If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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There is no way to split this country, by geography alone. But there is also the fact that every state that is colored red or blue on a map doesn't take into account that there is a substantial number of people in every state who vote the "other" way. Moreover, there is a lot of movement between the states, coming and going.

And while right-wing republicans who scream for secession when they lose an election, they are the attention whores who march around with all sorts of flags and go to rallies where they chant or whine, but these are theatrical events designed to attract media coverage. I doubt that most people who support the republican party are in this crowd. There seem to be many among them who are single-issue types, and some vote merely on what they perceive to be in their economic interest. Many probably have ties with other states, familial or economic. Some of them might have been affected by what they experienced or saw in Texas and elsewhere in the past week, as well.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.

I don't pretend. I know.

Do you want a list of every single... not lone wolf somewhere, with a list.... not some one single nut job... but dozens on dozens of riots all excused by the left, since as far back as Ferguson? This violent left wing support, didn't start with Trump. It was all the way back with Obama, and people chanting in a mass numbers "We want dead Cops".

It's just a fact that we are better people than you. It's not opinion. We have the evidence all around us.

I waited years for you people to condemn the violence. Years. Every single time, it was excused. Every single time. And you'll rationalize even this. I know you will, because you are an evil person.

You're detatchment from reality extends far beyond your belief that the blob won the election.

Better people don't try to overturn an election by force. You do.
Better people don't join militias. You do.
Better people don't mail bombs to people. You do.
Better people don't shoot up Wal*Marts. You do.
Better people don't claim Sandy Hook was a Hoax. You do.
Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

I could go on and on.

Again, we didn't. Ben Shapiro, and other pundits were never in favor of overturning an election by force, and we opposed the violence from the start.

Good people would be equally condemning people setting cities on fire, as they would shooting up Walmarts. You know who did that? Conservatives.

There is nothing wrong with joining a militia. Good people join militias all the time. I'm not sure what your point is.

Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

Was that a joke? Bill Clinton? Monika Lewinsky? Jennifer Flowers? Juanita Broaddrick?

I'm sorry, you were saying what about good people? What now?

As I and many others like Ben Shapiro, Trump is gross, and has been very gross with women, and we don't support that.

So I have clear evidence of people saying Trump was disgusting with women, and Stormy, and so on.

Now please show me your evidence that people called out Bill Clinton for his multiple affairs... not BEFORE going into office, BUT WHILE IN OFFICE. Please. Here's your chance. Show me your evidence.
There is no way to split this country, by geography alone. But there is also the fact that every state that is colored red or blue on a map doesn't take into account that there is a substantial number of people in every state who vote the "other" way. Moreover, there is a lot of movement between the states, coming and going.

And while right-wing republicans who scream for secession when they lose an election, they are the attention whores who march around with all sorts of flags and go to rallies where they chant or whine, but these are theatrical events designed to attract media coverage. I doubt that most people who support the republican party are in this crowd. There seem to be many among them who are single-issue types, and some vote merely on what they perceive to be in their economic interest. Many probably have ties with other states, familial or economic. Some of them might have been affected by what they experienced or saw in Texas and elsewhere in the past week, as well.
Screenshot_2021-02-22 riots - Google Search.png

Attention whores.
I know of three soon to be leaders that made similar claims where only THEY could get the job done. Care to guess whom those 3 are or were? And there was nothing good to come from all 3.

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. The subject is if we would do better by splitting up. We Republicans would do fantastic. The Democrats can't live without us. That's why they are constantly moving to our states; they Fd up their last one.
Republicans will fail at running a Government
They always do
There is no way to split this country, by geography alone. But there is also the fact that every state that is colored red or blue on a map doesn't take into account that there is a substantial number of people in every state who vote the "other" way. Moreover, there is a lot of movement between the states, coming and going.

