If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Well, the protectionism we use for the car industry here isn't natural, but it is useful. The main reason I support dividing the country is because regionalism in America is more prevalent now than it has been in a long while. While the primary divide is urban vs. rural, even urban areas of Texas are quite different in their values compared with urban areas of California, for example.

Federalism was originally a compromise to allow states a lot of power while still having a federal government to bind us together, but since about Woodrow Wilson, the federal government has grown rapidly and has taken a lot of the power of the states away. To have any meaningful amount of power left for the states, we either need to significantly shrink the federal government or split up.

That being said, I don't think either will happen. The feds will continue to grow until state governments are largely irrelevant.


Walk me through the division. How do you divide the nation?
Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Well, the protectionism we use for the car industry here isn't natural, but it is useful. The main reason I support dividing the country is because regionalism in America is more prevalent now than it has been in a long while. While the primary divide is urban vs. rural, even urban areas of Texas are quite different in their values compared with urban areas of California, for example.

Federalism was originally a compromise to allow states a lot of power while still having a federal government to bind us together, but since about Woodrow Wilson, the federal government has grown rapidly and has taken a lot of the power of the states away. To have any meaningful amount of power left for the states, we either need to significantly shrink the federal government or split up.

That being said, I don't think either will happen. The feds will continue to grow until state governments are largely irrelevant.


Walk me through the division. How do you divide the nation?
I think Alaska could easily become its own country. They're the only state with a budget surplus (thanks to oil revenue), and they're geographically removed from the rest of the country anyway.

Hawaii could possibly do the same. Their economy is already similar to that of many other small island nations, and I don't think the adjustment would be too much, considering that they are one of the wealthier states already.

As for the remaining 48, you could probably divide things up by the following regions:

1) West Coast Collective: California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington. California is large enough to be its own country, but Oregon and Washington are politically similar enough to be compatible members of their nation. Nevada is more of a swing state, but it's been trending blue for a while.

2) Texas Interior: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This would be a somewhat diverse nation politically, but economically, these states have more in common than their political affiliations would suggest. You'd still have debates over much of policy, but the range of debate would be narrower.

3) Northeast Nation: Maine through Virginia. West Virginia and Virginia would be kind of the oddballs of the group, but they aren't as far apart culturally from the Northeast as places like Texas or Mississippi.

4) Upper Midwest: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. This largely Rust Belt nation would have some interesting policy debates of their own, but since a lot of these states are swing states, the end results would probably be pretty moderate.

5) Southeast Syndicate: North Carolina to Florida to Arkansas. These 9 states would be largely the same politically and culturally, with a few unique local cultures (particularly in Florida and Louisiana).

6) Northwest Interior: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. This would be the smallest nation in population. Policy and economy would largely center around oil, gas, and agriculture.
Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Well, the protectionism we use for the car industry here isn't natural, but it is useful. The main reason I support dividing the country is because regionalism in America is more prevalent now than it has been in a long while. While the primary divide is urban vs. rural, even urban areas of Texas are quite different in their values compared with urban areas of California, for example.

Federalism was originally a compromise to allow states a lot of power while still having a federal government to bind us together, but since about Woodrow Wilson, the federal government has grown rapidly and has taken a lot of the power of the states away. To have any meaningful amount of power left for the states, we either need to significantly shrink the federal government or split up.

That being said, I don't think either will happen. The feds will continue to grow until state governments are largely irrelevant.


Walk me through the division. How do you divide the nation?
I think Alaska could easily become its own country. They're the only state with a budget surplus (thanks to oil revenue), and they're geographically removed from the rest of the country anyway.

Hawaii could possibly do the same. Their economy is already similar to that of many other small island nations, and I don't think the adjustment would be too much, considering that they are one of the wealthier states already.

As for the remaining 48, you could probably divide things up by the following regions:

1) West Coast Collective: California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington. California is large enough to be its own country, but Oregon and Washington are politically similar enough to be compatible members of their nation. Nevada is more of a swing state, but it's been trending blue for a while.

2) Texas Interior: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This would be a somewhat diverse nation politically, but economically, these states have more in common than their political affiliations would suggest. You'd still have debates over much of policy, but the range of debate would be narrower.

