If our Constitution made liberalism, in effect, illegal what should we do with them?.

You're equating the method of payment with the service itself. They're not the same thing.

No I'm not. Read my posts.

Why would a national health insurance be a bad thing?
Most industrialized nations have a single payer system. And most nations have longer life spans, most satisfiaction with their healthcare, and spend less per capita than we do.

Awesome. We can finally discuss the issue instead of chasing strawmen.

It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.
Liberalism is based on socialism and communism, which are as incompatible with the U.S.constitution as Sharia Law would be.

The leftists will jump up and down and scream "It ain't true", but conservatism mirrors the doctrine that the framers of the constitution intended for this country. They looked at many other countries' constitutions and found them all wanting. So they came up with the most unique set of rights and rules the world had ever seen before then.

Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.


The radical liberal revisionist train whooshes past the station.

Our unique to the post-Enlightenment Era understanding, or definition of liberalism was based on Aristotle's own ancient belief in giving from oneself out of generosity and by free will--an apolitical philosophy existing outside of partisan politics; free thought, free will, individual rights. Liberalism 242 years ago was based on the virtue of liberty not progressivism or atheism or revolutionary collectivism or social justice or identity politics or class warfare or racism or militant feminism. The current ideology of American Liberalism is the opposite of what you insinuate to have been our Founder's Liberalism.

Kinda. The virtue of 'liberty' were applied very selectively and intentionally by the Founders. Most of the population didn't enjoy this 'liberty'. Slaves, women and non-property owners for example generally had far fewer rights than white male property owners. Whom the founders all were.

The nation was formed within a very specific context: white male land owners of different states banding together for common defense from England; a very real, very immediate existential threat.

The system created catered to that context. It reinforced State Legislative power, which in turn reinforced the power of white, male landowners and slave holders. The concepts of 'liberty' embodied in say, the Declarations of Independance, were largely the promotion of some of the more marketable justifications for rebellion against England.

As things like Shay's rebellion demonstrate elegantly, the Founders didn't believe in put up with those rebelling against them. They crushed them. Both the justification that the Founders used for their rebellion and the application of 'liberty' in their own society were very situational, very selective, and of immediate benefit to the ruling class at the time of the nation's founding.
You're equating the method of payment with the service itself. They're not the same thing.

No I'm not. Read my posts.

Why would a national health insurance be a bad thing?
Most industrialized nations have a single payer system. And most nations have longer life spans, most satisfiaction with their healthcare, and spend less per capita than we do.

Awesome. We can finally discuss the issue instead of chasing strawmen.

It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.

But it doesn't. A national health insurance makes healthcare more readily available for more people. It doesn't matter what healthcare options are available if you can't access them. And for tens of millions of Americans, those options are out of their reach.

Nationalized health insurance also allows for people to get the healthcare from private vendors. With the overwhelming majority of healthcare choices made by the individual and the healthcare provider.

And as I've pointed out in terms of cost, satisfaction and health outcomes, the results are generally better under single payer than they are under the system we have now. The populations of single payer systems generally live longer and in better health than we have now. The nations with single payer generally have fewer people without access to healthcare than we do now.

Its also better for business as it relieves businesses of the burden of paying for healthcare directly. Making US businesses more nimble and profitable, presumably.

These huge advantages have a track record of better outcomes, lower cost, longer life spans, better health, and higher satisfaction. Which is why the overwhelming majority of industrialized nations use single payer.

And why its growing in popularity here too. These are the policies that liberals support, based on rational, outcome based reasoning. And measurably better results at a lower price with broader availibility.
Liberalism is based on socialism and communism, which are as incompatible with the U.S.constitution as Sharia Law would be.

The leftists will jump up and down and scream "It ain't true", but conservatism mirrors the doctrine that the framers of the constitution intended for this country. They looked at many other countries' constitutions and found them all wanting. So they came up with the most unique set of rights and rules the world had ever seen before then.

Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.


The radical liberal revisionist train whooshes past the station.

