If Obama could run for a third term, would he win?

If he could, he'd have a decent shot, at least 50-50.. Amazing, I know...
Even postulating such a notion is testament to how deluded and twisted are the minds of the the sick Liberal. :slap:
Considering who is running currently, I think reelecting Obama to a third term might just be a blessing, to both sides...
Thanks for proving my point, Brotchess. :slap:
If the question was put to a vote, four more years of Obama or living though the next 15 months of this nonstop election bullshit, Obama could probably pull 65%...
The delusion runs deep in you, young Padawan. :slap:
Decades of watching Americans politics, and a sense of humor, runs deep in me. Americans should be ashamed of our election process, it is absolutely shameful...
Ain't it funny how much time libbies spend JONESING for a fucking dictatorship,
If you really want to get shit done, a benevolent dictatorship is the way to go. Sometimes a strongman is the only option. Not here, not now, but human history is full of them, some not so bad. They do, for better or worse, tend to get shit done...
Considering who is running currently, I think reelecting Obama to a third term might just be a blessing, to both sides...
Thanks for proving my point, Brotchess. :slap:
If the question was put to a vote, four more years of Obama or living though the next 15 months of this nonstop election bullshit, Obama could probably pull 65%...

That's too bad, because the next 15 months of election bullshit is inevitable.
It is too bad, truly, and it's the last thing the country needs. There is shit to be done and this isn't helping...

It is precisely what we need.
I wish that were true, but it isn't. Nothing comes of our elections, except hard feelings and an eventual winner, who stars not with hope but a profound anchor of bitterness from nearly half the nation. Watch a few videos of people crying, men included, when Romney lost. That is how bad it is and that, considering their hands are mostly tied, is far too much emotion for what matters very little in the end regardless of who wins...
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.

This guys narcissism is relentless. He crows about what a great president he is in another effort to burnish his legacy. Much as with John Stewart when he bald faced lied about the IRS on national TV to try and rewrite history. John lost a whole bunch of credibility points for letting that one go by. Obama truly is a classless act.
I bet Obama laughs himself to sleep at night dreaming of angry Republicans screaming at the top of their lungs throwing spittle everywhere at the very thought he might run again.
Obama asked African leaders to respect presidential term limits it's not likely he would come back and try for a third term under those circumstances.
It would be a violation of the US Constitution and as such would constitute 'high crimes and misdemeanors' - both impeach-able and convict-able... ain't gonna happen.
Yes, we are all aware of that...
Understood in advance. Somebody had to restate the obvious. I drew the short straw, but chalked it up as a public service message.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
If he could run, he'd probably win.

But he can't, and won't, and probably doesn't even want to.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!
I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.

Bill didn't put it there in the first place.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
This is all hypothetical and hand waving so I'll say it.

Obama would run relatively unchallenged in the Dem primary
The Republican will select another disconnected stiff

(Of course not Trump. He is not a stiff and he is connected to the financial realities of this country. Those are his strong points. However, Trump is too much of a good thing for the GOP base!!)

Obama would beat the Republican like he beat Mittens.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
Stop apologizing for Obama's failures. Obama and his lefty minions think apologizing for mediocrity is a valid policy.

It's still funny he thinks he's a good president. Even if we give him his customary affirmative action points, he is still a failure. Worse than that, his actions will cost America in the long run. My legacy is safely ensconced in the Czech Republic, but future Americans will pay dearly, whether it be in race relations or economic malaise.
There are no GOP'ers in the current herd of wannabees who could beat him.

The easiest to beat would be Trump, and the rest of the Republicans can't even beat him, lol.
If he could run for a third term, I think he would have a really good shot at it. If there could be a third term, though, I would want Bill Clinton back. I'd pitch in a few bucks to get him a blowjob when ever he wanted it if he could get our country back where it was before shrub trashed it.
I thought getting the country back to where it was was Obama's job.

Obviously, you believe he failed and he has. Obama thinks he is a good president too!

Now that's funny!

No. It's not back to where it was when Clinton was president, but Shrub trashed it pretty bad before he left, and repairs take time even if right wingers were interested in helping. Their opposition every step of the way drastically slowed what could have happened. It's a shame that they care more about opposing Obama than they do about the country.
Stop apologizing for Obama's failures. Obama and his lefty minions think apologizing for mediocrity is a valid policy.

It's still funny he thinks he's a good president. Even if we give him his customary affirmative action points, he is still a failure. Worse than that, his actions will cost America in the long run. My legacy is safely ensconced in the Czech Republic, but future Americans will pay dearly, whether it be in race relations or economic malaise.

No apology involved. Just statement of fact. The right decided to oppose him at every step before he was sworn in, and have continued that tactic since. Disgusting traitorous jerks. Please leave my country soon.
This country is filled with so many retarded people that he could get voted in again is certainly possible.
His approval rating is near 50% near the end of his second term. He's cleaned up a lot of GOP mess. I think he would win.
He could also be physically arrested and perp walked out of the homo billboard house too if he tried it.

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