If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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The short answer:

If we, as in left and right, cannot unite on any common notion that the USA is a worthwhile enterprise.. then I'm not sure how it's possible to stay united.

If the left is going to condemn the USA as nothing but a patriarchal, racist, immoral, hateful country throughout its history... then their only obvious recourse is to take it down. If that's the case, just leave and make your own country. If you hate every aspect of what family you come from, why would you stay?
So I have clear evidence of people saying Trump was disgusting with women, and Stormy, and so on.

Now please show me your evidence that people called out Bill Clinton for his multiple affairs... not BEFORE going into office, BUT WHILE IN OFFICE. Please. Here's your chance. Show me your evidence.

During the Clinton era, it was leftists who told us what a President does on his own time is his business. As long as he's doing a good job, mind our own business. Boy did they change their tune after Trump got into office. Hypocrites, every last one of them.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

The Chinese and Russians would love that. It, therefore, does not surprise me then that ”conservatives” want to split the nation up. If it benefits out adversaries, Trumpist conservatives are for it.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

The Chinese and Russians would love that. It, therefore, does not surprise me then that ”conservatives” want to split the nation up. If it benefits out adversaries, Trumpist conservatives are for it.
Funny how it is always the Conservatives discussing splitting the country.
They rage about someone kneeling for the National Anthem but openly discuss Secession
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

The Chinese and Russians would love that. It, therefore, does not surprise me then that ”conservatives” want to split the nation up. If it benefits out adversaries, Trumpist conservatives are for it.
Funny how it is always the Conservatives discussing splitting the country.
They rage about someone kneeling for the National Anthem but openly discuss Secession
It is called cognitive dissonance. That is why they call themselves s the “law and order” party but support a insurrection that left 5 people dead, including a cop.
Republicans will fail at running a Government
They always do

Wouldn't you like to see that? So join us in support of two countries.
So sppeaks the idiot statist who loves the blood thirsty Lincoln, but hates FDR for imprisoning Japanese. Can’t fix stupid.

We don’t need to split into TWO countries. We need to split into multiple countries. Ten at least and all without a military and where big corporations and billionaires have no political power.
There is no way to split this country, by geography alone. But there is also the fact that every state that is colored red or blue on a map doesn't take into account that there is a substantial number of people in every state who vote the "other" way. Moreover, there is a lot of movement between the states, coming and going.

Of course there is a way to divide the country equally. It wouldn't be that hard. We have a national vote, decide which half is the Democrat side and which side is the Republican side. If you are on the wrong side, you have to move based on how you vote. On the Republican side there is no Democrat party. On the Democrat side, there is no Republican party.

We will still have trade, but also have a border. You can't move to our side and we can't move to yours. If we need to unite during foreign conflicts, then we can still do that. Like going to visit another country, you will need a Visa to enter.
Funny how it is always the Conservatives discussing splitting the country.
They rage about someone kneeling for the National Anthem but openly discuss Secession

There you go. You support disrespecting our flag and anthem. That won't be allowed in our country. You can do it day and night in yours. Everybody's happy.
The Chinese and Russians would love that. It, therefore, does not surprise me then that ”conservatives” want to split the nation up. If it benefits out adversaries, Trumpist conservatives are for it.

It would be like native Germans wanting to leave Nazi Germany. Such a radical, controlling, totalitarian mob-state wasn't what Germany was about. They would want to keep the real, original Germany. In the same way, Conservatives want to keep the USA against a radical, controlling, totalitarian mob-state in leftism, wokeness.
So I have clear evidence of people saying Trump was disgusting with women, and Stormy, and so on.

Now please show me your evidence that people called out Bill Clinton for his multiple affairs... not BEFORE going into office, BUT WHILE IN OFFICE. Please. Here's your chance. Show me your evidence.

During the Clinton era, it was leftists who told us what a President does on his own time is his business. As long as he's doing a good job, mind our own business. Boy did they change their tune after Trump got into office. Hypocrites, every last one of them.
I would be totally onboard with living in a society free of leftards.......seriously, it would be like living in a place free of parasites.
You're detatchment from reality extends far beyond your belief that the blob won the election.

Better people don't try to overturn an election by force. You do.
Better people don't join militias. You do.
Better people don't mail bombs to people. You do.
Better people don't shoot up Wal*Marts. You do.
Better people don't claim Sandy Hook was a Hoax. You do.
Better people don't excuse the paying off of hookers and porn stars. You do.

I could go on and on.

You could. Or you can join in support of dividing the country, and you'll never have to worry about those things again. See, I just want you to be happy. :bow2:
I would be totally onboard with living in a society free of leftards.......seriously, it would be like living in a place free of parasites.

Could you imagine how great that would be? No more hearing the bitching about guns, or green energy, or police are too tough on the bad guys, or how we need more people invading our country. Our country would be like heaven on earth.
I would be totally onboard with living in a society free of leftards.......seriously, it would be like living in a place free of parasites.

Could you imagine how great that would be? No more hearing the bitching about guns, or green energy, or police are too tough on the bad guys, or how we need more people invading our country. Our country would be like heaven on earth.

You and your boyfriend can leave MY country any time you want. What are you waiting for? GTFO. You're sure as hell NOT Americans.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

The Chinese and Russians would love that. It, therefore, does not surprise me then that ”conservatives” want to split the nation up. If it benefits out adversaries, Trumpist conservatives are for it.
Funny how it is always the Conservatives discussing splitting the country.
They rage about someone kneeling for the National Anthem but openly discuss Secession
Living in a country free of commie fucks like yourselves is considered "treasonous"? But having to put up with you commie fucks for the sake of keeping it together is "patriotic" just so long as commie fucks like yourselves can mold it into the vision of a Karl Marx utopia?......nah, I don't think so. I would slit the throat of a marxist with glee before I would ever "go a long to get along"......etch that in stone and commit it to memory. Your kind makes me sick to my stomach. You commie fucks will always have those like myself to be a thorn in your side and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.....unless you want to personally take my weapons.....come and get it, pussy.

The chasm is too deep and too wide.....we are better off parting ways lest we have to stack your bodies up like chorwood and burn them. I have no issue with that, but that is just me.......


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