if only hillary was president...

Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.
Well look who he's gathered around him hon, same as it ever was. That's why you got Wall Street bailouts across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations despite 90% of the population being dead set against it.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.

How, precisely, does Goldman Sachs run the White House? Do they set the President's agenda? Do they attend state functions? Do they guide tours of the White House?

When you say Goldman Sachs, so you mean just that investment firm or a 'cabal' of like-minded investment firms? Do you imagine they have some sort of 'protocol' which guides this international conspiracy of bankers?

Your theory sounds very similar to another that briefly enjoyed popularity in Europe a few decades back. Is that where you get your inspiration?

Essentially what I am saying is that the economic system is completely detached from any representation of, by, or for "the people". It's pretty straight forward. The american economic system got rerigged beginning about a half century ago as a direct result of policies lobbied for, and at the behest of the "job creator" class. There indeed has been a vast redistribution of societal wealth, just not in the direction some blather on endlessly about. Ignore it all, fine with me, the longer we try to do that, the greater the perturbation to the power structurewill be when it erupts. As our declining empire leverages its military to economically colonize other lands, the violence will be brought home to quell any questioning here, it has already come home as we’ve seen with corporate for profit prisons and militarized police departments. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, even if that escapes you.
bill.... it could have been real nice, another 4 or eight years of obama's chicago...

what would hillary do ? who would she pick to surround her. what would she do about vladimir and kim jung 3

which generals would she pick, that very telling....

which generals would she pick, that very telling.... "

General Electric

General Motors

General Dynamics

General Hospital

General Mills
obama was ceo of gm for a short time ford never took bailout dough.
GM will never sell another vehicle to me. EVER
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.


Considering that before Trump stuffed his cabinet full of Goldman execs, he ran on populist wallstreet hate:

"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,"

Just another round of lies from Donald the king of swamp.
We would have wound up with a Golman Sachs white house either way, Hil sure wasn't going to show anyone of them a door. Obama, Bush, Clinton, .... they're always there.

All we elect is a personality to do the bidding of Wall Street, the "job creator" class, and multinational corporations who draft legislation in think tanks.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.


Considering that before Trump stuffed his cabinet full of Goldman execs, he ran on populist wallstreet hate:

"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,"

Just another round of lies from Donald the king of swamp.

Don't you just hate people like that? You know, like candidates who complain about the 1% in our country, and they are the 1%?

Renders partisanshitheadedness moot doesn't it.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.

How, precisely, does Goldman Sachs run the White House? Do they set the President's agenda? Do they attend state functions? Do they guide tours of the White House?

When you say Goldman Sachs, so you mean just that investment firm or a 'cabal' of like-minded investment firms? Do you imagine they have some sort of 'protocol' which guides this international conspiracy of bankers?

Your theory sounds very similar to another that briefly enjoyed popularity in Europe a few decades back. Is that where you get your inspiration?

Essentially what I am saying is that the economic system is completely detached from any representation of, by, or for "the people". It's pretty straight forward. The american economic system got rerigged beginning about a half century ago as a direct result of policies lobbied for, and at the behest of the "job creator" class. There indeed has been a vast redistribution of societal wealth, just not in the direction some blather on endlessly about. Ignore it all, fine with me, the longer we try to do that, the greater the perturbation to the power structurewill be when it erupts. As our declining empire leverages its military to economically colonize other lands, the violence will be brought home to quell any questioning here, it has already come home as we’ve seen with corporate for profit prisons and militarized police departments. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, even if that escapes you.

But, you still didn't answer the question. How, precisely, does the company Goldman Sachs run the White House?
bill.... it could have been real nice, another 4 or eight years of obama's chicago...

what would hillary do ? who would she pick to surround her. what would she do about vladimir and kim jung 3

which generals would she pick, that very telling....

which generals would she pick, that very telling.... "

General Electric

General Motors

General Dynamics

General Hospital

General Mills

Same as Don, funny how that always works out, Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
And fentoon, well fentoon just runs his mouth....
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.

