If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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That matches what I mentioned though. The stores you mentioned offered greater selection than Walmart for specific goods, so they weren't really direct competitors.

That being said, the other stores you mentioned aren't mom & pop stores either. They are corporate chains, so their business models are somewhat similar to Walmart.

The point is they couldn't draw enough business without Walmart. Now I don't know what you consider a mom and pop shop, but how many of mom and pop shops have been around the last 20 years or so?
That matches what I mentioned though. The stores you mentioned offered greater selection than Walmart for specific goods, so they weren't really direct competitors.

That being said, the other stores you mentioned aren't mom & pop stores either. They are corporate chains, so their business models are somewhat similar to Walmart.

The point is they couldn't draw enough business without Walmart. Now I don't know what you consider a mom and pop shop, but how many of mom and pop shops have been around the last 20 years or so?
In rural NC, they were pretty widespread in the 90s. Once Walmart got here, about half of them died by the late 2000s. They still exist here, but they tend to be in really small towns now.

It might be a moot point by now, especially with how COVID restrictions have, yet again, favored big business over small business.
And your opinion on the matter doesn't mean a hill of beans (like my opinion). The thing is that the guy I'm buying my widget from in America is likely going to have to import it from somewhere else...maybe Conserve-istan. That isn't an opinion...that's a fact. If you're a fan of low prices, you're not going to be served well by a split in the nation based on how an election turned out.

Your opinion is that low prices should be the priority. My opinion is that local business survival should be the priority and that the state should not favor big business over small business through things like tax breaks.

So, this entire discussion is about opinion.
That isn't an answer; it's a cover.

The fact is that the "mom and pop" will be paying more for importing things too. It's not just a consumer issue; artificial barriers raise prices. It's a fact. Erecting barriers based on the outcome of a quadrennial election is, well, silly.
That isn't an answer; it's a cover.

The fact is that the "mom and pop" will be paying more for importing things too. It's not just a consumer issue; artificial barriers raise prices. It's a fact. Erecting barriers based on the outcome of a quadrennial election is, well, silly.

If barriers are the issue, then why not just get rid of nation states and have a world government instead? That would allow for the cheapest distribution of goods, since no tariffs or legal boundaries would exist. You could globally standardize things so that no area of the world has transactional costs due to regulation.
That isn't an answer; it's a cover.

The fact is that the "mom and pop" will be paying more for importing things too. It's not just a consumer issue; artificial barriers raise prices. It's a fact. Erecting barriers based on the outcome of a quadrennial election is, well, silly.

If barriers are the issue, then why not just get rid of nation states and have a world government instead? That would allow for the cheapest distribution of goods, since no tariffs or legal boundaries would exist. You could globally standardize things so that no area of the world has transactional costs due to regulation.

Barriers raise prices and nationalism plays a role. Often nationalism is inter-twined with religion, heritage, geographical concerns, languages, etc... Are they necessary? Depends on who you ask. As a globalist, I want to see them reduced if not eliminated. I buy the best product at the best price. But I understand why they are there relative to all of the above.

Erecting barriers based on an election we have every 4 years is silly when few other true barriers exist.
Barriers raise prices and nationalism plays a role. Often nationalism is inter-twined with religion, heritage, geographical concerns, languages, etc... Are they necessary? Depends on who you ask. As a globalist, I want to see them reduced if not eliminated. I buy the best product at the best price. But I understand why they are there relative to all of the above.

Erecting barriers based on an election we have every 4 years is silly when few other true barriers exist.

I appreciate your honesty. As a nationalist, we are diametrically opposed in ideology. I believe nation states are very much necessary, as are many barriers regarding trade.

That being said, America does seem to be rapidly becoming little more than a concept as opposed to a nation. So, you will likely get your wish of fewer barriers soon.
Barriers raise prices and nationalism plays a role. Often nationalism is inter-twined with religion, heritage, geographical concerns, languages, etc... Are they necessary? Depends on who you ask. As a globalist, I want to see them reduced if not eliminated. I buy the best product at the best price. But I understand why they are there relative to all of the above.

Erecting barriers based on an election we have every 4 years is silly when few other true barriers exist.

I appreciate your honesty. As a nationalist, we are diametrically opposed in ideology. I believe nation states are very much necessary, as are many barriers regarding trade.

