If people followed the Ten Commandments, would there be less pain and suffering today


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
If people followed the Ten Commandments, would there be less pain and suffering today?
yes. those were given for our own protection and easier way to go the path we have to.

Those are the basic regulatory principles of any society.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

Married men, especially ones with very beautiful wives, sure would suffer a lot less and have much less anxiety.
When in human history has the Ten Commandments made everything better?

The ten commandments were only meant to show God's people that they're not God. Only God's saints would be used to speak for Him without disobeying His commandments.
When in human history has the Ten Commandments made everything better?

The ten commandments were only meant to show God's people that they're not God. Only God's saints would be used to speak for Him without disobeying His commandments.

God speaks to whom ever God wants to.
Saints? There have several people that were loved so much by God that he took them to heaven without a living death.
When in human history has the Ten Commandments made everything better?

The ten commandments were only meant to show God's people that they're not God. Only God's saints would be used to speak for Him without disobeying His commandments.

God speaks to whom ever God wants to.
Saints? There have several people that were loved so much by God that he took them to heaven without a living death.

God only uses us saints as a testimony to who He is and His eternal plan for us. We're the only ones who know the past, present and future from our created existence called the Word, which is invisible like He is. We saints are forced to obey God's commandments at all times. Sinful Christians can't obey God's commandments.
People would suffer less if they would do unto others as they wish for themselves: the old Persian mantra incorporated into ancient Hebraism.
If people followed the Ten Commandments, would there be less pain and suffering today?

More likely the Authentic ones would have accomplished the above objective than the biblical commandments that are generally accepted but fail by their pedestrian presumptions.

the Biblical commandments like the Bible are similarly flawed in not portraying a true path to the Everlasting.

was the Philippine hurricane Haiyan not a Blessing from God ? -

If people followed the Ten Commandments, would there be less pain and suffering today?

If the big 10 were worthy then you would think that God himself would not break so many of them, so I would say that no.

In terms of moral tenets, most people have a better set of rules than the big 10.

Even you I bet Chuckt if you answer the question below honestly.

Lets do as scriptures say and test this.

We will both have to answer to this question to find out.

Should our highest moral expression be self-centred or should it be centered on others?

Are you up to this Buddy?

When in human history has the Ten Commandments made everything better?

when they've been followed

Most sinners don't even know what the ten commandments mean. If you read them literally, you won't understand them.

Christians steal the words that us saints and prophets spoke and wrote for God.

Christians lie because they don't have the Truth to speak from.

Christians can't honor thy Father and Mother because Father means our Creator and Mother means Christ where our invisible existence is in the mind of our Creator.

Christians constantly disobey the commandment to not bear false witness against thy neighbor. They don't understand that God created the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" as a world delusion. Even our flesh is made from this deception so everything we see in this world is meant to deceive man from knowing who he truly is in the mind of our Creator. So whenever a Christian sees evil and judges it as evil, they are judging our Creator's work.

Christians worship false gods and idols ( buildings and altars made with human hands ).

Christians can't worship the true Creator because they don't know our invisible Creator.

Christians have been killing other sinners since Christianity was formed.

Christians don't understand the commandment to "keep the Sabbath day holy". They don't realize that all us saints are in God's Sabbath day rest and will always be holy from the time we are born again into our invisible existence as the Word of God and began testifying from this hidden knowledge that has been kept from man ever since man existed in this world. The religious Jews didn't understand this commandment either. That's why they settled on one day a week to rest from their labor on Sabbath day. We saints rest from the worldly labor for the rest of eternity.
If people followed the 10 Commandments it would be a great day for the churches that want to control the masses.
When in human history has the Ten Commandments made everything better?

when they've been followed

When was that? Even the people in the desert with Moses who saw God do what he did to the Egyptians almost immediately disobeyed the Ten Commandments. Exodus and Numbers is chockfull of people who personally witnessed God do His thing and still disobeyed the commandments, at lest until the Levites started pouring liquid gold down throats and fissures in the Earth were swallowing folks. Moses & Co. were even kept out of the Promised Land for breaking the commandments.
Just about any religious or moral code will work if EVERYONE buys into it. The problems come about when one segment of the population accepts a philosophy and others either don't, or accept one that is totally different.

Or simply don't give a shit and are out for their own benefit and gratification.

A few years ago I read an article that made the case that 80% of the open military or quasi-military conflicts in the world are precipitated by Muslims. Read the news. I don't doubt it.
Just about any religious or moral code will work if EVERYONE buys into it. The problems come about when one segment of the population accepts a philosophy and others either don't, or accept one that is totally different.

Or simply don't give a shit and are out for their own benefit and gratification.

A few years ago I read an article that made the case that 80% of the open military or quasi-military conflicts in the world are precipitated by Muslims. Read the news. I don't doubt it.

That's because 80% of military conflicts are caused by religion.

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