How, precisely, does Goldman Sachs run the White House? Do they set the President's agenda? Do they attend state functions? Do they guide tours of the White House?

When you say Goldman Sachs, so you mean just that investment firm or a 'cabal' of like-minded investment firms? Do you imagine they have some sort of 'protocol' which guides this international conspiracy of bankers?

Your theory sounds very similar to another that briefly enjoyed popularity in Europe a few decades back. Is that where you get your inspiration?

Essentially what I am saying is that the economic system is completely detached from any representation of, by, or for "the people". It's pretty straight forward. The american economic system got rerigged beginning about a half century ago as a direct result of policies lobbied for, and at the behest of the "job creator" class. There indeed has been a vast redistribution of societal wealth, just not in the direction some blather on endlessly about. Ignore it all, fine with me, the longer we try to do that, the greater the perturbation to the power structurewill be when it erupts. As our declining empire leverages its military to economically colonize other lands, the violence will be brought home to quell any questioning here, it has already come home as we’ve seen with corporate for profit prisons and militarized police departments. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, even if that escapes you.

But, you still didn't answer the question. How, precisely, does the company Goldman Sachs run the White House?
You'll never get a straight answer from any of them.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.

How, precisely, does Goldman Sachs run the White House? Do they set the President's agenda? Do they attend state functions? Do they guide tours of the White House?

When you say Goldman Sachs, so you mean just that investment firm or a 'cabal' of like-minded investment firms? Do you imagine they have some sort of 'protocol' which guides this international conspiracy of bankers?

Your theory sounds very similar to another that briefly enjoyed popularity in Europe a few decades back. Is that where you get your inspiration?

Essentially what I am saying is that the economic system is completely detached from any representation of, by, or for "the people". It's pretty straight forward. The american economic system got rerigged beginning about a half century ago as a direct result of policies lobbied for, and at the behest of the "job creator" class. There indeed has been a vast redistribution of societal wealth, just not in the direction some blather on endlessly about. Ignore it all, fine with me, the longer we try to do that, the greater the perturbation to the power structurewill be when it erupts. As our declining empire leverages its military to economically colonize other lands, the violence will be brought home to quell any questioning here, it has already come home as we’ve seen with corporate for profit prisons and militarized police departments. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, even if that escapes you.

But, you still didn't answer the question. How, precisely, does the company Goldman Sachs run the White House?

How many Goldman Sachs higher ups have been in the last 5 administrations regardless of party? How many in this one? Shaping policy, you can't be this lost, really. Generals go into the "defense" contractor industry, same thing. Look, if you're really interested in this, go digging, your tv won't tell you. The influence of concentrated corporate wealth and power has more to do with everything than your vote or some semblance of “the will of the people”. If that’s foreign to you, you’ve very likely chosen the power structure's fiction as an organizing belief system and reality will have no bearing on anything for you.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.

How, precisely, does Goldman Sachs run the White House? Do they set the President's agenda? Do they attend state functions? Do they guide tours of the White House?

When you say Goldman Sachs, so you mean just that investment firm or a 'cabal' of like-minded investment firms? Do you imagine they have some sort of 'protocol' which guides this international conspiracy of bankers?

Your theory sounds very similar to another that briefly enjoyed popularity in Europe a few decades back. Is that where you get your inspiration?

Essentially what I am saying is that the economic system is completely detached from any representation of, by, or for "the people". It's pretty straight forward. The american economic system got rerigged beginning about a half century ago as a direct result of policies lobbied for, and at the behest of the "job creator" class. There indeed has been a vast redistribution of societal wealth, just not in the direction some blather on endlessly about. Ignore it all, fine with me, the longer we try to do that, the greater the perturbation to the power structurewill be when it erupts. As our declining empire leverages its military to economically colonize other lands, the violence will be brought home to quell any questioning here, it has already come home as we’ve seen with corporate for profit prisons and militarized police departments. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, even if that escapes you.

But, you still didn't answer the question. How, precisely, does the company Goldman Sachs run the White House?
You'll never get a straight answer from any of them.

