If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
It’s a democracy. Why don’t you Republicans just try to sell your racist, xenophobic, sexist, class oppressive ideas to the masses? It worked a bit in 2016. Maybe you’ll strike lightening in a bottle again.
Leaving is expensive, but it is probably the safest option in the long run.

Personally, I've been looking at Poland, but I have to learn the language first.
98% ethnically Poles. Way to flee diversity.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.
Republicans are nicer people, they donate more to charity,
Nah, they are just more gullible and give more to their churches. Those goobers will believe ANYTHING.

No, that's a fact. That is researched, and documented fact.

View attachment 460139

View attachment 460140

Even Democrats admit this if they are honest. The only way left-wingers even attempt to claim they are charitable, is by claiming taxation and social programs are charity. Well that's not charity. Charity doesn't involve your income being confiscated from you by force, and given to someone else without your consent.

Charity is when you make the choice to give money without any compulsion, to another person or cause, for the benefit of a stranger.

And if tax and spend policies were in fact charity, then you wouldn't see left-wingers themselves doing everything in their power to avoid the taxation.
If you adjust for church funding, which 90% helps church functions not people Democrats give more. Here is how churches spend money: 49% on personnel, 23% on facilities, 11% on missions, 10% on programs, 6% on dues. Almost all the charity Republicans give to churches is for themselves , not other people.
The JBS seemed pretty fringe in their heyday, but what they said about the left back then seems to be true now.

Oh, really. I guess that Eisenhower was a communist, right? And so must have been the GOP of the time.
I didn't say that what they said about people other than the left was correct.

Like your sorry bunch, anything left of the Boston Strangler would be considered Left.
I'm not affiliated with any bunch or party. And I'm actually not
conservative on all policies. I just don't care for a lot of modern progressive social views.

Like civil rights?
OMG. That was a painful read to get caught up on this thread. What a bunch of whiny bitches afraid of fake threats (communism and socialism ruining America aka red scare) and ignore real threats (income inequality that is destabilizing and global climate change aka the green scare - get it? Money and environment both green?).
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.

So did all the pundits. Ben Shapiro, and so on, all said, rightly so.

"My highest duty, as you know, as President, is to keep America safe. That's what we talk about. That's what we do. The federal government is conducting an aggressive investigation and we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice."

Did you hear any of the left-wing complaining when Left-wing Democrats were acting crazy? No. You did not.

Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 9.12.52 PM.png

You people have excused violence FOR A DECADE.

Don't even attempt to tell me that your side is better, the facts show otherwise.
Why does it have to be "peacefully"? Are you telling me that I stockpiled all that fucking ammo for nothing?
Conservatives only need one bullet to make this world a better place. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, just like the Soviets. That worked so well for them when they got rid of Conservatives. Same with Venezuela, and China, and the list goes on and on.

Conservatives are the only reason you even have a good country to begin with. Without us, it would be a bunch of cities burning while your lying media talked about how peaceful they were. Go live in LA, and see how great life is without conservatives.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.
We just need to vote enough democrats out of office in the midterms to take over both Houses of Congress and then re-elect Trump or another fighter like him who puts this nation first In the next presidential election.

To do that we need to figure out ways to prevent the democrats and the Deep State from rigging elections.

Trump will betray you all and destroy our institutions.. That what he learned from the founders of the John Birch Society.
John Birch Society ???????? ARRRRRRGHHHHHH! Where is my crucifix? Them thar bircher kinds are a comin' after me and my freeedumbs be at risk that can only be protected by leftards because they are lookin' out fer me!!!!!!

You are one stupid commie fuck.....seriously..... and I would utterly destroy you in a debate.....not that you would have the guts to do so....thus far, not a single leftard has had the nads to take me on in the bullring here...........they laugh nervously, hurl a few lame insults and give me a wide berth as they should..........you know that from salient fact from your prior time here.

