If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Republicans want to secede every time they lose an election
Mustang decided to throw us out...

Now would you like to address the topic or continue to deflect?
Just Texas

Missouri is safe
Where Texas goes, Missouri follows...likely with Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
add Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and probably Florida and Tennessee, minimum.
we are losing this country. So we only have to choices here: save at least half of the country, or allow the entire thing to fall to Socialism/ Communism. There is no other way at this point.

I think you're missing the point, Ray.
  • If we are losing this country it is only because they have buffaloed enough of us into playing by THEIR rules. I'd rather play to win.
  • If we are losing the country, that means they are winning. Why should they settle?
  • You're missing the obvious third choice. What does your American bloodline tell you?

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NO. Screw you. If you are too weak to try and work toward a more perfect Union then get the fuck out. We don't need you, and you don't get to carve up MY country on your way out. There is an ocean in either direction so start swimming, loser.

It's just as much my country as it is yours. Quit this "my country" bullshit. My family was likely in this country before yours. So you are in my country.

The Israel/ Palestinian conflict has been going on for generations. Israel has always been willing to meet half way. The only solution to the Palestinians is to kill all the Jews. So what's the half-way point on that, the Jews agreeing to half of them getting killed???

You are blind as a bat if you can't see there is no middle-ground any longer. So put on your fairy rose colored glasses and pretend the left are not who they are, but reasonable people. The rest of us will continue to live in reality.

I think you're missing the point, Ray.
  • If we are losing this country it is only because they have buffaloed enough of us into playing by THEIR rules. I'd rather play to win.
  • If we are losing the country, that means they are winning. Why should they settle?
  • You're missing the obvious third choice. What does your American bloodline tell you?

Well then it would come down to another bloody civil war. Is that how you want to settle it?

The left own just about all of communications in this country. They have the ability to brainwash weak minds, and they are gaining ground doing that. They have power in the public education system, power in most of our colleges, power in Hollywood and all forms of entertainment, now including sports. Apple is leftist, Microsoft is leftist, every major social media is leftist. It's not something we can conquer. It's too far gone already.
If Germany invaded and took half our country, would you ask if we should simply divide and peaceably split? Why would you assume that an invading hostile force with a stated intent to stamp you out will stop there and settle for that? Why would you assume you'd ever get even an equal half?

I want my whole country back. All of it. Back the way it is supposed to be.

And I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony.

The reality is as the left keeps moving further left, the invitation to millions of third-worlders, God leaving society, we are losing this country. So we only have to choices here: save at least half of the country, or allow the entire thing to fall to Socialism/ Communism. There is no other way at this point.
NO. Screw you. If you are too weak to try and work toward a more perfect Union then get the fuck out. We don't need you, and you don't get to carve up MY country on your way out. There is an ocean in either direction so start swimming, loser.

It's just as much my country as it is yours. ...

Not anymore. You forfeit any claim to being a real American when you started advocating for the dissolution of the Union. You have no place in MY country any longer. GTFO.
Russians have been injecting this shit into our dialog for decades. Like peak oil, it's always a moving target that we never quite get too,......
It would be nice to reconcile... but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them.

How do you 'reconcile' with that?

For that matter, how do you "reconcile" with "people" who embrace a political philosophy that has caused uncountable deaths through industrial genocides, state purges, forced famines and proxy wars? The casualties inflicted upon innocent people by leftists since 1900 are well into the 100's of millions. You don't have to kill a person to give them freedom, but you likely have to kill a lot of people before they accept slavery to a state.

The fact is though, in the US 75% of the territory is full blown "red state" and opposed to urban dwelling leftist filth. The left coast can join the chi-coms if they like, the NE can join Canada for all I care. The urbanite democrook scum in between can take refuge in those areas. We can remain the USA with our COTUS intact and prosper much better without parasites bringing us down from within.

Not anymore. You forfeit any claim to being a real American when you started advocating for the dissolution of the Union. You have no place in MY country any longer. GTFO.

There is no choice at this point. We either separate or kill each other. Keep living in your Lucky Charms world for all I care. If the founders could come back to life and see what has happened to this place, they'd approve of saving half of this country.
Sure but let's wait 5 years when the Dems are finished moving and the Reps have destroyed themselves. This section of Colorado may end up being the last refuge of Republicans then and there just isn't enough room here for you too.

The Reps would never destroy themselves. Living according to law and order, respecting the Constitution, low taxes that would attract most of the business and jobs, rewarding success instead of penalizing it can only result in good.
100% true. Also in MA we have a lot less land than say TN or TX so you're paying a lot more for a lot less.
But then you have to live in TN or TX as opposed to MA. And who the fuck wants that?
I would not mind Florida! But I am pot committed here with job, family, kids and friends, etc. MA has become very expensive and the weather still sucks. At least we have good sports teams.
Not anymore. You forfeit any claim to being a real American when you started advocating for the dissolution of the Union. You have no place in MY country any longer. GTFO.

There is no choice at this point. .......