Our unique to the post-Enlightenment Era understanding, or definition of liberalism was based on Aristotle's own ancient belief in giving from oneself out of generosity and by free will--an apolitical philosophy existing outside of partisan politics; free thought, free will, individual rights. Liberalism 242 years ago was based on the virtue of liberty not progressivism or atheism or revolutionary collectivism or social justice or identity politics or class warfare or racism or militant feminism. The current ideology of American Liberalism is the opposite of what you insinuate to have been our Founder's Liberalism.

Kinda. The virtue of 'liberty' were applied very selectively and intentionally by the Founders. Most of the population didn't enjoy this 'liberty'. Slaves, women and non-property owners for example generally had far fewer rights than white male property owners. Whom the founders all were.

The nation was formed within a very specific context: white male land owners of different states banding together for common defense from England; a very real, very immediate existential threat.

The system created catered to that context. It reinforced State Legislative power, which in turn reinforced the power of white, male landowners and slave holders. The concepts of 'liberty' embodied in say, the Declarations of Independance, were largely the promotion of some of the more marketable justifications for rebellion against England.

As things like Shay's rebellion demonstrate elegantly, the Founders didn't believe in put up with those rebelling against them. They crushed them. Both the justification that the Founders used for their rebellion and the application of 'liberty' in their own society were very situational, very selective, and of immediate benefit to the ruling class at the time of the nation's founding.

Poor deluded fellow USMB member. Here's the rub. The fly in the ointment (thanks John McClane). From myself to my father—all they way stretching back across our nation's scholastic tradition over a century to my great grandfather, whose wisdom I was fortunate enough to receive for the first ten years of my existence, all four generations of us learned the same version of American History. And now, suddenly, along come individual's such as yourself who recite like scripture, a suddenly altered version.

Now I wonder why and how that happened?

The answer is: the radical American Left has revised American history to align with its political, social and cultural ideology of identity politics, victim groups and national shame, which the radical Left intends to wield for the purpose of replacing deep patriotism with guilt over fabricated atrocities inserted neatly into our nation's history, in hopes of making later, recent generations of Americans such as yourself utterly despise their great country, their country's flag, anthem and pledge and world image. You have been deceived, duped, misled on high by falsified political, cultural and social history. Fortunately, for the survival of our nation, some of us cannot be so easily blinded by the same postmodern ideological wool pulled over your eyes.
, you could understand that your neighbors are liberal. ...........not in a sinister cabal to destroy the constitution and by consequence nation.

well the Germans were big govt liberal nuts in 1932 and had no idea what they were doing. Our liberals are blind too but its not a conscious sinister cabal. Its just based in pure ignorance.Do you understand?
I disagree. My politics are not born of ignorance. My politics are born, if they were born of anything approaching ignorance, of aspiration.

Today's 'conservatism' (I also disagree that those who identify as conservative are really conservative) is instigational politics. The Trumpian ideology calls for one to be fearful, hateful and suspicious. There must be a group to blame as both enemy and source of all the woes of the world. There are no solutions, only accusations. Political opponents serve as scapegoats and are never regarded as Americans but a group hell bent on destroying all things virtuous.

I would prefer to divine solutions from compromise rather than contention. Solutions that work for all Americans rather than benefit the wealthiest and then hope those wealthy will shower down largess. I would hope that all citizens could enjoy all the rights every other citizens enjoy rather than castigate some as losers or morally deficient. Aspirations. Never instigations.

Many of the mass murders of people by their own government have been carried out in the shadow of compromise. While the victims of mass murder sought to compromise, those who would become responsible for their deaths began the slaughter. When at last the people being killed in their tens of thousands awoke to what the other side was doing to them, it was far too late for them to save themselves by organizing into citizen armies and fighting back. This is the shadow of compromise laid bare before history's eyes. Do no be subverted into a form of recursive hunger for negotiation so open-minded you will continue to shake the hand of the enemy who had begun to take your life.
Liberalism is based on socialism and communism, which are as incompatible with the U.S.constitution as Sharia Law would be.

The leftists will jump up and down and scream "It ain't true", but conservatism mirrors the doctrine that the framers of the constitution intended for this country. They looked at many other countries' constitutions and found them all wanting. So they came up with the most unique set of rights and rules the world had ever seen before then.

Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.


