damn fast.

He gave us Obamacare
He gave us racial strife
He gave two cops a free beer
He gave Michael Brown a proper funeral
He gave an inexperienced woman a high level job
He gave g5000 cover for his conservative.....oh wait
He gave rderp a boner
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.
He could also be physically arrested and perp walked out of the homo billboard house too if he tried it.

Only if the inmates take over the asylum. Crazies would love to do just that, but they're crazy.
Oh absolutely... law enforcement or our military following our constitutional laws are **CRAZIES**.... pfft... my God... go stand back on your head in that barrel of BULL SHIT you live in... dumbass twit.
Poor Pole Rider...one of those whose head :blowup: over the thought that President....that's right...PRESIDENT Obama is still popular enough to get re-elected after 7 years of RW slander and smears. :lol:

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