Bullshit. Stop being such a pussy. America is worth fighting for, not running from because you don't like how 'difficult' things may be right now. Grow a pair of balls.
Is that how you want to settle it?
Show me the credible alternative? What did the colonialists say when Britain taxed the crap out of them?--- "Do we really want a war with the mightiest nation on the planet?" They too had an alternative: to live on knee as serfs and bow to their masters and take what they are given like a dog. Fido want a bone?

The left own just about all of communications in this country.
Trump and others have the wealth to build new, independant communication channels. Most of these big companies started as college geeks in their garage! C'mon!

They have the ability to brainwash weak minds
Take back your education. Take kids out of public education. Challenge the universities. DO WHAT THEY DO: they start papers like NYT then refuse to hire anyone who isn't part of their click! How is it that companies like Google, etc., FILL their staffs with complicit, willing hard-lefters and a few scared right wingers cringing in fear of being discovered, yet if you don't hire ONE of their people, don't kowtow to one gay couple to get their cake from down the street because it offends YOUR religious values, that you get sued? What would happen if you went into a Muslim bakery and demanded they violate their religious oaths? Answer that question, and you'll have the key to why you're losing your country.

They have power in the public education system, power in most of our colleges, power in Hollywood and all forms of entertainment, now including sports.
And yet they are a minority.

It's not something we can conquer. It's too far gone already.
Then you have your answer. You were already defeated in the mind and soul long before they ever took over your body. You are beaten. You are an unworthy opponent and they have no need to settle. They will simply take everything you got, then eat you alive and erase you from the face of the Earth because you were never willing to do what was necessary to win and hold onto what you had.
In rural NC, they were pretty widespread in the 90s. Once Walmart got here, about half of them died by the late 2000s. They still exist here, but they tend to be in really small towns now.

It might be a moot point by now, especially with how COVID restrictions have, yet again, favored big business over small business.

Walmart is just the lefts whipping boy. The big threat to all stores including Walmart is the internet. More and more people shop online than ever, and it's only going to grow in the future.
100% true. Also in MA we have a lot less land than say TN or TX so you're paying a lot more for a lot less.
But then you have to live in TN or TX as opposed to MA. And who the fuck wants that?
I would not mind Florida! But I am pot committed here with job, family, kids and friends, etc. MA has become very expensive and the weather still sucks. At least we have good sports teams.
I am a born-and-raised Texan, but I would love Boston....if it were not such a communist-infested rats nest. I love the city/culture otherwise.

(and this is from a hardcore Texan)
100% true. Also in MA we have a lot less land than say TN or TX so you're paying a lot more for a lot less.
But then you have to live in TN or TX as opposed to MA. And who the fuck wants that?
I would not mind Florida! But I am pot committed here with job, family, kids and friends, etc. MA has become very expensive and the weather still sucks. At least we have good sports teams.
I am a born-and-raised Texan, but I would love Boston....if it were not such a communist-infested rats nest. I love the city/culture otherwise.

(and this is from a hardcore Texan)
Believe it or not we have many in Boston who are logical independents and conservatives but the moon bats outnumber us as we are a huge college state.
Trump and others have the wealth to build new, independant communication channels. Most of these big companies started as college geeks in their garage! C'mon!

The ground floor is very difficult to compete against. They got there first. The right did start their own social media, but the left shut them down. They have since reopened, but a lot of damage done.

Take back your education. Take kids out of public education. Challenge the universities. DO WHAT THEY DO: they start papers like NYT then refuse to hire anyone who isn't part of their click! How is it that companies like Google, etc., FILL their staffs with complicit, willing hard-lefters and a few scared right wingers cringing in fear of being discovered, yet if you don't hire ONE of their people, don't kowtow to one gay couple to get their cake from down the street because it offends YOUR religious values, that you get sued? What would happen if you went into a Muslim bakery and demanded they violate their religious oaths? Answer that question, and you'll have the key to why you're losing your country.

Impossible to do when you're outnumbered or people simply don't care. As long as they can get Batman on pay-per-view for a dollar, that's all they care about. The only way to take back all these things is to separate. That's why I support it. Remember that no matter what you do on the local level, the federal government has the last say. That's why your daughter is now being forced to compete with boys in dresses in school. It's why your state was forced to accept gay marriage.

And yet they are a minority.

Minority? How so?

Then you have your answer. You were alreafy defeated in the mind long before they ever took over your body. You are beaten. You are an unworthy opponent and they have no need to settle. They will simply take everything you got, then eat you alive and erase you from the face of the Earth because you were never willing to do what was necessary to win.

Correct, they have no need to settle, and that's why we need to divide this country. They will take everything we got, and are trying this moment. They want to take away our guns, take away our freedom, take away our Constitution. They just impeached one of our Presidents for exercising his constitutional rights for crying out loud. It's really no different than when Hitler took over Germany.
Bullshit. Stop being such a pussy. America is worth fighting for, not running from because you don't like how 'difficult' things may be right now. Grow a pair of balls.

Yeah tough guy? Then you get to the front of the line with your gun and take the first shot.

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