The radical liberal revisionist train whooshes past the station.

Our unique to the post-Enlightenment Era understanding, or definition of liberalism was based on Aristotle's own ancient belief in giving from oneself out of generosity and by free will--an apolitical philosophy existing outside of partisan politics; free thought, free will, individual rights. Liberalism 242 years ago was based on the virtue of liberty not progressivism or atheism or revolutionary collectivism or social justice or identity politics or class warfare or racism or militant feminism. The current ideology of American Liberalism is the opposite of what you insinuate to have been our Founder's Liberalism.

Kinda. The virtue of 'liberty' were applied very selectively and intentionally by the Founders. Most of the population didn't enjoy this 'liberty'. Slaves, women and non-property owners for example generally had far fewer rights than white male property owners. Whom the founders all were.

The nation was formed within a very specific context: white male land owners of different states banding together for common defense from England; a very real, very immediate existential threat.

The system created catered to that context. It reinforced State Legislative power, which in turn reinforced the power of white, male landowners and slave holders. The concepts of 'liberty' embodied in say, the Declarations of Independance, were largely the promotion of some of the more marketable justifications for rebellion against England.

As things like Shay's rebellion demonstrate elegantly, the Founders didn't believe in put up with those rebelling against them. They crushed them. Both the justification that the Founders used for their rebellion and the application of 'liberty' in their own society were very situational, very selective, and of immediate benefit to the ruling class at the time of the nation's founding.

Poor deluded fellow USMB member. Here's the rub. The fly in the ointment (thanks John McClane). From myself to my father—all they way stretching back across our nation's scholastic tradition over a century to my great grandfather, whose wisdom I was fortunate enough to receive for the first ten years of my existence, all four generations of us learned the same version of American History. And now, suddenly, along come individual's such as yourself who recite like scripture, a suddenly altered version.

Now I wonder why and how that happened?

The answer is: the radical American Left has revised American history to align with its political, social and cultural ideology of identity politics, victim groups and national shame, which the radical Left intends to wield for the purpose of replacing deep patriotism with guilt over fabricated atrocities inserted neatly into our nation's history, in hopes of making later, recent generations of Americans such as yourself utterly despise their great country, their country's flag, anthem and pledge and world image. You have been deceived, duped, misled on high by falsified political, cultural and social history. Fortunately, for the survival of our nation, some of us cannot be so easily blinded by the same postmodern ideological wool pulled over your eyes.

I haven't seen an entity so cluelessly full of itself since I put a bottle of water into the freezer. How quaint that some see fit to so freely festoon themselves with self-infatuated sophistry.

Unfortunately for all this diatribal hysteria the topic was Liberalism, not leftism or jingoism. Perhaps all those generations of scholastia failed to take.

---- "s0n".
Liberalism is based on socialism and communism, which are as incompatible with the U.S.constitution as Sharia Law would be.

The leftists will jump up and down and scream "It ain't true", but conservatism mirrors the doctrine that the framers of the constitution intended for this country. They looked at many other countries' constitutions and found them all wanting. So they came up with the most unique set of rights and rules the world had ever seen before then.

Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.


The radical liberal revisionist train whooshes past the station.

Our unique to the post-Enlightenment Era understanding, or definition of liberalism was based on Aristotle's own ancient belief in giving from oneself out of generosity and by free will--an apolitical philosophy existing outside of partisan politics; free thought, free will, individual rights. Liberalism 242 years ago was based on the virtue of liberty not progressivism or atheism or revolutionary collectivism or social justice or identity politics or class warfare or racism or militant feminism. The current ideology of American Liberalism is the opposite of what you insinuate to have been our Founder's Liberalism.

Kinda. The virtue of 'liberty' were applied very selectively and intentionally by the Founders. Most of the population didn't enjoy this 'liberty'. Slaves, women and non-property owners for example generally had far fewer rights than white male property owners. Whom the founders all were.

The nation was formed within a very specific context: white male land owners of different states banding together for common defense from England; a very real, very immediate existential threat.

The system created catered to that context. It reinforced State Legislative power, which in turn reinforced the power of white, male landowners and slave holders. The concepts of 'liberty' embodied in say, the Declarations of Independance, were largely the promotion of some of the more marketable justifications for rebellion against England.

