If oil supply has nothing to with the price, then why?????

Uh, worldwide demand is up because of China and India.

Drilling permits doesn't mean gas in your tank.....uh, it needs to be drilled then refined, moron. Drilling takes time, it isn't overnight.

You idiots on the left 10-20 years ago said drilling today won't help supply but then when it is 10-20 years after that, you say it again. If you don't drill enough to meet worldwide demand, then you are chasing your tail for decades.

Deep down your handlers on top in DC are ok with the gas prices going up since they want you to trash your SUV for a Volt or walk, or ride a bike, etc. Their plan is in place and you idiots are following it.

Dickhead, it would be worse if not for the drilling on Federal lands put in place by.....B U S H.

As for the rest of your bullshit, private oil drilling is up despite Obamination because they are "trying" to meet INCREASED demand worldwide. Uh, more people are driving cars today than when Bush was in office, Cleatus...I mean Dickhead.

If Obamination could stop the drilling for oil on private land like he wants, then it would be worse. His call to remove Federal subsidies for oil drilling prospects is that strategy, make it expensive to drill for oil anywhere in the US.....dickhead.

The real idiots are those who fail to understand that oil production has been up every year since Obama was elected, and went down most years that Bush was in office.

BTW, normal people seem to like the idea of green cars. One other fact you miss is that conservation has also drove down US demand every year that Obama's been in office. I even see that the Volt plants are going to reopen a few weeks early, due to exceptional demand.

US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.
Dickhead, it would be worse if not for the drilling on Federal lands put in place by.....B U S H.

As for the rest of your bullshit, private oil drilling is up despite Obamination because they are "trying" to meet INCREASED demand worldwide. Uh, more people are driving cars today than when Bush was in office, Cleatus...I mean Dickhead.

If Obamination could stop the drilling for oil on private land like he wants, then it would be worse. His call to remove Federal subsidies for oil drilling prospects is that strategy, make it expensive to drill for oil anywhere in the US.....dickhead.

The real idiots are those who fail to understand that oil production has been up every year since Obama was elected, and went down most years that Bush was in office.

BTW, normal people seem to like the idea of green cars. One other fact you miss is that conservation has also drove down US demand every year that Obama's been in office. I even see that the Volt plants are going to reopen a few weeks early, due to exceptional demand.

US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.

You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?
It's clear you have brain damage wanting to compare oil prices under Bush to Obamination.

Bush opened up drilling on Federal lands, Obamination has stopped or slowed the process once he got into office.....but goes on TV claiming victory for what Bush did for drilling on Federal lands.

Obamination did the same thing with Iraq claiming victory over the outcome and drawdown....that was in place before he got into office.

Pretty much he knows he has dumbfucks like you out there that will believe his bullshit lies, becuase his (Uhhhhh) teleprompter told him so.

You really are a simpleton. The fact is drilling on the People's Property has been going down. All Bush did was sell the rights to companies that have an interest in keeping prices high. It's the companies who chose not to drill on public lands, and instead increase it on private land. How can you lie like this?

When you compare US Oil Companies to those of the Middle East, we are pretty insignificant. Shale Oil is a whole new ball game.

As is Oil Sands?
You really are a simpleton. The fact is drilling on the People's Property has been going down. All Bush did was sell the rights to companies that have an interest in keeping prices high. It's the companies who chose not to drill on public lands, and instead increase it on private land. How can you lie like this?

When you compare US Oil Companies to those of the Middle East, we are pretty insignificant. Shale Oil is a whole new ball game.

As is Oil Sands?

Yes, if we let it.
You really are a simpleton. The fact is drilling on the People's Property has been going down. All Bush did was sell the rights to companies that have an interest in keeping prices high. It's the companies who chose not to drill on public lands, and instead increase it on private land. How can you lie like this?

When you compare US Oil Companies to those of the Middle East, we are pretty insignificant. Shale Oil is a whole new ball game.

As is Oil Sands?

Highly corrosive and toxic materials that Canada, and multinational oil companies, want to send across our food belt, to the Gulf. Why the gulf? It isn't so much as their refining capacity is it is the sea ports, for the export market.
Lots of things factor into the price of oil. Supply, demand, profit motives, wages, r&d, taxes, etc.