Why does it have to be "peacefully"? Are you telling me that I stockpiled all that fucking ammo for nothing?
Conservatives only need one bullet to make this world a better place. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, just like the Soviets. That worked so well for them when they got rid of Conservatives. Same with Venezuela, and China, and the list goes on and on.

Conservatives are the only reason you even have a good country to begin with. Without us, it would be a bunch of cities burning while your lying media talked about how peaceful they were. Go live in LA, and see how great life is without conservatives.
What are you, some kind of tribe? Do you have a flag, anthem, and dance for your kind? Shoot, vote your ideology and get on with life. Crying about splitting the country up because you want rich people to pay historically low taxes if insane. Like the conservative movement today.
Republicans are nicer people, they donate more to charity,
Nah, they are just more gullible and give more to their churches. Those goobers will believe ANYTHING.

No, that's a fact. That is researched, and documented fact.

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View attachment 460140

Even Democrats admit this if they are honest. The only way left-wingers even attempt to claim they are charitable, is by claiming taxation and social programs are charity. Well that's not charity. Charity doesn't involve your income being confiscated from you by force, and given to someone else without your consent.

Charity is when you make the choice to give money without any compulsion, to another person or cause, for the benefit of a stranger.

And if tax and spend policies were in fact charity, then you wouldn't see left-wingers themselves doing everything in their power to avoid the taxation.
If you adjust for church funding, which 90% helps church functions not people Democrats give more. Here is how churches spend money: 49% on personnel, 23% on facilities, 11% on missions, 10% on programs, 6% on dues. Almost all the charity Republicans give to churches is for themselves , not other people.

No, that's not true either. Pacific Garden Mission, Lutheran Ministries, Samaritan's Purse, and numerous others, are spending mostly to help people.

Further, the church itself helps people in their own functions. 49% and 23% on missions, includes for example addiction service, and counseling that is provided to church members free of charge.

My father was a free marriage and mental health counselor.

Moreover, I've seen videos where churches were used as shelters and hospitals for emergencies, like the floods out west.

Now obviously I can't speak for every single christian, or every single church, but when I talk about charity, I'm not talking about giving to the church even. I don't even include that. When I say charity, I mean money that I have given to charitable organizations that help people. Again, like those above, such as Lutheran Ministries, Samartian's Purse, Pacific Garden Mission, and others.

These are not churches. They are literally charity organizations.

Further, I think you greatly underestimate the amount of time and money given, that doesn't include dollars through the church.

For example my parents church has a group that makes food, and visits children stuck at the Ronald McDonald house. People all over the world send their kids to the US, to get health care that their socialized health care systems do not provide. But they are here alone, without friends or family. Our church sends people there all the time. They spend their time, and their own money, buying food, toys and games, and playing with these isolated people.

You can't quantify that on spreadsheet, because it isn't recorded anywhere.

I myself, have worked hours on hours at the homeless shelter. You don't see that in a ledger.

The year before last, my church ran a winter coat drive for kids in poverty, so that everyone in the city could freely get a coat for their children. We had hundreds on hundreds. So many that all the stores in the area, were completely empty of coats.

That was thousands on thousands of dollars. None of it shows up on charitable giving, and it required hundreds of hours of time by church members to organize, and then hand out the coats.

So, no. Sorry, nice thought, but no. Conservatives are vastly more charitable than left-wingers, even if you try and tease out church operational costs. Just no.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

We would have to stop looking at it state by state. There is an urban America Which can go green and communist and a rural America. Travel between cities can be allowed on interstates where a different set of rules would apply. The rest of the country can live more freely without a bloated and authoritarian government.
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Republicans are nicer people, they donate more to charity,
Nah, they are just more gullible and give more to their churches. Those goobers will believe ANYTHING.

No, that's a fact. That is researched, and documented fact.

View attachment 460139

View attachment 460140

Even Democrats admit this if they are honest. The only way left-wingers even attempt to claim they are charitable, is by claiming taxation and social programs are charity. Well that's not charity. Charity doesn't involve your income being confiscated from you by force, and given to someone else without your consent.