That being said, America does seem to be rapidly becoming little more than a concept as opposed to a nation. So, you will likely get your wish of fewer barriers soon.

Nah. Likely the computer you use was made overseas, the clothing you were was made in another nation, the cell phone you use relies on foreign materials....

We're all globalists to some degree.
Nah. Likely the computer you use was made overseas, the clothing you were was made in another nation, the cell phone you use relies on foreign materials....

We're all globalists to some degree.
True. Comparative advantage is very much a part of how we produce things, but there are several effective means of protectionism that various countries use to preserve jobs.

One of them is the requirement of a certain percentage of assembly of cars here to avoid tariffs. Many foreign automakers produce cars here to avoid said tariffs.
Nah. Likely the computer you use was made overseas, the clothing you were was made in another nation, the cell phone you use relies on foreign materials....

We're all globalists to some degree.
True. Comparative advantage is very much a part of how we produce things, but there are several effective means of protectionism that various countries use to preserve jobs.

One of them is the requirement of a certain percentage of assembly of cars here to avoid tariffs. Many foreign automakers produce cars here to avoid said tariffs.

Again, that's my point. Why erect barriers where there are no natural barriers? Toyota is based in Japan, 15,000 miles away or so. They are a different government, different heritiage, different skin color, different language, different societal norms. From the best I can tell in the OP; many here want someone who lives in Indiana but drives into Chicago for work to have to cross some international border, it's pretty nuts.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate [sic] peacefully?

How about NO?
Your reasoning ?

The UNITED States of America is much stronger than the limp-dick defeatist pussies who keep crying about the sky falling. MY great nation will still be here long, long after all these spineless quitters are less than dust.
Uh oh, you calling out the Republican voters who have had enough of the establishment bullcrappers, and want to separate from the bullcrap somehow ???

I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
Talking tough for an internet warrior aren't we, so here I am to stay tough guy, now what is your little ole play, play ninja warrior act gonna do about it ?? Maybe run tell Mitch McConnell somebody hurt your widdle feewings ??

The old gaurd wavering back and forth got this country in a hell of a situation now, and now everyone just has to sit back and take it. True there's not much anyone could have done if the process was corrupted, and therefore the election was stolen, but watching the ship go down is a hard pill to swallow. Most of the talk is just tough talk by those who are disenfranchised by this election cycle, but no one is abandoning ship yet.

The best way foward is to get people elected that are true patriot's to the core, and somehow then right the ship if possible, so the ship isn't sunk yet, but the next time you speak to me, it best you act like you got some sense play, play ninja boy. lol
Again, that's my point. Why erect barriers where there are no natural barriers? Toyota is based in Japan, 15,000 miles away or so. They are a different government, different heritiage, different skin color, different language, different societal norms. From the best I can tell in the OP; many here want someone who lives in Indiana but drives into Chicago for work to have to cross some international border, it's pretty nuts.

Because without the policy I mentioned, Toyota would have no reason to produce cars here. Although, without Japan's own protectionist policies in place, there would be no car manufacturing in Japan either. They would likely do all of their manufacturing in developing countries.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

Dear Missourian
1. We already have populations grouped by party. We don't need to split up the country, but just recognize the different parties as protected from each other.
2. For example, we have people organized by separate religions and denominations within those religions. We don't have to split up the country to accommodate different religions because we agree to keep those beliefs out of govt. Well, we need to do the same with parties: Treat these political religions, platforms and beliefs of Parties the same as other Religious Organizations. Let people run and fund their own political programs and policies through their own parties democratically. And reserve govt and public policy for areas where all people, states and parties agree.
3. So yes, we DO need to recognize the political beliefs, parties and creeds that are so diverse or conflicting, they need to operate independently. But like the 50 states that are sovereign and separate from each other, we can recognize parties as separate democratic jurisdictions and authority for their own members.
4. And still operate as the United States where all citizens have equal rights and representation regardless of religious beliefs or political creeds. We don't need to physically split the country. We are already diversified, and just need to recognize the rights of each person and party to their own creed, similar to religious groups and sovereign states that still operate under one federal govt by the Constitution. Www.ethics-commission.net
Again, that's my point. Why erect barriers where there are no natural barriers? Toyota is based in Japan, 15,000 miles away or so. They are a different government, different heritiage, different skin color, different language, different societal norms. From the best I can tell in the OP; many here want someone who lives in Indiana but drives into Chicago for work to have to cross some international border, it's pretty nuts.

