If our Government told us we had to....


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2009
take a vote to make our country into a full "conservative" Christian nation or make it an Islamic nation (sharia law), which would you choose?? The choice is only between these two religions.

Of course a Christian nation wouldn't be a lot different than it is now. Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal. You wouldn't be FORCED to go to church or do anything else you don't want to do, because God doesn't force us to do anything for Him.

Sharia law of course would also make gay marriage illegal, i'm not sure of their stand on abortions....You HAVE TO pray to allah (twice a day?), women would wear burkha's, wouldn't drive, etc.

Which would you choose if you HAD TO choose one??
I'd keep it a secular and liberal nation.

I didn't give those choices, i said if you HAD TO which would it be?

They gave the American colonists the choice of being subjects of a british monarchy or subjects of a british monarchy.

They didn't go with their choices either.

That's the spirit of America.

We make our own choices.
I'd keep it a secular and liberal nation.

I didn't give those choices, i said if you HAD TO which would it be?

They gave the American colonists the choice of being subjects of a british monarchy or subjects of a british monarchy.

They didn't go with their choices either.

That's the spirit of America.

We make our own choices.

And that's the way it should be, we should have the choice of how we want to live, without someone telling us we need to, or must, conform to their way. We wouldn't have that choice with Sharia law.
I'm a conservative Christian, and i know that with a true Christian nation there would still be quite a lot of freedom (besides the issues with abortions or gay marriage). I'm not talking about the radical whacko Christians like people at the Westboro church...they're as bad as the radical islamists.

Are you just not wanting to answer the question? I understand what you're saying and i agree...i would just like to know what people would do if they had to make a choice between the 2 and why....
I'd keep it a secular and liberal nation.

I didn't give those choices, i said if you HAD TO which would it be?

They gave the American colonists the choice of being subjects of a british monarchy or subjects of a british monarchy.

They didn't go with their choices either.

That's the spirit of America.

We make our own choices.

:lol: And you vote for the guys who want to take our choices away from us.

Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal.


Uh, no. There are plenty in the Christian community who believe abortions and gay marriage should be legal.

Certainly I know many Christians who believe we each should have the freedom to choose our own path. Even when that makes us uncomfortable - such as with abortion. I think those Christians can also differentiate between how we see 'marriage' and how non Christians see it.
take a vote to make our country into a full "conservative" Christian nation or make it an Islamic nation (sharia law), which would you choose?? The choice is only between these two religions.

Of course a Christian nation wouldn't be a lot different than it is now. Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal. You wouldn't be FORCED to go to church or do anything else you don't want to do, because God doesn't force us to do anything for Him.

Sharia law of course would also make gay marriage illegal, i'm not sure of their stand on abortions....You HAVE TO pray to allah (twice a day?), women would wear burkha's, wouldn't drive, etc.

Which would you choose if you HAD TO choose one??
Neither. And it will never happen as it is unconstitutional.

I didn't give those choices, i said if you HAD TO which would it be?

They gave the American colonists the choice of being subjects of a british monarchy or subjects of a british monarchy.

They didn't go with their choices either.

That's the spirit of America.

We make our own choices.

And that's the way it should be, we should have the choice of how we want to live, without someone telling us we need to, or must, conform to their way. We wouldn't have that choice with Sharia law.
I'm a conservative Christian, and i know that with a true Christian nation there would still be quite a lot of freedom (besides the issues with abortions or gay marriage). I'm not talking about the radical whacko Christians like people at the Westboro church...they're as bad as the radical islamists.

Are you just not wanting to answer the question? I understand what you're saying and i agree...i would just like to know what people would do if they had to make a choice between the 2 and why....

Absolutely untrue.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
America Magazine - The Vatican Concordat With Hitler's Reich
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bI1ucr_Y3U&feature=related]‪REMEMBER - a Holocaust Documentary (Trailer)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Christians have a long and vast history of Genocide, Persecution, Slavery, and a general subversion of liberty and justice.

They are actively engaged in that activity in Uganda as we speak.
take a vote to make our country into a full "conservative" Christian nation or make it an Islamic nation (sharia law), which would you choose?? The choice is only between these two religions.

Of course a Christian nation wouldn't be a lot different than it is now. Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal. You wouldn't be FORCED to go to church or do anything else you don't want to do, because God doesn't force us to do anything for Him.

Sharia law of course would also make gay marriage illegal, i'm not sure of their stand on abortions....You HAVE TO pray to allah (twice a day?), women would wear burkha's, wouldn't drive, etc.

Which would you choose if you HAD TO choose one??
Neither. And it will never happen as it is unconstitutional.


Unconstitutional is a common thing the way this country is going...our government could care less about it. And i didn't say it WOULD happen, this is just a question to see what most people would do, which would they choose if they had to choose one. Shouldn't be a win or "fail" involved....
take a vote to make our country into a full "conservative" Christian nation or make it an Islamic nation (sharia law), which would you choose?? The choice is only between these two religions.

Of course a Christian nation wouldn't be a lot different than it is now. Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal. You wouldn't be FORCED to go to church or do anything else you don't want to do, because God doesn't force us to do anything for Him.

Sharia law of course would also make gay marriage illegal, i'm not sure of their stand on abortions....You HAVE TO pray to allah (twice a day?), women would wear burkha's, wouldn't drive, etc.

Which would you choose if you HAD TO choose one??
Neither. And it will never happen as it is unconstitutional.


Unconstitutional is a common thing the way this country is going...our government could care less about it. And i didn't say it WOULD happen, this is just a question to see what most people would do, which would they choose if they had to choose one. Shouldn't be a win or "fail" involved....

The "fail" is your premise.

You hold that one sort of theocracy is better then another.

They are ALL terrible.
I'd take up arms if the government told us we had to choose a theocratic rule to live under.
I just love how people on this board just turn a simple question. IF this happened, would you just not vote and let others make a decision on something this big for you because you don't want either one? Actually - i think there would be a war here! I'm Christian, but i don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian. I'm looking at the differences between the Christian religion and Islamic and wondering which one would you prefer IF you had to choose, and why. Why is this so hard to answer? Your answer isn't an admission that you really believe in it.
I just love how people on this board just turn a simple question. IF this happened, would you just not vote and let others make a decision on something this big for you because you don't want either one? Actually - i think there would be a war here! I'm Christian, but i don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian. I'm looking at the differences between the Christian religion and Islamic and wondering which one would you prefer IF you had to choose, and why. Why is this so hard to answer? Your answer isn't an admission that you really believe in it.

I just posted links to time periods where Christianity FORCED people to become Christian or die. And it happened all over Central America..and in this country's early colonial period.

Theocracies suck.

And should be revolting to any American.

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