As things like Shay's rebellion demonstrate elegantly, the Founders didn't believe in put up with those rebelling against them. They crushed them. Both the justification that the Founders used for their rebellion and the application of 'liberty' in their own society were very situational, very selective, and of immediate benefit to the ruling class at the time of the nation's founding.

Poor deluded fellow USMB member. Here's the rub. The fly in the ointment (thanks John McClane). From myself to my father—all they way stretching back across our nation's scholastic tradition over a century to my great grandfather, whose wisdom I was fortunate enough to receive for the first ten years of my existence, all four generations of us learned the same version of American History. And now, suddenly, along come individual's such as yourself who recite like scripture, a suddenly altered version.

Now I wonder why and how that happened?

The answer is: the radical American Left has revised American history to align with its political, social and cultural ideology of identity politics, victim groups and national shame, which the radical Left intends to wield for the purpose of replacing deep patriotism with guilt over fabricated atrocities inserted neatly into our nation's history, in hopes of making later, recent generations of Americans such as yourself utterly despise their great country, their country's flag, anthem and pledge and world image. You have been deceived, duped, misled on high by falsified political, cultural and social history. Fortunately, for the survival of our nation, some of us cannot be so easily blinded by the same postmodern ideological wool pulled over your eyes.

I haven't seen anything so cluelessly full of itself since I put a bottle of water into the freezer. How quaint that some see fit to so freely festoon themselves with self-infatuated sophistry.

Unfortunately for all this diatribal hysteria the topic was Liberalism, not leftism or jingoism. Perhaps all those generations of scholastia failed to take.

---- "s0n".

Mais malheureusement, you have confused the epistemological ethos of the three on the philosophical and ethical and ideological tree. But can you find the reverse gear? Or has your antiquated transmission vapor locked in low first gear?
the point is, capitalism should always be capitally fine and capitally wonderful Because Persons have an income to ensure capitalism happens.

Only bad capitalists lose money on Because Persons!
market friendly products at market friendly prices!

We have a gEneRal Welfare claws - not a special humour. !
everybody understands prices and menus, man.

Groovy, man. Give me the special.
let's ask management. they allege to have some "new plans in the works" we merely need clients to "take them for a test drive".
It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.

But it doesn't.
Yeah, it does. And we'll be the poorer for it.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour; can be our social, "stop loss".
It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.

But it doesn't.
Yeah, it does. And we'll be the poorer for it.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour; can be our social, "stop loss".
Special pleading for offiCial fallacies. We have a clause.
It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.

But it doesn't.
Yeah, it does. And we'll be the poorer for it.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour; can be our social, "stop loss".
Special pleading for offiCial fallacies. We have a clause.
ensuring capital circulates must create demand; third party products are to be expected. potentially, better products at lower cost, if it works outs. past performance is no guarantee of future results.
It's bad because it centralizes control over a fundamental human need, and coerces conformity in how we deal with it. It puts all our eggs in one basket and forces us all down one path.

But it doesn't.
Yeah, it does. And we'll be the poorer for it.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour; can be our social, "stop loss".
Special pleading for offiCial fallacies. We have a clause.
ensuring capital circulates must create demand; third party products are to be expected. potentially, better products at lower cost, if it works outs. past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.


The radical liberal revisionist train whooshes past the station.

Our unique to the post-Enlightenment Era understanding, or definition of liberalism was based on Aristotle's own ancient belief in giving from oneself out of generosity and by free will--an apolitical philosophy existing outside of partisan politics; free thought, free will, individual rights. Liberalism 242 years ago was based on the virtue of liberty not progressivism or atheism or revolutionary collectivism or social justice or identity politics or class warfare or racism or militant feminism. The current ideology of American Liberalism is the opposite of what you insinuate to have been our Founder's Liberalism.

Kinda. The virtue of 'liberty' were applied very selectively and intentionally by the Founders. Most of the population didn't enjoy this 'liberty'. Slaves, women and non-property owners for example generally had far fewer rights than white male property owners. Whom the founders all were.