What you will not get is latant militant homosexual and/or beastiality erotica mike.
How many Goldman Sachs higher ups have been in the last 5 administrations regardless of party?

How many ex-employees of Ford, or Boeing, or IBM have worked in the previous administrations? Would you prefer they hire ex-employees of Enron? Or Worldcom? The fact that the various administrations hire persons from successful companies is this a good thing and goes no further towards any explanation on how Goldman Sachs runs the White House.
What you will not get is latant militant homosexual and/or beastiality erotica mike.

Homophobia? Really? You've starting to sound like another poster who rants about how certain ethnicities control the world.
How many Goldman Sachs higher ups have been in the last 5 administrations regardless of party?

How many ex-employees of Ford, or Boeing, or IBM have worked in the previous administrations? Would you prefer they hire ex-employees of Enron? Or Worldcom? The fact that the various administrations hire persons from successful companies is this a good thing and goes no further towards any explanation on how Goldman Sachs runs the White House.
Tillerson is another good example.
How many Goldman Sachs higher ups have been in the last 5 administrations regardless of party?

How many ex-employees of Ford, or Boeing, or IBM have worked in the previous administrations? Would you prefer they hire ex-employees of Enron? Or Worldcom? The fact that the various administrations hire persons from successful companies is this a good thing and goes no further towards any explanation on how Goldman Sachs runs the White House.

Guess Don was full of shit about "the swamp", and "successful" substantial people are "the people" in american society. Gee, wonder how all that shit happened to the middle/working/under class over the past half century.

Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied


Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’

Same as it ever was.
How many Goldman Sachs higher ups have been in the last 5 administrations regardless of party?

How many ex-employees of Ford, or Boeing, or IBM have worked in the previous administrations? Would you prefer they hire ex-employees of Enron? Or Worldcom? The fact that the various administrations hire persons from successful companies is this a good thing and goes no further towards any explanation on how Goldman Sachs runs the White House.

Guess Don was full of shit about "the swamp", and "successful" substantial people are "the people" in american society. Gee, wonder how all that shit happened to the middle/working/under class over the past half century.

Trump’s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied


Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’

Same as it ever was.

This is the last time I'll ask because it's obvious you have no answer. How, precisely, does the company Goldman Sachs control the White House and why do you think they do it more than every other company on the planet? Is it something in the NAME of this company causes you to believe they're part of an international conspiracy with some sort of protocols?

Now, feel free to post a plethora of unrelated links that no one will read.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.


Considering that before Trump stuffed his cabinet full of Goldman execs, he ran on populist wallstreet hate:

"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,"

Just another round of lies from Donald the king of swamp.

While much of what Trump said on the campaign strikes me as merely his being wrong and/or not knowing what he was talking about, that he's come to rely heavily on the ideas of a Goldman exec (or staffed his Administration with former Goldman execs and other principals) does indeed seem more like his having paltered than outright lied.

I'm aware that many people here don't make or appear to care about distinctions of that sort -- indeed, most don't appear to distinguish between being wrong and lying -- but I do, always. I do because, as much as I detest the fact that Trump is POTUS, I still have to fairly and accurately asset the circumstances of his remarks and deeds in order to arrive at sound conclusions about him and what he does. One must give the devil his due, even when all he's due is a small degree of consideration and distinction.
Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.
Well look who he's gathered around him hon, same as it ever was. That's why you got Wall Street bailouts across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations despite 90% of the population being dead set against it.
That's why you got Wall Street bailouts across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations despite 90% of the population being dead set against it.

That's your take on it, but it's not mine. I see the reason as being voters' refusal to elect new Congressional representatives. Sure the bailouts happened, but that doesn't mean people need to send the same representatives back to Congress so they can make similarly undesired (by the voters) decisions. Yet that's exactly what voters do.

Because voters have sent many of the same individuals back to Congress since the bailout decision, one has to ask just how "dead set against" that decision were/are voters? Voters' ballot choices give credence to a very strong case that their opposition to the bailout was just talk and not a sincere conviction they held and expected to see adhered to.

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