If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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It wouldn't help anyone. Your imagination is funny.

It would help us on the right greatly. Imagine that. No more illegals to worry about. No more attacking our fuel supply. No more hidden or direct taxes. Much less government control which means more freedom for the citizens. No more handing out welfare to able minded and body people who don't want to work. More responsibility. More support of our police.

How could we not like a country ran like that?

I know of three soon to be leaders that made similar claims where only THEY could get the job done. Care to guess whom those 3 are or were? And there was nothing good to come from all 3.
What do you see as the truth of the American system? Do you actually believe either party puts your interests ahead of lobbyists and corporations?

I see a party that is badly in need of rebuilding. Rather than buildit from the top, you rebuild it from the bottom. But first we need to get rid of the current guard. The good news is, they are eliminating themselves.
I don't think it's a party thing. Trump was basically an anomaly. Most of the time, both the Democrats and Republicans support many of the same policies. They both bailout Wall Street. They both enter unnecessary wars. They both spend huge amounts more than the government receives.

It's an illusion of choice.

Right now, we can't afford that. We either do it right or there won't be a nation to divide.
I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
I like you man...but you're not making a very good point here...unless this is just an emotional response.

I'm very sure that a good and loyal Englishman made this same comment in Massachusetts in 1770.

And I respect that...loyalty is a virtue.

But, when King George demands more than a man can abide...the argument "God save the King" loses its appeal.

Sometimes you have to realize the deck is stacked against you and the only way to win is to stop playing.

False equivalency. Very false equivalency. Perhaps some study of colonial American history might clear a few things up.
How is that false ....

The circumstances are entirely different. Why is that hard to understand?
I know of three soon to be leaders that made similar claims where only THEY could get the job done. Care to guess whom those 3 are or were? And there was nothing good to come from all 3.

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. The subject is if we would do better by splitting up. We Republicans would do fantastic. The Democrats can't live without us. That's why they are constantly moving to our states; they Fd up their last one.
Shopping local is what people should be doing. Walmart is a good example of where America started to go wrong. Their entire business model was based on killing local businesses through getting advantages from local governments that the small businesses couldn't get.

In short, America's version of capitalism was corrupted into a state capitalism that favors big business over small business.

Actually just the opposite. About ten years ago or so, our neighboring suburb created a new mall. It was very successful because of what's called the Anchor Store. An anchor store is what drives people to the malls, and the other smaller stores in the mall benefit by the after shopping effects from the anchor store. As in many cases, Walmart was the anchor store.

Things went well until Walmart wanted to build a superstore and found a way out of the contract. After they left, all the smaller stores closed up, and the mall is almost a ghost town now. They couldn't survive without Walmart.
If you're using a dictionary for assessing if a system performs properly, you're working with the wrong tools.
If you're inventing your very own meanings for words you're Humpty Dumpty.

"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'.​
I know of three soon to be leaders that made similar claims where only THEY could get the job done. Care to guess whom those 3 are or were? And there was nothing good to come from all 3.

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. The subject is if we would do better by splitting up. We Republicans would do fantastic. The Democrats can't live without us. That's why they are constantly moving to our states; they Fd up their last one.

They are moving because red states are depressed. For instance, we have a huge problem where where people come from California after selling their homes and businesses. What we end up having is low wages, high food prices and people living in Vans and Cars (who are working) that can't afford even a 1 br apartment much less a house. We've been having that problem far longer than your depressed red states. What's sad is, we have had a bunch of California Republicans move here and they are friggin crazy. Hence the QAnon rep that was sent to Washington. We also have an increase in California Dems who are just as crazy. The Reps used to have a large majority but not anymore. The problem is, both sides of the new "Inputs" are crazy.
Shopping local is what people should be doing. Walmart is a good example of where America started to go wrong. Their entire business model was based on killing local businesses through getting advantages from local governments that the small businesses couldn't get.

In short, America's version of capitalism was corrupted into a state capitalism that favors big business over small business.

Actually just the opposite. About ten years ago or so, our neighboring suburb created a new mall. It was very successful because of what's called the Anchor Store. An anchor store is what drives people to the malls, and the other smaller stores in the mall benefit by the after shopping effects from the anchor store. As in many cases, Walmart was the anchor store.

Things went well until Walmart wanted to build a superstore and found a way out of the contract. After they left, all the smaller stores closed up, and the mall is almost a ghost town now. They couldn't survive without Walmart.
That can be true for stores that don't directly compete with Walmart. If they were offering products that Walmart doesn't sell or a greater variety of a certain type of product, then the anchor store effect could happen. I was referring to the mom & pop shops that did directly compete with Walmart as general retail businesses.
If you're using a dictionary for assessing if a system performs properly, you're working with the wrong tools.
If you're inventing your very own meanings for words you're Humpty Dumpty.

"When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'.​
You're amusing, if nothing else.
Actually just the opposite. About ten years ago or so, our neighboring suburb created a new mall. It was very successful because of what's called the Anchor Store. An anchor store is what drives people to the malls, and the other smaller stores in the mall benefit by the after shopping effects from the anchor store. As in many cases, Walmart was the anchor store.

