If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully? Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...
How about working to lessen the divisions? Are the people from MO quitters?

We have no desire to work with communist.

Or, apparently, to learn how English plurals work. :banghead:

Tell me the problem you have with my post or stfu.

Do you have in fact any clue in the world how we form a plural in English on a noun like, say, "communist"?

You're communist....why is that so hard to understand?
I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
I like you man...but you're not making a very good point here...unless this is just an emotional response.

I'm very sure that a good and loyal Englishman made this same comment in Massachusetts in 1770.

And I respect that...loyalty is a virtue.

But, when King George demands more than a man can abide...the argument "God save the King" loses its appeal.

Sometimes you have to realize the deck is stacked against you and the only way to win is to stop playing.

False equivalency. Very false equivalency. Perhaps some study of colonial American history might clear a few things up.
How is that false and how is it different from what the democrat party is demanding?
I'll tell ya what we SHOULD do to address the bipolar tension.
Eliminate the fucking Electoral College.

Just think --- a world where cockamamie ideas like "red state" and "blue state" ---- do not exist.
That would require a Constitutional Amendment, although I'm aware of the interstate compact thing that some states have agreed to regarding the popular vote.

If the presidency ever went to a simple popular vote, however, there would be no need to campaign in the vast majority of the country. You could just campaign in about 10 metro areas and nothing else.

That would disenfranchise far more people than the EC does.

Disenfranchisement is hardly the only reason to jettison the EC, and I'm not sure it would disenfranchise more. As it stands now everybody in, say, California or Texas is disenfranchised before the vote even starts, and then once the vote is in, half or often more than half the rest of the voters go to the shredder as well.

One of its big flaws is that it suppresses voter turnout in general. Nobody in the aforementioned 'Red" or "Blue" state has any reason to vote at all, as that state's vote is predetermined. They can go vote with their state, vote against their state, vote for a third party, or stay home and bake cookies and every scenario returns exactly the same result with the exception that in the last one you get cookies.

That's a major reason our voter turnout is embarrassing. In 2016, a more typical year than the last round, turnout was 55%. That's absurd.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully? Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...
How about working to lessen the divisions? Are the people from MO quitters?

We have no desire to work with communist.

Or, apparently, to learn how English plurals work. :banghead:

Tell me the problem you have with my post or stfu.

Do you have in fact any clue in the world how we form a plural in English on a noun like, say, "communist"?

You're communist....why is that so hard to understand?

Sorry Tovarich. I thought you had gotten close to fluency in English by now. Obviously you're even slower than I thought.
We just need to vote enough democrats out of office in the midterms to take over both Houses of Congress and then re-elect Trump or another fighter like him who puts this nation first In the next presidential election.

To do that we need to figure out ways to prevent the democrats and the Deep State from rigging elections.

Trump will betray you all and destroy our institutions.. That what he learned from the founders of the John Birch Society.
The JBS seemed pretty fringe in their heyday, but what they said about the left back then seems to be true now.

Oh, really. I guess that Eisenhower was a communist, right? And so must have been the GOP of the time.

Eisenhower Republicans were far more humane.. none of this Trump trash.

Eisenhower was about the last real republican. BEfore that, we had Lincoln and Teddy R.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

I don't think a link is required for an open poll question.

Therefore I'm not gonna read it. :eusa_snooty:

Splitting is absurd. No way in the world. Why would we do that??

I'll tell ya what we SHOULD do to address the bipolar tension.
Eliminate the fucking Electoral College.

Just think --- a world where cockamamie ideas like "red state" and "blue state" ---- do not exist.
That would be great, but getting rid of the electoral college won't stop the pols from ferreting out which states have the most Dems, etc. I agree we should get rid of it, now that every state awards its electors according to the popular vote. The concept of that being overridden just got tested and was rejected in a big way. It's an additional anachronistic step whose time is long gone.

It ain't the only thing we can do, far from it. But dividing the country up into this mindless fake-dichotomy of "red" and "blue" states can only be divisive because it's the only thing it can be. James Madison himself wanted to ban the WTA practice, he could see where it was going even in his own time when it was just getting started.
WTA? What's that?

All the rubes can go to Alabama and Mississippi and start their own country.

Oh, and take West Virginia with you.
You seem very confused by the map. We won’t be huddling down in two or three states. We will be citing yours in half or worse.
Presidential elections are an illusion of choice anyway. Whoever you vote for ends up with the same group of people pulling the strings. It's why finding another country to live in is probably the safest option.

America is really only good for two things: gun rights and making money.

Then I suggest you stop working and head out across the border. Myself, I know that Democracy (Federal Republic) isn't free. It has to be constantly worked at. So don't let the border hit you in the ass on your way out.
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken. It ceased being one a long while ago.

If it were to your liking, it would be right out of Italy from 1930. But we have two doctrines that prevent that: the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, both you have tried to go around. Sorry, cupcake, Fascism just won't happen.