And while right-wing republicans who scream for secession when they lose an election, they are the attention whores who march around with all sorts of flags and go to rallies where they chant or whine, but these are theatrical events designed to attract media coverage. I doubt that most people who support the republican party are in this crowd. There seem to be many among them who are single-issue types, and some vote merely on what they perceive to be in their economic interest. Many probably have ties with other states, familial or economic. Some of them might have been affected by what they experienced or saw in Texas and elsewhere in the past week, as well.
just dump cal and New YUK
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken. It ceased being one a long while ago.

Trump found out otherwise
Trump found out the hard way that national elections really are rigged in most cases. The 2000 election was as well.

People seem to only realize this when their side loses. I realized it back in 2000, when I didn't support Gore or Bush. Everything that has happened since 2000 has only further confirmed my initial realization. 2020 was just another example of how the masses are led to believe they have a voice. They don't.
Democracy lives

It survived Trumps attempts to stack the courts with Trump loyalists
It survived Trump bullying of local election officials
It survived Trumps propaganda campaign
It survived an attack from a TRUMP mob
Walmarts don't do anchor stores anymore. They have only two types of stores now, a Superstore and a WalMarket and neither builds in a Mall. Both are stand alones. And there are just so many Targets to go around who also build superstores these days. Most of the other anchor stores are gone like Sears and Kmart. The Malls are dead.
Why? I mean Walmart isn't special... It needs the permission of government to do what it's done. The question has to become... Why did these communities do this? Why did they prefer a superstore over a mall?
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.

I don't pretend. I know.

Do you want a list of every single... not lone wolf somewhere, with a list.... not some one single nut job... but dozens on dozens of riots all excused by the left, since as far back as Ferguson? This violent left wing support, didn't start with Trump. It was all the way back with Obama, and people chanting in a mass numbers "We want dead Cops".

It's just a fact that we are better people than you. It's not opinion. We have the evidence all around us.

I waited years for you people to condemn the violence. Years. Every single time, it was excused. Every single time. And you'll rationalize even this. I know you will, because you are an evil person.

You're detatchment from reality extends far beyond your belief that the blob won the election.

Better people don't try to overturn an election by force. You do.
Better people don't join militias. You do.
Better people don't mail bombs to people. You do.
Better people don't shoot up Wal*Marts. You do.
Better people don't claim Sandy Hook was a Hoax. You do.
Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

I could go on and on.

Again, we didn't. Ben Shapiro, and other pundits were never in favor of overturning an election by force, and we opposed the violence from the start.

Good people would be equally condemning people setting cities on fire, as they would shooting up Walmarts. You know who did that? Conservatives.

There is nothing wrong with joining a militia. Good people join militias all the time. I'm not sure what your point is.

Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

Was that a joke? Bill Clinton? Monika Lewinsky? Jennifer Flowers? Juanita Broaddrick?

I'm sorry, you were saying what about good people? What now?

As I and many others like Ben Shapiro, Trump is gross, and has been very gross with women, and we don't support that.

So I have clear evidence of people saying Trump was disgusting with women, and Stormy, and so on.

Now please show me your evidence that people called out Bill Clinton for his multiple affairs... not BEFORE going into office, BUT WHILE IN OFFICE. Please. Here's your chance. Show me your evidence.

Trump has been in diapers since he was on Celebrity Apprentice and now he's over 300 pounds. I suggest that he's out of commission.
See what I'm talking about? You do a thousand things far worse... and the most you come back with is a guy with a paintball gun?

I think I'll take a paintball gun over burn down the city, being beaten to a blood mess, and being nearly assaulted and having lies told about me throughout the media, because I'm a kid from Catholic school.

Again you are making my whole point. You justified EVERYTHING I've said about you guys. Everything.

I've never justified anything done in the name of violence. I was commenting on your post... " but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them".

The left is dealing with the same thing. I used paint-ball-gun-guy because he wasn't fearing his life. he was just riding around in the back of a car shooting at people who disagreed with him.

Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who mailed bombs to people
I could have brought up the Trump supporter who shot up the Wal*Mart
I could have brought up the HUNDREDS of Trump supporters who wanted to stop our government from functioning
I could have brought up the dozen or so Trump supporters who wanted to kidnap a governor
I could have brought up Pop and Fresh who went to Kenosha to shoot someone
I could have brought up the marchers in Charlottesville who beat the shit out of someone
I could have brought up the guy in Charlottesville who killed someone by running over them
I could have brought up the guy in the Coast Guard who literally had a list of people he wanted to kill

I used Paint-Ball-Gun-Guy as a composite. A guy riding around in the back of a truck; not under attack...shooting people.

The left is dealing with people who hate them simply because they disagree. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, and we all condemned those people. I didn't see a single person anywhere who said they supported any of that. When that lady got shot at the Capital Hill riot, I said good. Rightly so.
Factually incorrect.

Uncalled for violence is wrong indeed. The cop was wrong to murder an unarmed woman.

As for conquering our capitol building, that was warranted. Silence would itself have been violence and rape of America in this case. It was unreasonably reasonable.

Let me guess. You'll suddenly pretend that this was the only voice that cheered and rationalized the attack.

I don't pretend. I know.

Do you want a list of every single... not lone wolf somewhere, with a list.... not some one single nut job... but dozens on dozens of riots all excused by the left, since as far back as Ferguson? This violent left wing support, didn't start with Trump. It was all the way back with Obama, and people chanting in a mass numbers "We want dead Cops".

It's just a fact that we are better people than you. It's not opinion. We have the evidence all around us.

I waited years for you people to condemn the violence. Years. Every single time, it was excused. Every single time. And you'll rationalize even this. I know you will, because you are an evil person.

You're detatchment from reality extends far beyond your belief that the blob won the election.

Better people don't try to overturn an election by force. You do.
Better people don't join militias. You do.
Better people don't mail bombs to people. You do.
Better people don't shoot up Wal*Marts. You do.
Better people don't claim Sandy Hook was a Hoax. You do.
Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

I could go on and on.

Again, we didn't. Ben Shapiro, and other pundits were never in favor of overturning an election by force, and we opposed the violence from the start.

Good people would be equally condemning people setting cities on fire, as they would shooting up Walmarts. You know who did that? Conservatives.

There is nothing wrong with joining a militia. Good people join militias all the time. I'm not sure what your point is.

Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

Was that a joke? Bill Clinton? Monika Lewinsky? Jennifer Flowers? Juanita Broaddrick?

I'm sorry, you were saying what about good people? What now?

As I and many others like Ben Shapiro, Trump is gross, and has been very gross with women, and we don't support that.

So I have clear evidence of people saying Trump was disgusting with women, and Stormy, and so on.

Now please show me your evidence that people called out Bill Clinton for his multiple affairs... not BEFORE going into office, BUT WHILE IN OFFICE. Please. Here's your chance. Show me your evidence.

"Let's have trial by combat".

Better people don't say it. Better people don't do it.

Why does it have to be "peacefully"? Are you telling me that I stockpiled all that fucking ammo for nothing?
Conservatives only need one bullet to make this world a better place. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, just like the Soviets. That worked so well for them when they got rid of Conservatives. Same with Venezuela, and China, and the list goes on and on.

Conservatives are the only reason you even have a good country to begin with. Without us, it would be a bunch of cities burning while your lying media talked about how peaceful they were. Go live in LA, and see how great life is without conservatives.
That right. Need to get "Griddy".satan Bless Kaptalizm !
The problem is that the division is not along state lines. There are really no Blue States and Red States.

The filthy ass Left's power is concentrated in the big city shitholes.

It is the big city shitholes run by Democrats and then there is real America.

Hard to separate out these city enclaves of filth and stupidity.
The problem is that the division is not along state lines. There are really no Blue States and Red States.

The filthy ass Left's power is concentrated in the big city shitholes.

It is the big city shitholes run by Democrats and then there is real America.

Hard to separate out these city enclaves of filth and stupidity.

Leftardism is like the AIDs virus....they infect and what they believe is the cure is that everyone must be infected.

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