If only men voted

More educated and successful adults tend to flock to cities.

And lower IQ people tend to vote republican.

Of course, I can just step back and let you demonstrate it.

Actually I voted Democrat for an embarrassingly long time.

Then you authoritarians showed your cards and locked down the economy while abetting "mostly peaceful" violent riots for months on end.

Only people left in the Democrat party are morons and grifters.

And I'll end it there, because last time I debated you it inevitably ended with irrational cries of "RACISM!" and "BIGOTRY!".

You people got nothing but labels and wrongthink.

Fuck off.
More educated and successful adults tend to flock to cities.

The map reflects this.
Huh? You’re saying families who move to the suburbs are dumb? You’re kidding right?

Look at

In MA and tell me how uneducated the residents are.
If you look at any organization or constituency that is mainly working-class white males, you will be looking at a massively pro-Trump group of humans.

NASCAR fans. Patrons at NFL games. Country music fans.

While I would never say that women are inferior, but they are often not logical, which impacts their voting patterns. Without women, the Democrat party would a fraction of what it is now.
And lower IQ people tend to vote republican.

Of course, I can just step back and let you demonstrate it.
Lower IQ people tend to vote Democrat. That's why they pray on children, non-English speakers, and the ignorant.

Only an idiot votes for socialism.

Matter of fact IQ isn't a measurement of education levels but is a measure of intellect.
take your own advice. Read a book instead of burning it. Either way you were trying to throw a shot at me (failed) and again, you believe what you posted.
I love to read. You on the other hand don't seem like the literature type.
If you look at any organization or constituency that is mainly working-class white males, you will be looking at a massively pro-Trump group of humans.

NASCAR fans. Patrons at NFL games. Country music fans.

While I would never say that women are inferior, but they are often not logical, which impacts their voting patterns. Without women, the Democrat party would a fraction of what it is now
I love to read. You on the other hand don't seem like the literature type.
You love to read what? Dr. Seuss
Women are more empathetic and emotional. Men are more logical and calculated. Makes sense to me.
Does empathy prevent logic? And would anyone want to be on the other end of the logical conclusions of a man operating without empathy? I'm not sure you thought this through. In fact it just seems like a statement made by someone who is simply emotionally immature.
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Not saying that should be the case at all but it’s still interesting. A lot of red out there. Interestingly where I live is still deep blue. MA is hopeless.
Well you’re pretty much saying that is the case.

I’m sure it would be convenient for rightwing male conservatives to get everything they want but thankfully women have agency over their own lives and future. What a concept!

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