Because without the policy I mentioned, Toyota would have no reason to produce cars here. Although, without Japan's own protectionist policies in place, there would be no car manufacturing in Japan either. They would likely do all of their manufacturing in developing countries.

Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Well, the protectionism we use for the car industry here isn't natural, but it is useful. The main reason I support dividing the country is because regionalism in America is more prevalent now than it has been in a long while. While the primary divide is urban vs. rural, even urban areas of Texas are quite different in their values compared with urban areas of California, for example.

Federalism was originally a compromise to allow states a lot of power while still having a federal government to bind us together, but since about Woodrow Wilson, the federal government has grown rapidly and has taken a lot of the power of the states away. To have any meaningful amount of power left for the states, we either need to significantly shrink the federal government or split up.

That being said, I don't think either will happen. The feds will continue to grow until state governments are largely irrelevant.
Even an awesome place can be divided up...


Why did they change Frontierland to Westernland?

Is it because the robots went crazy and killed all those guests?

Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate [sic] peacefully?

How about NO?
Your reasoning ?

The UNITED States of America is much stronger than the limp-dick defeatist pussies who keep crying about the sky falling. MY great nation will still be here long, long after all these spineless quitters are less than dust.
Uh oh, you calling out the Republican voters who have had enough of the establishment bullcrappers, and want to separate from the bullcrap somehow ???

I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
... here I am to stay ...

Why? If you're nothing but a dickless little pussy crying "It's all over man!" what's the point in you hanging around? If you are so sure the ship is going down, abandon it, rat. We don't need weakling quitters like you.
Actually just the opposite. About ten years ago or so, our neighboring suburb created a new mall. It was very successful because of what's called the Anchor Store. An anchor store is what drives people to the malls, and the other smaller stores in the mall benefit by the after shopping effects from the anchor store. As in many cases, Walmart was the anchor store.

Things went well until Walmart wanted to build a superstore and found a way out of the contract. After they left, all the smaller stores closed up, and the mall is almost a ghost town now. They couldn't survive without Walmart.
Sounds like you should have asked another Walmart like business into your mall. Unless of course your community leaders WANTED a superstore over a mall.

Walmarts don't do anchor stores anymore. They have only two types of stores now, a Superstore and a WalMarket and neither builds in a Mall. Both are stand alones. And there are just so many Targets to go around who also build superstores these days. Most of the other anchor stores are gone like Sears and Kmart. The Malls are dead.
They are moving because red states are depressed. For instance, we have a huge problem where where people come from California after selling their homes and businesses. What we end up having is low wages, high food prices and people living in Vans and Cars (who are working) that can't afford even a 1 br apartment much less a house. We've been having that problem far longer than your depressed red states. What's sad is, we have had a bunch of California Republicans move here and they are friggin crazy. Hence the QAnon rep that was sent to Washington. We also have an increase in California Dems who are just as crazy. The Reps used to have a large majority but not anymore. The problem is, both sides of the new "Inputs" are crazy.

Democrats and Republicans move out of those states because of high taxes, over-regulation, and high cost of living. Businesses and residents are fleeing NY and CA. They are moving to Nevada, Arizona, Florida just to name a few. Normally that would be welcoming, however once they get to these states, they vote the same way they did that ruined the state they moved from.

For instance SF made a law that shoplifting was not a crime if the stolen merchandise didn't exceed $1,000. So why not go to stores and steal up to $900.00? The only way for the store to survive is to drastically increase the cost of products, which adds to the cost of living there. If Democrats agree with that policy, then that's fine. But we Republicans don't, so why should we have to pay those inflated prices for goods?

This is why we need to divide this country. Let Democrats run their states as they deem necessary, and let us run our states the same. I can tell you which country would have people deserting to get to the other side.

Sure but let's wait 5 years when the Dems are finished moving and the Reps have destroyed themselves. This section of Colorado may end up being the last refuge of Republicans then and there just isn't enough room here for you too.

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