But what Republicans don't want to talk about is the fact that Wallstreet Oil Speculators who have nothing to do with producing oil are costing each economy car owner an extra $12 every fill up. SUV owners $20. FACT.
Dickhead, it would be worse if not for the drilling on Federal lands put in place by.....B U S H.

As for the rest of your bullshit, private oil drilling is up despite Obamination because they are "trying" to meet INCREASED demand worldwide. Uh, more people are driving cars today than when Bush was in office, Cleatus...I mean Dickhead.

If Obamination could stop the drilling for oil on private land like he wants, then it would be worse. His call to remove Federal subsidies for oil drilling prospects is that strategy, make it expensive to drill for oil anywhere in the US.....dickhead.

US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.

You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?

Does he know what product was exported?
Does he have any idea if the permits are in locales that have oil?
Does he know how they will delivar the product at those locales?

Oil is used for 1000s of items other than fuel, and only a certain type can be used as fuel
Lots of things factor into the price of oil. Supply, demand, profit motives, wages, r&d, taxes, etc.

But what Republicans don't want to talk about is the fact that Wallstreet Oil Speculators who have nothing to do with producing oil are costing each economy car owner an extra $12 every fill up. SUV owners $20. FACT.

Facts need links on this board
like this one
Oil slumps on Goldman warning, demand fears | Reuters
or this one
Goldman Says Commodities May Rally in 2012 as Brent Surges - Businessweek
ou Libs need to follow these markets
Like stocks world issues drive the open market, same as Oil, fuel
When you compare US Oil Companies to those of the Middle East, we are pretty insignificant. Shale Oil is a whole new ball game.

As is Oil Sands?

Highly corrosive and toxic materials that Canada, and multinational oil companies, want to send across our food belt, to the Gulf. Why the gulf? It isn't so much as their refining capacity is it is the sea ports, for the export market.

I do wonder about that. Why not refine it closer to the source. Even underground, if Temperature is a problem. Even Detoxify before Transport. There are always choices. It does not harm to know the options.
Lots of things factor into the price of oil. Supply, demand, profit motives, wages, r&d, taxes, etc.

But what Republicans don't want to talk about is the fact that Wallstreet Oil Speculators who have nothing to do with producing oil are costing each economy car owner an extra $12 every fill up. SUV owners $20. FACT.

I don't know about that. My question though is... It it only a concern for you when Private Industry or the Market Manipulate Oil Prices, and not when Government manipulates Oil Prices? Shouldn't it disturb you when Government Manipulates Fuel Prices? Even the obstruction of Modern Coal Technology. As your food, energy, and transportation costs rise, do you still want to deny Governments role in that?
As is Oil Sands?

Highly corrosive and toxic materials that Canada, and multinational oil companies, want to send across our food belt, to the Gulf. Why the gulf? It isn't so much as their refining capacity is it is the sea ports, for the export market.

I do wonder about that. Why not refine it closer to the source. Even underground, if Temperature is a problem. Even Detoxify before Transport. There are always choices. It does not harm to know the options.

The reason we do not refine closer to the product is permitting
Building a new refinary has to many stumbling blocks to over-come

There is some truth to it going to the gulf so it can be exported
But the whole story does not tell what grade and type of oil woud be exported

Oil has many uses, fuel is just 1

and whats wrong with exporting oil? Jobs are jobs
oil supply is a global Commodtiy, its price is driven by the US, in addition the rest of the world is part of that price

Jobs people, were talking jobs
Highly corrosive and toxic materials that Canada, and multinational oil companies, want to send across our food belt, to the Gulf. Why the gulf? It isn't so much as their refining capacity is it is the sea ports, for the export market.

I do wonder about that. Why not refine it closer to the source. Even underground, if Temperature is a problem. Even Detoxify before Transport. There are always choices. It does not harm to know the options.

The reason we do not refine closer to the product is permitting
Building a new refinary has to many stumbling blocks to over-come

There is some truth to it going to the gulf so it can be exported
But the whole story does not tell what grade and type of oil woud be exported

Oil has many uses, fuel is just 1

and whats wrong with exporting oil? Jobs are jobs
oil supply is a global Commodtiy, its price is driven by the US, in addition the rest of the world is part of that price

Jobs people, were talking jobs
I have no problem with oil exportation, when handed lemons, making lemonade is a good thing. The caustic properties of the oil does shorten the life expectancy of the pipe line, and put us more at risk of spills or leaks. I understand that Government's self appointed role of obstructing Refinery Development, is a burden we face.
Is Obama wanting to tap the oil reserve again?

