If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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It’s a democracy. Why don’t you Republicans just try to sell your racist, xenophobic, sexist, class oppressive ideas to the masses? It worked a bit in 2016. Maybe you’ll strike lightening in a bottle again.

If that's how you feel about us, you should be delighted of this conversation into splitting the country into two. You'd never have to worry about us again, or put up with racism, xenophobia, sexism, or class oppression. Live your life without it. I welcome it.
I would be totally onboard with living in a society free of leftards.......seriously, it would be like living in a place free of parasites.

Could you imagine how great that would be? No more hearing the bitching about guns, or green energy, or police are too tough on the bad guys, or how we need more people invading our country. Our country would be like heaven on earth.

You and your boyfriend can leave MY country any time you want. What are you waiting for? GTFO. You're sure as hell NOT Americans.
UNKA-dork is a REAL 'merican!!!!! He says so thus it must be true! He has a vagina, he sits when he urinates but beware! He swings a nasty purse filled with feminine hygiene stuff!!!!
It is called cognitive dissonance. That is why they call themselves s the “law and order” party but support a insurrection that left 5 people dead, including a cop.

A. Who supports the Capitol Riots? Trump denounced it, all GOP have...

B. The cop died of an unaffiliated stroke. You're relying on literal fake news from the NYT, who quietly had to correct themselves.
Oh please. You comparing one single solitary guy with a paintball gun, so hundreds of thousands across the country that openly engaged in violence, and your Democrat leaders refused to even condemn it, after Trump repeatedly did so.

I still.... STILL... am waiting on a someone to condemn that guy who got on national TV, and said he would burn down the country if he didn't get what he wanted. Madonna said she wanted to blow up the white house. Maxine waters said she wanted people to go after people in public.

That's terrorism. That is clear terrorism. When you support attacking or harassing or threatening people.... for political change.... that is the very definition of terrorism..... oh oh... but you find one guy with a paintball gun?

No, not comparable, you people are pure evil, and you know it, and you make endless excuses for it.

But.....but......but, that guy with a paintball gun could be dangerous!

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The Constitution establishes the country.
So if you uphold the COTUS, you uphold the US. It's what defines the US.

I disagree. The country is separate from the Constitution.

The country can...and I believe the case can be made for 'has'... easily diverge from the constraints of the Constitution.

If the country ignores the Constitution, which do you support?

I don't accept your separate reality as a premise.

If you remove the Constitution --- you don't have a country. If you don't have a country, then you also don't have a Constitution for it. Can't have the one without the other unless you're running a military dick-tatorship or a kingdom.
Does the UK have a constitution? Germany?
So the UK isn't a country. Is that what you're saying?
You and your boyfriend can leave MY country any time you want. What are you waiting for? GTFO. You're sure as hell NOT Americans.

How is it your country all of a sudden? I do want to leave YOUR country which is why it we should have two countries instead of one. Then you and the other commies can live happily ever after.
I live in MA, it is mostly leftist but if you go to the burbs the real money makers/tax payers are either conservatives or independents. My guess is that is the case in most states.

When the cost of living is so high, you have to make much more money to live there. That's why they have the money. They don't live any better of a life than people in a red state, but need to make twice as much or more than non-blue states.

I watch HGTV all the time. A house that costs 800K in blue states, you can buy for 350K in my purple state, and have more land to boot.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

If Germany invaded and took half our country, would you ask if we should simply divide and peaceably split? Why would you assume that an invading hostile force with a stated intent to stamp you out will stop there and settle for that? Why would you assume you'd ever get even an equal half?

I want my whole country back. All of it. Back the way it is supposed to be.
Take this past week in Texas for example...

Do you think the "independent" Missourians would give two shits about Texas's problems?

It wouldn't have been a problem in the first place because Texas wouldn't have depended on those stupid windmills and solar panels for power. They would have been using fossil fuels like we do up north, and while they were freezing and dying, I was in my nice heated home using clean natural gas. What happened in Texas is something we don't want for the entire country, yet another good reason to split up.
I would be totally onboard with living in a society free of leftards.......seriously, it would be like living in a place free of parasites.

Could you imagine how great that would be? No more hearing the bitching about guns, or green energy, or police are too tough on the bad guys, or how we need more people invading our country. Our country would be like heaven on earth.
A world without parasitic entities that don't spend their lives being victims..........could such a world even exist????
I live in MA, it is mostly leftist but if you go to the burbs the real money makers/tax payers are either conservatives or independents. My guess is that is the case in most states.

When the cost of living is so high, you have to make much more money to live there. That's why they have the money. They don't live any better of a life than people in a red state, but need to make twice as much or more than non-blue states.

I watch HGTV all the time. A house that costs 800K in blue states, you can buy for 350K in my purple state, and have more land to boot.
100% true. Also in MA we have a lot less land than say TN or TX so you're paying a lot more for a lot less.
.....You commie fucks will always have those like myself to be a thorn in your side and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.....unless you want to personally take my weapons.....come and get it, pussy.


There he goes again! The 60 year-old tough boy!

I guess the circus is in town, because the clown is here!

100% true. Also in MA we have a lot less land than say TN or TX so you're paying a lot more for a lot less.

Correct. When Trump put a limit on tax write-offs for home loans, who was bitching the most about it? That's right, blue states. You didn't hear many of us in Ohio complaining about it because most of us don't have homes you need a million dollar mortgage for. Very few Ohioans have a million dollar home or more.
A world without parasitic entities that don't spend their lives being victims..........could such a world even exist????

For us it would be the best thing in the world.

I started this topic about three years ago. I see the same results in this topic. Conservatives welcomed the idea, or at the very least didn't object to it, and the liberals were outraged that we wanted to get away from them.

It really wasn't my idea though, it was my mothers. When me and my siblings would fight as children, my mother tried everything to get us to play in peace. When all else failed, she made us play alone in separate rooms. After we got lonely and missed each other, we found a way to settle our differences. I call this Mom's Law. Mom knew if she didn't separate us, we would never be able to play without conflict.

This is what our country needs; Mom's Law. Once we separate and the liberals finally realize what a disaster their policies are for their country, they will ask to rejoin our successful country, and we can wipe out liberalism once and for all.....well, at least for the next few generations.
... I do want to leave YOUR country which is why it we should have two countries instead of one. ....

NO. Screw you. If you are too weak to try and work toward a more perfect Union then get the fuck out. We don't need you, and you don't get to carve up MY country on your way out. There is an ocean in either direction so start swimming, loser.
If Germany invaded and took half our country, would you ask if we should simply divide and peaceably split? Why would you assume that an invading hostile force with a stated intent to stamp you out will stop there and settle for that? Why would you assume you'd ever get even an equal half?

I want my whole country back. All of it. Back the way it is supposed to be.

And I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony.

The reality is as the left keeps moving further left, the invitation to millions of third-worlders, God leaving society, we are losing this country. So we only have two choices here: save at least half of the country, or allow the entire thing to fall to Socialism/ Communism. There is no other way at this point.
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