Things went well until Walmart wanted to build a superstore and found a way out of the contract. After they left, all the smaller stores closed up, and the mall is almost a ghost town now. They couldn't survive without Walmart.
Sounds like you should have asked another Walmart like business into your mall. Unless of course your community leaders WANTED a superstore over a mall.
Sounds like you should have asked another Walmart like business into your mall. Unless of course your community leaders WANTED a superstore over a mall.

That would have been great because I loved that mall. The problem is any other anchor store already had stores within a 15 mile range, and they have a policy not to put new stores that close together.
That can be true for stores that don't directly compete with Walmart. If they were offering products that Walmart doesn't sell or a greater variety of a certain type of product, then the anchor store effect could happen. I was referring to the mom & pop shops that did directly compete with Walmart as general retail businesses.

Not at all. The other stores here competed in a way. For instance they had an Office Max. Walmart had an office supply area, but not nearly the stock and availability of products Office Max had. Walmart had pet supplies, but not nearly the selection of products or quality that the Pet Smart store had. Walmart had a sporting goods section, but not anything like Dick's sporting goods.

When consumers didn't find any satisfaction with Walmart stock, they left and went to the other stores that did have what they wanted. Walmart never put anybody out of business--their consumers did.
That can be true for stores that don't directly compete with Walmart. If they were offering products that Walmart doesn't sell or a greater variety of a certain type of product, then the anchor store effect could happen. I was referring to the mom & pop shops that did directly compete with Walmart as general retail businesses.

Not at all. The other stores here competed in a way. For instance they had an Office Max. Walmart had an office supply area, but not nearly the stock and availability of products Office Max had. Walmart had pet supplies, but not nearly the selection of products or quality that the Pet Smart store had. Walmart had a sporting goods section, but not anything like Dick's sporting goods.

When consumers didn't find any satisfaction with Walmart stock, they left and went to the other stores that did have what they wanted. Walmart never put anybody out of business--their consumers did.
That matches what I mentioned though. The stores you mentioned offered greater selection than Walmart for specific goods, so they weren't really direct competitors.

That being said, the other stores you mentioned aren't mom & pop stores either. They are corporate chains, so their business models are somewhat similar to Walmart.
Okay, Arkansas is a red state. So (depending on how we split), Wal Mart will be located in Conserv-istan theoretically. I want to buy a widget from Wal*Mart. Wal Mart can sell it to me but because of the inevitable taxes on such transactions between nations that your blob imposed and the couter-tariffs imposed on Conserve-istan....the price that Wal*Mart can sell the widget at goes up. So I shop local. Wal*Mart loses the sale.

Ditto for thousands of different companies in both America and Conserv-istan.

Shopping local is what people should be doing. Walmart is a good example of where America started to go wrong. Their entire business model was based on killing local businesses through getting advantages from local governments that the small businesses couldn't get.

In short, America's version of capitalism was corrupted into a state capitalism that favors big business over small business.

And your opinion on the matter doesn't mean a hill of beans (like my opinion). The thing is that the guy I'm buying my widget from in America is likely going to have to import it from somewhere else...maybe Conserve-istan. That isn't an opinion...that's a fact. If you're a fan of low prices, you're not going to be served well by a split in the nation based on how an election turned out.
It wouldn't help anyone. Your imagination is funny.

It would help us on the right greatly. Imagine that. No more illegals to worry about. No more attacking our fuel supply. No more hidden or direct taxes. Much less government control which means more freedom for the citizens. No more handing out welfare to able minded and body people who don't want to work. More responsibility. More support of our police.

How could we not like a country ran like that?
No more taxes...

As I said, your imagination is funny.

PS: Who is paying the police?
They are moving because red states are depressed. For instance, we have a huge problem where where people come from California after selling their homes and businesses. What we end up having is low wages, high food prices and people living in Vans and Cars (who are working) that can't afford even a 1 br apartment much less a house. We've been having that problem far longer than your depressed red states. What's sad is, we have had a bunch of California Republicans move here and they are friggin crazy. Hence the QAnon rep that was sent to Washington. We also have an increase in California Dems who are just as crazy. The Reps used to have a large majority but not anymore. The problem is, both sides of the new "Inputs" are crazy.

Democrats and Republicans move out of those states because of high taxes, over-regulation, and high cost of living. Businesses and residents are fleeing NY and CA. They are moving to Nevada, Arizona, Florida just to name a few. Normally that would be welcoming, however once they get to these states, they vote the same way they did that ruined the state they moved from.

For instance SF made a law that shoplifting was not a crime if the stolen merchandise didn't exceed $1,000. So why not go to stores and steal up to $900.00? The only way for the store to survive is to drastically increase the cost of products, which adds to the cost of living there. If Democrats agree with that policy, then that's fine. But we Republicans don't, so why should we have to pay those inflated prices for goods?

This is why we need to divide this country. Let Democrats run their states as they deem necessary, and let us run our states the same. I can tell you which country would have people deserting to get to the other side.
And your opinion on the matter doesn't mean a hill of beans (like my opinion). The thing is that the guy I'm buying my widget from in America is likely going to have to import it from somewhere else...maybe Conserve-istan. That isn't an opinion...that's a fact. If you're a fan of low prices, you're not going to be served well by a split in the nation based on how an election turned out.

Your opinion is that low prices should be the priority. My opinion is that local business survival should be the priority and that the state should not favor big business over small business through things like tax breaks.

So, this entire discussion is about opinion.

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