All the rubes can go to Alabama and Mississippi and start their own country.

Oh, and take West Virginia with you.

Or, we can use my idea: Divide the country completely in half. Have a line from north to south giving each side the same square miles.

My suggestion is that the libs have their country on the west side next to their precious Mexican border, and we'll take the east side. We will have a land tradeoff so nobody loses anything.

Then, we will build a huge Trump wall along that line to keep the liberals out. Now if we did that, and all the Democrats had to move to the west side, my property value would double almost overnight. :bow2:
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken. It ceased being one a long while ago.

Trump found out otherwise
Trump found out the hard way that national elections really are rigged in most cases. The 2000 election was as well.

People seem to only realize this when their side loses. I realized it back in 2000, when I didn't support Gore or Bush. Everything that has happened since 2000 has only further confirmed my initial realization. 2020 was just another example of how the masses are led to believe they have a voice. They don't.

Ah, Karen. Just repeat the big lie.
Disenfranchisement is hardly the only reason to jettison the EC, and I'm not sure it would disenfranchise more. As it stands now everybody in, say, California or Texas is disenfranchised before the vote even starts, and then once the vote is in, half or often more than half the rest of the voters go to the shredder as well.

One of its big flaws is that it suppresses voter turnout in general. Nobody in the aforementioned 'Red" or "Blue" state has any reason to vote at all, as that state's vote is predetermined. They can go vote with their state, vote against their state, vote for a third party, or stay home and bake cookies and every scenario returns exactly the same result with the exception that in the last one you get cookies.

That's a major reason our voter turnout is embarrassing. In 2016, a more typical year than the last round, turnout was 55%. That's absurd.

There's a simple solution for that though. Just make it so that all states distribute electoral votes by the popular vote of the respective state.

So, if 60% of Texans vote Republican and 40% vote Democrats, 60% of the votes in Texas would go to the GOP candidate and 40% would go to the Democratic candidate. Unfortunately, this is a reform that would have to be done state-by-state, but you might be able to get states to enter a compact on that. This would differ from the current compact I mentioned, because that one is related to the national popular vote. With a state-based popular vote system for electoral votes, the winner-takes-all effect that causes low turnout would be gone.
We just need to vote enough democrats out of office in the midterms to take over both Houses of Congress and then re-elect Trump or another fighter like him who puts this nation first In the next presidential election.

To do that we need to figure out ways to prevent the democrats and the Deep State from rigging elections.

Trump will betray you all and destroy our institutions.. That what he learned from the founders of the John Birch Society.
The JBS seemed pretty fringe in their heyday, but what they said about the left back then seems to be true now.

Oh, really. I guess that Eisenhower was a communist, right? And so must have been the GOP of the time.
I didn't say that what they said about people other than the left was correct.

Like your sorry bunch, anything left of the Boston Strangler would be considered Left.
The JBS seemed pretty fringe in their heyday, but what they said about the left back then seems to be true now.

Oh, really. I guess that Eisenhower was a communist, right? And so must have been the GOP of the time.
I didn't say that what they said about people other than the left was correct.

Like your sorry bunch, anything left of the Boston Strangler would be considered Left.
I'm not affiliated with any bunch or party. And I'm actually not conservative on all policies. I just don't care for a lot of modern progressive social views.
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken. It ceased being one a long while ago.

If it were to your liking, it would be right out of Italy from 1930. But we have two doctrines that prevent that: the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, both you have tried to go around. Sorry, cupcake, Fascism just won't happen.
Actually, I prefer modern Poland. Modern Japan is actually nice as well. I'm not a fascist, although I realize how strong the urge is to label your opponents as such. It's a lot easier than making a counterargument.
The JBS seemed pretty fringe in their heyday, but what they said about the left back then seems to be true now.

Oh, really. I guess that Eisenhower was a communist, right? And so must have been the GOP of the time.
I didn't say that what they said about people other than the left was correct.

Like your sorry bunch, anything left of the Boston Strangler would be considered Left.
I'm not affiliated with any bunch or party. And I'm actually not conservative on all policies. I just don't care for a lot of modern progressive social views.

Sure, Karen. Keep trying to convince us not to notice you are a Party of the Rumper and a John Birch Society bitch.
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken. It ceased being one a long while ago.

If it were to your liking, it would be right out of Italy from 1930. But we have two doctrines that prevent that: the Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, both you have tried to go around. Sorry, cupcake, Fascism just won't happen.
Actually, I prefer modern Poland. Modern Japan is actually nice as well. I'm not a fascist, although I realize how strong the urge is to label your opponents as such. It's a lot easier than making a counterargument.

Sort of like all the JBSers keep claiming that they are something else as well. I think it started in 1964 the first time you characters were thrown out of the Republican Party. We need to do it again. Looks like Goldwater was right.

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