If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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Most places didn't shut down.
We have assed did. But not like the ones who went postal. I was off for 5 weeks but we had a skeleton crew. Most of the country did stay home.......or work from home because the refinery was silent for months on end.............Only real product going out was diesel fuel.

Only after hurricanes have I seen it like that.
If possible, should we peacefully split the country?
This is as idiotic now as it was last February – a rightwing temper tantrum Biden having just taken office.

It’s also an example of the right’s hatred for America, how they want to destroy this country because they don’t like the outcome of an election.

It illustrates the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the American people.
LOL Nice troll. But no dice. Just using sarcasm on you. Whether you agree or not............this country is DEEPLY DIVIDED. And it can get real if it continues this way.
It is, but you're the one whining. Do you not get that?
What’s particularly ignorant and idiotic about ‘splitting up’ the country is that the divisions don’t run between or among states or regions of the country, but between rural areas and cities, with the suburbs a kind of no-man’s land that fluctuate between rural and urban depending on the capricious political winds.

There’s no way to ‘split up’ America where the racist right can have their own white-only country free from people of color.
What’s particularly ignorant and idiotic about ‘splitting up’ the country is that the divisions don’t run between or among states or regions of the country, but between rural areas and cities, with the suburbs a kind of no-man’s land that fluctuate between rural and urban depending on the capricious political winds.

There’s no way to ‘split up’ America where the racist right can have their own white-only country free from people of color.
Here. Hold our beer.
What’s particularly ignorant and idiotic about ‘splitting up’ the country is that the divisions don’t run between or among states or regions of the country, but between rural areas and cities, with the suburbs a kind of no-man’s land that fluctuate between rural and urban depending on the capricious political winds.

There’s no way to ‘split up’ America where the racist right can have their own white-only country free from people of color.

The split would be between political views. It's communism vs constitutionalism. There are plenty of conservatives in cities and I'm sure some liberals out in the country. It seems every year the left drifts further and further to the left. At one time Piglosi was considered a radical. Today she's considered a Democrat moderate. We can no longer peacefully exist any longer. It's time we split up. What are you afraid of?
LOL Nice troll. But no dice. Just using sarcasm on you. Whether you agree or not............this country is DEEPLY DIVIDED. And it can get real if it continues this way.

If there are any changes it will get more divided. Hate to disappoint but recent history tells the real story.
Leftists also want the fed gov reduced and more responsive to the people.

Right, that's why they want Dementia to hire 83,000 additional IRS agents and many of the federal workers are still working from home, because they are responsive to the people that way.
They can have Texass & keep Lyin Ted, one of the biggest jerkoffs ever elected to the Senate.

Texass is so wonderful that they can' t even keep the grid up during an ice storm.

Maybe they should call Commiefornia for tips on how to keep electricity on. At least Texas had a reason which was a totally unusual ice storm.
You're the one talking shit about splitting this Country in half, "people choosing sides, land tradeoffs", & all the rest of your idiotic hallucinations.

And I'm on drugs, you stupid moron? Let's split the Country in half because your orange god had his ass beat last November. Yea, that'll work.

Yea, let's split this Country in half just like what was done with Korea & Viet Nam, idiot. What's even more scary is Bozos like you are actually serious, traitor.

What traitor? I'm trying to save at least half of our country from you Communists. I'd rather save half than to lose the entire thing which on this track, will be less than 30 years, and the Great Experiment will finally be put to an end. Yes, I ask if you're on drugs when we are having a discussion about splitting up the country and you bring up concentration camps. Like where the fuck did that come from?

The idea of splitting up is far from Trump losing, it's the FACT that you leftist keep pushing towards Socialism/ Communism more and more all the time. Your party wants to make it virtually impossible for law abiding citizens to own firearms, want to get rid of our police or make them so weak they can't do their job, force us into electric vehicles and energy production, have open borders with the attempt to make white people a minority in this country for the first time, but you think it's all about Trump.

Shows how inept you are of understanding what's taking place in our nation.
Answer the question. What is the GDP?

Excuse me? And you fantasize that you gained the authority to demand answers from me in what way?

It's amazing how, the more you continue with this, "Well, we're so fantastic and you all suck too badly for us to need you, so you can't leave!" schtick, the more you actually demonstrate exactly why a national divorce is such a popular idea. Like all leftists, you stand as the best argument against everything you support.

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