If only men voted

Because they play physical sports against my daughters and it’s unfair you loser. Ever read about the Lia Thomas case?
Moron you don’t need to whine about these stupid anecdotal stories. Yeah I agree they shouldn’t compete against national born women. Hell a lot of trans people even agree with that believe it or not. Oh well. A lot of unfair shit happens in this life. You might as well focus on issues that actually matter. Hell, even if this sports thing wasn’t an issue, you would still be whining about them. You whine simply because you think they are gross or whatever. You never matured past the 8th grade so anything gross like that is automatically morally wrong I guess. You’re such a drama queen lol
Moron you don’t need to whine about these stupid anecdotal stories. Yeah I agree they shouldn’t compete against national born women. Hell a lot of trans people even agree with that believe it or not. Oh well. A lot of unfair shit happens in this life. You might as well focus on issues that actually matter. Hell, even if this sports thing wasn’t an issue, you would still be whining about them. You whine simply because you think they are gross or whatever. You never matured past the 8th grade so anything gross like that is automatically morally wrong I guess. You’re such a drama queen lol
You can be a tranny if you like. Tell you what, i'll even cut it off for you!

Moron you don’t need to whine about these stupid anecdotal stories. Yeah I agree they shouldn’t compete against national born women. Hell a lot of trans people even agree with that believe it or not. Oh well. A lot of unfair shit happens in this life. You might as well focus on issues that actually matter. Hell, even if this sports thing wasn’t an issue, you would still be whining about them. You whine simply because you think they are gross or whatever. You never matured past the 8th grade so anything gross like that is automatically morally wrong I guess. You’re such a drama queen lol
Anecdotal? My kids literally live with it. Both play high level sports. Fuck off.
No, because I prefaced it with that should not be the case.
So then what’s the point of this thread?

You’re just spouting random hypothetical nonsense.

What if only 48 year olds could vote? What if only Latinos could vote? What if only gay people could vote? What if only blond haired guys whose name starts with a L could vote?

See, I can do it too.
Women are the majority, yet they constantly vote men into office. Women want a man to take charge
So then what’s the point of this thread?

You’re just spouting random hypothetical nonsense.

What if only 48 year olds could vote? What if only Latinos could vote? What if only gay people could vote? What if only blond haired guys whose name starts with a L could vote?

See, I can do it too.
If you’re so offended by it why are you opining. I think it’s relevant because it shows the GOP needs to show women why their platform is better and aren’t doing a good job at it in some areas. What if you weren’t a loser? Try that out, bitch.
No they really aren't. They are both clinically NUTS.

I noticed you still dodged my point.... coward
I’m sorry what is your point? Women deserve private space? They get it. Even if trans person is in a locker room of their chosen gender, they still don’t actually do anything to them. Hell they’ve been doing this for DECADES. You get that right? This has been going on for decades?

Psychopaths do not have any psychotic features my definition. They are very much sane. They just lack empathy and are often violent/manipulative to the detriment of others. That isn’t psychosis. Insane people have psychosis.
Even if trans person is in a locker room of their chosen gender, they still don’t actually do anything to them
Just flash their dicks all over the place and you're fine with that because little girls and dicks Co mingling is perfectly fine with groomers and pedos.

Which are you?

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