The nation was formed within a very specific context: white male land owners of different states banding together for common defense from England; a very real, very immediate existential threat.

The system created catered to that context. It reinforced State Legislative power, which in turn reinforced the power of white, male landowners and slave holders. The concepts of 'liberty' embodied in say, the Declarations of Independance, were largely the promotion of some of the more marketable justifications for rebellion against England.

As things like Shay's rebellion demonstrate elegantly, the Founders didn't believe in put up with those rebelling against them. They crushed them. Both the justification that the Founders used for their rebellion and the application of 'liberty' in their own society were very situational, very selective, and of immediate benefit to the ruling class at the time of the nation's founding.

Poor deluded fellow USMB member. Here's the rub. The fly in the ointment (thanks John McClane). From myself to my father—all they way stretching back across our nation's scholastic tradition over a century to my great grandfather, whose wisdom I was fortunate enough to receive for the first ten years of my existence, all four generations of us learned the same version of American History. And now, suddenly, along come individual's such as yourself who recite like scripture, a suddenly altered version.

Now I wonder why and how that happened?

The answer is: the radical American Left has revised American history to align with its political, social and cultural ideology of identity politics, victim groups and national shame, which the radical Left intends to wield for the purpose of replacing deep patriotism with guilt over fabricated atrocities inserted neatly into our nation's history, in hopes of making later, recent generations of Americans such as yourself utterly despise their great country, their country's flag, anthem and pledge and world image. You have been deceived, duped, misled on high by falsified political, cultural and social history. Fortunately, for the survival of our nation, some of us cannot be so easily blinded by the same postmodern ideological wool pulled over your eyes.

I haven't seen anything so cluelessly full of itself since I put a bottle of water into the freezer. How quaint that some see fit to so freely festoon themselves with self-infatuated sophistry.

Unfortunately for all this diatribal hysteria the topic was Liberalism, not leftism or jingoism. Perhaps all those generations of scholastia failed to take.

---- "s0n".

Mais malheureusement, you have confused the epistemological ethos of the three on the philosophical and ethical and ideological tree. But can you find the reverse gear? Or has your antiquated transmission vapor locked in low first gear?

Mais malheureusement il n'y a pas de réponse. Tant pis. Go figure out what the topic is here.
But it doesn't.
Yeah, it does. And we'll be the poorer for it.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour; can be our social, "stop loss".
Special pleading for offiCial fallacies. We have a clause.
ensuring capital circulates must create demand; third party products are to be expected. potentially, better products at lower cost, if it works outs. past performance is no guarantee of future results.
not enough; we need the law of large numbers and truer forms of capitalism in our markets, for capital based purposes, of course.
Liberalism is based on socialism and communism, which are as incompatible with the U.S.constitution as Sharia Law would be.

The leftists will jump up and down and scream "It ain't true", but conservatism mirrors the doctrine that the framers of the constitution intended for this country. They looked at many other countries' constitutions and found them all wanting. So they came up with the most unique set of rights and rules the world had ever seen before then.

Special Ed gurgles again, blissfully unaware that Liberals are exactly who WROTE the Constitution. And that by the same token the Constitution is not only based on but a written expression of Liberalism.

Of course our Constitution and our nation is based on liberalism, and we should be grateful that it is. It seems as if some Americans are not aware of the background of their own nation. I would suggest a study of American history, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution for evidence, and maybe add an accurate definition of liberalism, to know the background of their own country. It may be too liberal for many, but America has always been liberal.

Let's keep in mind that democracy is not our strength since liberals get to vote too. Our strength is the Constitution which was intended to make big liberal magical govt illegal, and freedom the law of the land. Conservatives are the real Americans who believe in the principles of the Constitution. Thus it is they who set Europe free from big liberal magical govt through two world wars and they who just set 1.4 billion Chinese free from big liberal magical govt uniting most of the world in a peaceful common ideology. Oh, and there is no reason to acknowledge our faults (which are trivial in the big picture) to suit treasonous liberals who oppose everything for which our Founders and modern conservative Americans stand. So what do we do with liberals who really don't belong here in the first place and who constantly interfere with our good works?
You are an idiot! First class!

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