If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.

It probably won't happen unfortunately, however successful events happen from thought. The more people that accept the thought, the more likely that thought could become reality.

Many people thought the Wright brothers were crazy for talking about man flying.
Wouldn't be a even split. There is just no way to split this in any meaningful fashion.

Image result for voters by party map

The Blue areas are where the $$$$ is
That's right we don't need the fucking red state fucks. I am tired of paying for them and tired of their fucking lies, voter disenfranchisement, and just general horse shit. They want king fuckingfat ass Trump let go and be ruled by their fat ass fucking king. Fuck em.
Let's see here, CA takes more fed dollars than they provide. Nothing for red states there. South Texas--that's hilarious. Northern NM and AZ--yep alot of money comes from there--wrong. Portland and Seattle--hahaha, lot of money in those BLM/Antifa pukes' pockets. Try again moron. BTW, let me commend you on your imaginative use of that four letter word that your vocabulary would be lost without.
The Constitution establishes the country.
So if you uphold the COTUS, you uphold the US. It's what defines the US.

I disagree. The country is separate from the Constitution.

The country can...and I believe the case can be made for 'has'... easily diverge from the constraints of the Constitution.

If the country ignores the Constitution, which do you support?
The Constitution establishes the country.
So if you uphold the COTUS, you uphold the US. It's what defines the US.

I disagree. The country is separate from the Constitution.

The country can...and I believe the case can be made for 'has'... easily diverge from the constraints of the Constitution.

If the country ignores the Constitution, which do you support?

I don't accept your separate reality as a premise.

If you remove the Constitution --- you don't have a country. If you don't have a country, then you also don't have a Constitution for it. Can't have the one without the other unless you're running a military dick-tatorship or a kingdom.
I don't accept your separate reality as a premise.

If you remove the Constitution --- you don't have a country. If you don't have a country, then you also don't have a Constitution for it. Can't have the one without the other unless you're running a military dick-tatorship or a kingdom.
Accept it or don't...it's irrelevant.

There is a reason soldier don't take an oath to the country...but to the Constitution instead.

...it's a distinction with a definite difference.

As you are a leftist, I totally understand your need to ignore it.

You can have the Last Word on the subject.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate [sic] peacefully?

How about NO?
Your reasoning ?

The UNITED States of America is much stronger than the limp-dick defeatist pussies who keep crying about the sky falling. MY great nation will still be here long, long after all these spineless quitters are less than dust.
I suggest before anyone votes on this poll to go to the nearest National Cemetery and spent several hours reading the headstones of those who gave their life to support and defend the United States from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

This is false.

I don't need to go...I signed the dotted line myself and took the oath.

Both my and their oath was to defend the Constitution...not the country.

Had you taken the oath...you'd know that.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

I have, when I enlisted in the Navy in 1967
I often hear this argument, but if that's true.... why wouldn't you support secession of red states? Wouldn't that benefit the blue states?
No. No it wouldn't. Why would you think that it would?

If the premise is that red states are a net loss financially, then giving them independence would reduce the public debt of the remaining blue states over time. It would also allow you to spend more of your own tax money on your states rather than the red ones.
Pelosi's "covoid relief" bill is bailing out the bankrupt blue states.
Why do people here waste time on such a fairytale topic? Ain't no one going anywhere. Put your big boy pants on and get along with your latte drinking neighbors.
Jesus Christ, cope for once instead of whining that you're too special to live and work with anyone who doesn't think like you.
Judging from this poll, I suspect it's a done deal.

Once people get the idea that a thing is actually possible, the odds of that thing happening increase exponentially.

That was the purpose of the poll...to gauge if that tipping point had been reached.

It's a small sample, but it certainly is not as one sided as past polls have been in the last decade.

At this point I suspect the break up will occur within the next decade.

Folks are as tired today of living at the whim of folks that no longer share their culture and ideals as they were two hundred and fifty years so.

I'm giving you the opportunity for your utopia without us holding you back.

Just do it without us.

All we are asking is don't impose your utopia of the masses on us.

Why would you fight that?
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate [sic] peacefully?

How about NO?
Your reasoning ?

The UNITED States of America is much stronger than the limp-dick defeatist pussies who keep crying about the sky falling. MY great nation will still be here long, long after all these spineless quitters are less than dust.
Uh oh, you calling out the Republican voters who have had enough of the establishment bullcrappers, and want to separate from the bullcrap somehow ???
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate [sic] peacefully?

How about NO?
Your reasoning ?

The UNITED States of America is much stronger than the limp-dick defeatist pussies who keep crying about the sky falling. MY great nation will still be here long, long after all these spineless quitters are less than dust.
Uh oh, you calling out the Republican voters who have had enough of the establishment bullcrappers, and want to separate from the bullcrap somehow ???

I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
I don't accept your separate reality as a premise.

If you remove the Constitution --- you don't have a country. If you don't have a country, then you also don't have a Constitution for it. Can't have the one without the other unless you're running a military dick-tatorship or a kingdom.
Accept it or don't...it's irrelevant.

There is a reason soldier don't take an oath to the country...but to the Constitution instead.

...it's a distinction with a definite difference.

As you are a leftist, I totally understand your need to ignore it.

You can have the Last Word on the subject.

Hey I took the same Oath, and as far as I know it IS an oath to the country. Never thought of it any other way. Because it's not possible to. It's inextricable. So it's not me who's "ignoring" anything.

If you have a Constitution ---- HOW do you not have a country with it? Have you actually READ the Constitution? If it's not there to establish and define a country -------------------- what the hell is it doing?

So no it's in no way "irrelevant" --- your bogus separation of country from its constitution are the premise for the question 'which do you support?". That question is inoperative as it's built on a false premise. Show me how it's NOT a false premise.
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I don't give a shit who you are or what party you claim to belong to. If you are a dickless quitter you might as well get the fuck out, because we don't need losers like you in MY country.
I like you man...but you're not making a very good point here...unless this is just an emotional response.

I'm very sure that a good and loyal Englishman made this same comment in Massachusetts in 1770.

And I respect that...loyalty is a virtue.

But, when King George demands more than a man can abide...the argument "God save the King" loses its appeal.

Sometimes you have to realize the deck is stacked against you and the only way to win is to stop playing.

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