I thought speculaters was the problem, not supply

No one claimed that supply doesn't play a part in gas prices.

What we said was that if you own an economy car, oil speculators are costing you an extra $13 at the pump and $20 if you own an SUV. And you defend them. :cuckoo:

And that's every time you fill up. They have nothing to do with oil but somehow are costing you $13-$20 every week. Sucker.
Last edited:
Dickhead, it would be worse if not for the drilling on Federal lands put in place by.....B U S H.

As for the rest of your bullshit, private oil drilling is up despite Obamination because they are "trying" to meet INCREASED demand worldwide. Uh, more people are driving cars today than when Bush was in office, Cleatus...I mean Dickhead.

If Obamination could stop the drilling for oil on private land like he wants, then it would be worse. His call to remove Federal subsidies for oil drilling prospects is that strategy, make it expensive to drill for oil anywhere in the US.....dickhead.

US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.

You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?

When US refiners are producing enough product to be able to export it, and domestic prices are still going up,

you tell us what's going on.
US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.

You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?

Does he know what product was exported?
Does he have any idea if the permits are in locales that have oil?
Does he know how they will delivar the product at those locales?

Oil is used for 1000s of items other than fuel, and only a certain type can be used as fuel

In a first, gas and other fuels are top US export - Yahoo! News

For the first time, the top export of the United States, the world's biggest gas guzzler, is — wait for it — fuel.

Measured in dollars, the nation is on pace this year to ship more gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel than any other single export, according to U.S. Census data going back to 1990. It will also be the first year in more than 60 that America has been a net exporter of these fuels.

— The volume of fuel exports is rising. The U.S. is using less fuel because of a weak economy and more efficient cars and trucks. That allows refiners to sell more fuel to rapidly growing economies in Latin America, for example. In 2011, U.S. refiners exported 117 million gallons per day of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other petroleum products, up from 40 million gallons per day a decade earlier.

There's at least one domestic downside to America's growing role as a fuel exporter. Experts say the trend helps explain why U.S. motorists are paying more for gasoline. The more fuel that's sent overseas, the less of a supply cushion there is at home.

Gasoline supplies are being exported to the highest bidder, says Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service. "It's a world market," he says.

Get it? Or do you need it said more slowly, in bigger font?
US refiners EXPORTED gas last year.

Oil drillers hold 6500 approved domestic drilling permits, on Federal lands, that they are not even using.

You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?

When US refiners are producing enough product to be able to export it, and domestic prices are still going up,

you tell us what's going on.

Tell me who sets the price and how? If we can export, and the Government makes money on that export, why would that be a problem for you? As reserves grow, and the market stabilizes, the price will come down. We will buy more domestically, and export less. We are heading to where Bush got into trouble with high gas, and doing nothing about it. We will soon reach the tipping point, again.Blowing everything we can beg, borrow, or steal, on risky alternative energies, is crippling us. It needs to stop, now. Learn to Invest in what is proven, not, pie in the sky. There is no reason to not be pushing clean burning natural gas, for transportation.
What's happening: Short term- War fears about Iran, speculators (thanks Pubs)- Long term: China, India, Brazil etc...
You might want to check into why before throwing stones. When we Export Refined Product, does the Government not benefit?

When US refiners are producing enough product to be able to export it, and domestic prices are still going up,

you tell us what's going on.

Tell me who sets the price and how? If we can export, and the Government makes money on that export, why would that be a problem for you? As reserves grow, and the market stabilizes, the price will come down. We will buy more domestically, and export less. We are heading to where Bush got into trouble with high gas, and doing nothing about it. We will soon reach the tipping point, again.Blowing everything we can beg, borrow, or steal, on risky alternative energies, is crippling us. It needs to stop, now. Learn to Invest in what is proven, not, pie in the sky. There is no reason to not be pushing clean burning natural gas, for transportation.

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