3) Northeast Nation: Maine through Virginia. West Virginia and Virginia would be kind of the oddballs of the group, but they aren't as far apart culturally from the Northeast as places like Texas or Mississippi.

4) Upper Midwest: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. This largely Rust Belt nation would have some interesting policy debates of their own, but since a lot of these states are swing states, the end results would probably be pretty moderate.

5) Southeast Syndicate: North Carolina to Florida to Arkansas. These 9 states would be largely the same politically and culturally, with a few unique local cultures (particularly in Florida and Louisiana).

6) Northwest Interior: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. This would be the smallest nation in population. Policy and economy would largely center around oil, gas, and agriculture.

Sorry but that's just about the dumbest idea ever.
Hope to have they try and destroy my career the way they did Gina Carano?
Lucasfilm MADE her career. You would never had heard of her, otherwise. They hired her knowing she was an outspoken Trumper. Then, they hired her again. So obviously that is not why they fired her.

Then everyone is lying? Because they said openly, that they were trying to find a reason to fire her. So either the executives lied to the media, or the media lied to the public about what the executives said.

Which one would you claim is true, and have actual proof of?
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

It would be nice to reconcile... but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them.

How do you 'reconcile' with that?

View attachment 460144\

Here is a blob supporter shooting paintball of love from the back of a moving truck....

An expression of love no doubt.

I think being hit with a paintball is a bit better, and leaving someone mangled in the street with broken bones.... don't you?

Screenshot_2021-02-22 business owner beaten - Google Search.png

Look at all the love given out by democrats.
Screenshot_2021-02-22 Covington kids - Google Search.png

More loving democrats....

Screenshot_2021-02-22 peaceful riots - Google Search.png

See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

Oh, yes! yes! yes!

We already are two (or more nations) in reality.

So let's please (peacefully, of course) separate into two nations (and then into more nations later on).

C'mon. We have to wake up & smell the coffee: A multicultural nation simply cannot last. The differences between various cultures are too wide to bridge. (Yugoslavia finally figured that out.)
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

I suggest before anyone votes on this poll to go to the nearest National Cemetery and spent several hours reading the headstones of those who gave their life to support and defend the United States from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Tell the anti-military left-wing to do that. My brother in law served, my father served, my relatives served, my grand fathers served.

Tell those left-wing BLM "Burn down the system" Democrats to go read headstones.

If the country those people died for, is now for Democrats and their Ideology, and Bernie Sanders Socialism... then the country they died for no longer exists.
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
It wouldn't help anyone. Your imagination is funny.

It would help us on the right greatly. Imagine that. No more illegals to worry about. No more attacking our fuel supply. No more hidden or direct taxes. Much less government control which means more freedom for the citizens. No more handing out welfare to able minded and body people who don't want to work. More responsibility. More support of our police.

How could we not like a country ran like that?
So how would you guys handle Texas begging for assistance. Do you want to send aid down to a state you don't live in?
First and for most red States would build nuclear power with out the red tape from tree huggers in Washington.
Charity is when you make the choice to give money without any compulsion, to another person or cause, for the benefit of a stranger.
Church donations are deemed to be charitable contributions even when services such as child care, etc., are received in return.

That's not my point. If you are forced by law to give money to other people... that is not charity.

That is my point.

I'm not talking about whether or not it is taxed. I don't believe in any taxes. If it were up to me, I would tax nothing, or at little as absolutely possible.

As far as Daycare... you have to pay for daycare. Like any other daycare.

What I'm talking is, when you compare left-wing people, to Conservatives, conservatives voluntarily choose to give more money to help others, than left-wingers, and by a very wide margin.
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
I'm not going to stop you; reality will stop you. Just like the reality of the Military in DC and a lot of arrests has cooled the passions of a lot of revolutionaries with their AR's who were going to dispose of our government singlehandedly. But I'm sure it's fun to dream about, having your own little country where everything goes your way.
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
I'm not going to stop you; reality will stop you. Just like the reality of the Military in DC and a lot of arrests has cooled the passions of a lot of revolutionaries with their AR's who were going to dispose of our government singlehandedly. But I'm sure it's fun to dream about, having your own little country where everything goes your way.
If your Ilk doesn't want to stop us why where arrest made /lives ruined to set an a example?

