If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Excuse me? And you fantasize that you gained the authority to demand answers from me in what way?

It's amazing how, the more you continue with this, "Well, we're so fantastic and you all suck too badly for us to need you, so you can't leave!" schtick, the more you actually demonstrate exactly why a national divorce is such a popular idea. Like all leftists, you stand as the best argument against everything you support.
So you can't answer the question. It's easier just to type that you don't know.
Treasure your delusions of godlike power over those around you for as long as they last.
Who's going to make us internet tough guy? My family fought against the English at New Orleans. We're not going anywhere. Give me poboys or give me death!😜
Ray you are losing it. Sorry dude. A nation with only conservatives cannot survive as well as a nation of only Democrats cannot survive. You know this.
What traitor? I'm trying to save at least half of our country from you Communists. I'd rather save half than to lose the entire thing which on this track, will be less than 30 years, and the Great Experiment will finally be put to an end. Yes, I ask if you're on drugs when we are having a discussion about splitting up the country and you bring up concentration camps. Like where the fuck did that come from?

The idea of splitting up is far from Trump losing, it's the FACT that you leftist keep pushing towards Socialism/ Communism more and more all the time. Your party wants to make it virtually impossible for law abiding citizens to own firearms, want to get rid of our police or make them so weak they can't do their job, force us into electric vehicles and energy production, have open borders with the attempt to make white people a minority in this country for the first time, but you think it's all about Trump.

Shows how inept you are of understanding what's taking place in our nation.
Yea, sure. You idiots have been ranting about the left taking guns away from people since Reagan was POTUS. Ain't happened yet has it, genius? Ohhhh, but it might!

Name one city in this Country where the police have been defunded. Go for it.

Name one legistlation pending in Washington or anywhere else that proposes forcing people to buy EV's. Let's have it.

The border has been a problem for decades including when Trump was in.

We're turning Communist/ Socialist? Sure we are to those who listen to fringe right wing fanatics. Any proposal to assist the working class is socialist to you gullible fools.

Who ever thought you maniacs would claim that saving this Country meant tearing it apart.

It's fringe right wing paranoid lunatics like you who are destroying this Country.
Yea, sure. You idiots have been ranting about the left taking guns away from people since Reagan was POTUS. Ain't happened yet has it, genius? Ohhhh, but it might!

Name one city in this Country where the police have been defunded. Go for it.

Name one legistlation pending in Washington or anywhere else that proposes forcing people to buy EV's. Let's have it.

The border has been a problem for decades including when Trump was in.

We're turning Communist/ Socialist? Sure we are to those who listen to fringe right wing fanatics. Any proposal to assist the working class is socialist to you gullible fools.

Who ever thought you maniacs would claim that saving this Country meant tearing it apart.

It's fringe right wing paranoid lunatics like you who are destroying this Country.

You are pretty close to communism now, it's just you don't know it. But if you go to the US Communist party website, look up their agenda, you'll find very few differences between theirs and the Democrat party. Do you think they're going to tell you their ultimate goal? You're crazy. You are like the frog in the pot of cold water on the stove happily swimming around.

I invite you to look up Dementia's plans for our guns if you have the guts. Then tell me they don't want to take away our guns. The only thing stopping his plans are a few of the Democrats are not going along with it. If they had total unity on the subject, they would be in the process of making sure no new guns would be sold in this country.

Trump had the border under control. In 2019, he reduced border crossings by 90%. His policies included Stay in Mexico, apply for asylum in your own country at your US embassy, if you do get to our border and were offered asylum by another country along the way and refused it, your application will automatically be rejected here just to name a few. Dementia reversed all of his successful policies except Stay in Mexico. He did reverse that too, but a court told him he had to bring it back.

So yes, the decay of liberty is in front of us for all to see, that's why we need to save at least half of this country if possible. What's wrong? Don't think you can have a country without us?
Nah. America is for Americans.

Ideally we should kick out illegals, America haters, and blame America first cocksuckers. I don't want to share my country with others, you're either an American or get the fuck out.

You are talking about most liberals then.
Yea...well enjoy THAT fantasy. It don't happen. Never has

You're talking about death and economic destruction

Sure, there would be some growing pains, but in the end, everything would be much better.......at least for those of us on the right.

We are way too different now to be one country. Do you date women you really can't stand? Do you hang around with guys you think are assholes? Of course not. There is no enjoyment in doing so. So why have a country where you are in constant conflict with over half of the people? Wouldn't you be happier with your own country where most everybody agreed with you? I know we on the right would.
Conservatives have a difficult time dealing with reality and need to make up idiotic fairy-tales in order to cope.
Of course I do I lived my life for it, but what about the children and cancel culture, men with dresses in little girls bathrooms, men in dresses in women's sports, biden with high fuel and electric prices, biden coming for guns?

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