Charity is when you make the choice to give money without any compulsion, to another person or cause, for the benefit of a stranger.

And if tax and spend policies were in fact charity, then you wouldn't see left-wingers themselves doing everything in their power to avoid the taxation.
If you adjust for church funding, which 90% helps church functions not people Democrats give more. Here is how churches spend money: 49% on personnel, 23% on facilities, 11% on missions, 10% on programs, 6% on dues. Almost all the charity Republicans give to churches is for themselves , not other people.

No, that's not true either. Pacific Garden Mission, Lutheran Ministries, Samaritan's Purse, and numerous others, are spending mostly to help people.

Further, the church itself helps people in their own functions. 49% and 23% on missions, includes for example addiction service, and counseling that is provided to church members free of charge.

My father was a free marriage and mental health counselor.

Moreover, I've seen videos where churches were used as shelters and hospitals for emergencies, like the floods out west.

Now obviously I can't speak for every single christian, or every single church, but when I talk about charity, I'm not talking about giving to the church even. I don't even include that. When I say charity, I mean money that I have given to charitable organizations that help people. Again, like those above, such as Lutheran Ministries, Samartian's Purse, Pacific Garden Mission, and others.

These are not churches. They are literally charity organizations.

Further, I think you greatly underestimate the amount of time and money given, that doesn't include dollars through the church.

For example my parents church has a group that makes food, and visits children stuck at the Ronald McDonald house. People all over the world send their kids to the US, to get health care that their socialized health care systems do not provide. But they are here alone, without friends or family. Our church sends people there all the time. They spend their time, and their own money, buying food, toys and games, and playing with these isolated people.

You can't quantify that on spreadsheet, because it isn't recorded anywhere.

I myself, have worked hours on hours at the homeless shelter. You don't see that in a ledger.

The year before last, my church ran a winter coat drive for kids in poverty, so that everyone in the city could freely get a coat for their children. We had hundreds on hundreds. So many that all the stores in the area, were completely empty of coats.

That was thousands on thousands of dollars. None of it shows up on charitable giving, and it required hundreds of hours of time by church members to organize, and then hand out the coats.

So, no. Sorry, nice thought, but no. Conservatives are vastly more charitable than left-wingers, even if you try and tease out church operational costs. Just no.
My point is that most of that money - salary, facilities, dues, and most of programs - goes to entertaining oneself in a religious setting. Absolutely, I agree, some small portion of that is the pastors time consoling people for loss and such but it’s not lifting people out of poverty or curing illness which is true charity. Jesus didn’t build himself a grand theater to worship. He helped the poor and sick.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.

I don't pretend. I know.

Do you want a list of every single... not lone wolf somewhere, with a list.... not some one single nut job... but dozens on dozens of riots all excused by the left, since as far back as Ferguson? This violent left wing support, didn't start with Trump. It was all the way back with Obama, and people chanting in a mass numbers "We want dead Cops".

It's just a fact that we are better people than you. It's not opinion. We have the evidence all around us.

I waited years for you people to condemn the violence. Years. Every single time, it was excused. Every single time. And you'll rationalize even this. I know you will, because you are an evil person.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.

I don't pretend. I know.

Do you want a list of every single... not lone wolf somewhere, with a list.... not some one single nut job... but dozens on dozens of riots all excused by the left, since as far back as Ferguson? This violent left wing support, didn't start with Trump. It was all the way back with Obama, and people chanting in a mass numbers "We want dead Cops".

It's just a fact that we are better people than you. It's not opinion. We have the evidence all around us.

I waited years for you people to condemn the violence. Years. Every single time, it was excused. Every single time. And you'll rationalize even this. I know you will, because you are an evil person.

You're detatchment from reality extends far beyond your belief that the blob won the election.

Better people don't try to overturn an election by force. You do.
Better people don't join militias. You do.
Better people don't mail bombs to people. You do.
Better people don't shoot up Wal*Marts. You do.
Better people don't claim Sandy Hook was a Hoax. You do.
Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

I could go on and on.

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