Hey we just want to go, we are tired of cancel culture and all the rest of the nonsense.
Once more, my point is that there are some natural barriers; language, distance, heritage, etc... Creating barriers based on an election is silly.
Well, the protectionism we use for the car industry here isn't natural, but it is useful. The main reason I support dividing the country is because regionalism in America is more prevalent now than it has been in a long while. While the primary divide is urban vs. rural, even urban areas of Texas are quite different in their values compared with urban areas of California, for example.

Federalism was originally a compromise to allow states a lot of power while still having a federal government to bind us together, but since about Woodrow Wilson, the federal government has grown rapidly and has taken a lot of the power of the states away. To have any meaningful amount of power left for the states, we either need to significantly shrink the federal government or split up.

That being said, I don't think either will happen. The feds will continue to grow until state governments are largely irrelevant.


Walk me through the division. How do you divide the nation?
I think Alaska could easily become its own country. They're the only state with a budget surplus (thanks to oil revenue), and they're geographically removed from the rest of the country anyway.

Hawaii could possibly do the same. Their economy is already similar to that of many other small island nations, and I don't think the adjustment would be too much, considering that they are one of the wealthier states already.

As for the remaining 48, you could probably divide things up by the following regions:

1) West Coast Collective: California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington. California is large enough to be its own country, but Oregon and Washington are politically similar enough to be compatible members of their nation. Nevada is more of a swing state, but it's been trending blue for a while.

2) Texas Interior: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This would be a somewhat diverse nation politically, but economically, these states have more in common than their political affiliations would suggest. You'd still have debates over much of policy, but the range of debate would be narrower.

3) Northeast Nation: Maine through Virginia. West Virginia and Virginia would be kind of the oddballs of the group, but they aren't as far apart culturally from the Northeast as places like Texas or Mississippi.

4) Upper Midwest: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. This largely Rust Belt nation would have some interesting policy debates of their own, but since a lot of these states are swing states, the end results would probably be pretty moderate.

5) Southeast Syndicate: North Carolina to Florida to Arkansas. These 9 states would be largely the same politically and culturally, with a few unique local cultures (particularly in Florida and Louisiana).

6) Northwest Interior: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. This would be the smallest nation in population. Policy and economy would largely center around oil, gas, and agriculture.
Good post 6 nation's it would work
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

Oh, yes! yes! yes!

We already are two (or more nations) in reality.

So let's please (peacefully, of course) separate into two nations (and then into more nations later on).

C'mon. We have to wake up & smell the coffee: A multicultural nation simply cannot last. The differences between various cultures are too wide to bridge. (Yugoslavia finally figured that out.)
? We have always been a multicultural nation, and we have lasted just fine. I think you're reading highly exaggerated bullcrap about how different and bad these 'others' are, but irl we're mostly all just folks.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
I'm not going to stop you; reality will stop you. Just like the reality of the Military in DC and a lot of arrests has cooled the passions of a lot of revolutionaries with their AR's who were going to dispose of our government singlehandedly. But I'm sure it's fun to dream about, having your own little country where everything goes your way.
If your Ilk doesn't want to stop us why where arrest made /lives ruined to set an a example?

Hey we just want to go, we are tired of cancel culture and all the rest of the nonsense.
Do you call Jan 6th going "peacefully," Bear?
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
I'm not going to stop you; reality will stop you. Just like the reality of the Military in DC and a lot of arrests has cooled the passions of a lot of revolutionaries with their AR's who were going to dispose of our government singlehandedly. But I'm sure it's fun to dream about, having your own little country where everything goes your way.

The immediate result would be this:


Take this past week in Texas for example...

Do you think the "independent" Missourians would give two shits about Texas's problems?
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
That's what they said when we where under English rule.

Hey let us go peacefully...
I'm not going to stop you; reality will stop you. Just like the reality of the Military in DC and a lot of arrests has cooled the passions of a lot of revolutionaries with their AR's who were going to dispose of our government singlehandedly. But I'm sure it's fun to dream about, having your own little country where everything goes your way.
If your Ilk doesn't want to stop us why where arrest made /lives ruined to set an a example?

Hey we just want to go, we are tired of cancel culture and all the rest of the nonsense.
Do you call Jan 6th going "peacefully," Bear?

It appears to me was just a bunch of leather necker's /gawkers/ people following, innocent stuff that got out of control when Congress fled

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