if only hillary was president...

Goldman Sachs runs the white house either way.
I can think of far worse people to have running the WH.

Though I can't say that Goldman is running the WH, I am fairly certain Trump is trying to build bridges with that group of bankers. I'm not surprised that he is, after all, he'd surely like not to have to resume his reliance on Russians closely aligned with Putin for financing his business pursuits.


Considering that before Trump stuffed his cabinet full of Goldman execs, he ran on populist wallstreet hate:

"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,"

Just another round of lies from Donald the king of swamp.
We would have wound up with a Golman Sachs white house either way, Hil sure wasn't going to show anyone of them a door. Obama, Bush, Clinton, .... they're always there.

All we elect is a personality to do the bidding of Wall Street, the "job creator" class, and multinational corporations who draft legislation in think tanks.
We would have wound up with a Golman Sachs white house either way,

If that situation were indeed inevitable, immutable, why even bother discussing it? There's no point in blathering about that which simply cannot be changed or done differently.
bill.... it could have been real nice, another 4 or eight years of obama's chicago...

what would hillary do ? who would she pick to surround her. what would she do about vladimir and kim jung 3

which generals would she pick, that very telling....
A few more months of Trump, and the world will be on fire and you and the rest of the nutters won't have time to obsess over the Clintons anymore.

/---- oh hush your mouth woman. Your hysterics are tiresome

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