If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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I could

Left alone, strong military, left alone, low taxes, left alone, low cost of living, left alone and no poop on side walks
So, you don't want to be left alone to poop on the sidewalks.

Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

Why does it have to be "peacefully"? Are you telling me that I stockpiled all that fucking ammo for nothing?

Will the rest of Conservistan really give a shit?
And would it matter anyway, if they did? Remember, these are generally the "taker" States. The day they recede, they have no federal funds.... No armies, no federal agencies, and a crappy economy with low wages and no federal negotiating power in the global market. It will be...a "shithole" country.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

Why does it have to be "peacefully"? Are you telling me that I stockpiled all that fucking ammo for nothing?

That's right, you sure did. Nobody wants you or your stuff. You will basically be left alone in Conservastan . The rest of the world will be relieved.
If you think America is still a democracy or republic, you're mistaken.
Unless one consults a dictionary.
While I appreciate your defense of our system, it hasn't functioned like an actual democracy or republic for a while now. It has functioned as a plutocratic oligarchy for basically the last century. Some would say the problem goes as far back as the 1880s.
Can I have the good parts?
I have lived in almost every region of this great country and I believe they all have positives and negatives. While some of the negatives (in some people's opinions) occur naturally, the most negatives in a region are usually human/government caused. The regional popularity is predominately a matter of opinion.
Yep. So, what I hear you saying is that I will be taking the White Sox and you are taking the Cubs?
Pretty close. Bad analogy though, I couldn't care less about any college or professional sport. Overpaid, egotistical primadonnas who think people really care about their politics. But that's another story for another thread. I've lived in HOT deserts and COLD mountain forests, near the oceans and rivers, cities and rural communities and I've liked them all with the single exception of the cities. Once again, due to humans and government.
Will the rest of Conservistan really give a shit?
And would it matter anyway, if they did? Remember, these are generally the "taker" States. The day they recede, they have no federal funds.... No armies, no federal agencies, and a crappy economy with low wages and no federal negotiating power in the global market. It will be...a "shithole" country.
I often hear this argument, but if that's true.... why wouldn't you support secession of red states? Wouldn't that benefit the blue states?
Will the rest of Conservistan really give a shit?
And would it matter anyway, if they did? Remember, these are generally the "taker" States. The day they recede, they have no federal funds.... No armies, no federal agencies, and a crappy economy with low wages and no federal negotiating power in the global market. It will be...a "shithole" country.
I often hear this argument, but if that's true.... why wouldn't you support secession of red states? Wouldn't that benefit the blue states?
No. No it wouldn't. Why would you think that it would?
Wouldn't be a even split. There is just no way to split this in any meaningful fashion.

Image result for voters by party map

The Blue areas are where the $$$$ is
That's right we don't need the fucking red state fucks. I am tired of paying for them and tired of their fucking lies, voter disenfranchisement, and just general horse shit. They want king fuckingfat ass Trump let go and be ruled by their fat ass fucking king. Fuck em.
I often hear this argument, but if that's true.... why wouldn't you support secession of red states? Wouldn't that benefit the blue states?
No. No it wouldn't. Why would you think that it would?

If the premise is that red states are a net loss financially, then giving them independence would reduce the public debt of the remaining blue states over time. It would also allow you to spend more of your own tax money on your states rather than the red ones.
why wouldn't you support secession of red states?
Because i actually still care about those people in those States. I also still think our large, strong union keeps both the US and the rest of the world a more peaceful place.
I think US interventionism in the last 20 years has done more harm to the world than help. We've destabilized the Middle East repeatedly, for example.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

I suggest before anyone votes on this poll to go to the nearest National Cemetery and spent several hours reading the headstones of those who gave their life to support and defend the United States from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

No kidding, are there any left? Haven't you loons knocked them all down?

A very stupid and unpatriotic response. Not unexpected coming from this jerk.
Just what the title asks. If a house divided cannot stand, should the house divide into two or more houses that can stand while we can still seperate peacefully?

Since I believe I am required a link...here it is...

It would be nice to reconcile... but we're dealing with left-wingers who literally hate people who disagree with them.

How do you 'reconcile' with that?

View attachment 460144\

Here is a blob supporter shooting paintball of love from the back of a moving truck....

An expression of love no doubt.
Why say that when we just elected the GOAT POTUS, he came to us to unite us. We're talking about the greatest figure since Gandhi, perhaps even Obama. I think Biden is the best person since at least Ben Franklin, perhaps Jesus himself. We're no longer Trump's America, we've united behind him, there's a coming of Jesus and that's to embrace Biden as our father & savior.

Come on!

Gaaaaaaagch. Thanks alot for nothing. I just lost my lunch.
Charity is when you make the choice to give money without any compulsion, to another person or cause, for the benefit of a stranger.
Church donations are deemed to be charitable contributions even when services such as child care, etc., are received in return.
No. No it wouldn't. Why would you think that it would?

How would it help us and not you? Wouldn't you be happy with a cradle-to-grave government, a government that has government healthcare, a government that prohibits citizens from owning guns, a government where all dope is legal but cigarettes not, a government with no police or a very weak police force, a government if you want to work, you can, and if you don't want to work, you don't have to, a government that taxes your job creators at 70%?

You see, I don't want any of these things, and that's why I've supported the idea of separate countries for the last couple of years now.

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