If possible, should we peacefully split the country?

To split or not to split...that is the question...

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When are you going to tell us put solar on your roofs OR ELSE like in California. Or tax us to death like there. So we can all live on the streets and shit on the sidewalks there like your UTOPIA THERE.

I don't care about California............I only care that the disease of California stays there.
If you don't care about Cali why are you triggered about it?
Why. They are fucking communist fucks. They burn the flag. Shit on it and say America Sucks all the dang time. They go postal on covid..........Nazi crap.........Whine like babies when you say......dude chill the fuck out and leave me alone.

Then it's OBEY ME...........Then I'm FUCK YOU.

Simple isn't it. I don't like them. They don't like me. Simple. KISS . KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.

Now if they would just STFU and live their own way.........we wouldn't be saying I'm sick of you and want a divorce.

Now there ya go Mr. Fraud.

When innocent Vietnamese are being murdered under the guise of the flag, the flag should be burned.
When the murdering stops and good is being done, only then should the flag be a symbol of good.
It is not constant, but must always be relative.
I'm using a cattle prod on lunatic leftist as a hobby. Fucking with you is fun.

Oh, 'fucking chilling' has now taken a rather dark turn. I hope you practice safety and keep at least one hand on the prod at all times, I'm not so sure your mom's basement has a first aid kit.
When innocent Vietnamese are being murdered under the guise of the flag, the flag should be burned.
When the murdering stops and good is being done, only then should the flag be a symbol of good.
It is not constant, but must always be relative.
Sorry. I can't agree with the burning of our flag. Vietnam was a stupid War. From the same Federal Gov't that has too much power now. I can't respect the burning of the Flag or the AMERICA SUCKS PLATFORM.

In foreign Wars...............the complex pushes perpetual War. Which has only been to line their pockets and not for winning the Wars.
You should probably get out more. Take the wife dancing.
They can have Texass & keep Lyin Ted, one of the biggest jerkoffs ever elected to the Senate.

Texass is so wonderful that they can' t even keep the grid up during an ice storm.
Because their leaders are in the Fed trying to push that ideology across the whole nation. Return the power to the states and Spay and Neuter the Federal Gov't which IS OUT OF CONTROL.

See, you can agree with leftists.
Leftists also want the fed gov reduced and more responsive to the people.
It is the left who is anti war, like Vietnam, Desert Storm, invasion of Iraq, crimes in Syria, etc.
It is the right who is making the fed gov more powerful with these fake wars, TSA, FISA phone tapping, etc.
Oh, 'fucking chilling' has now taken a rather dark turn. I hope you practice safety and keep at least one hand on the prod at all times, I'm not so sure your mom's basement has a first aid kit.
LOL Nice troll. But no dice. Just using sarcasm on you. Whether you agree or not............this country is DEEPLY DIVIDED. And it can get real if it continues this way.
They can have Texass & keep Lyin Ted, one of the biggest jerkoffs ever elected to the Senate.

Texass is so wonderful that they can' t even keep the grid up during an ice storm.
If I give you a dollar will you take him?
Because their leaders are in the Fed trying to push that ideology across the whole nation. Return the power to the states and Spay and Neuter the Federal Gov't which IS OUT OF CONTROL.
Then reelect Trump who's a malignant psychopath & see where we end up.
When innocent Vietnamese are being murdered under the guise of the flag, the flag should be burned.
When the murdering stops and good is being done, only then should the flag be a symbol of good.
It is not constant, but must always be relative.
End corrupt GOP economics that causes depressions and inequality and the stupid wars and covert action they're always doing....
See, you can agree with leftists.
Leftists also want the fed gov reduced and more responsive to the people.
It is the left who is anti war, like Vietnam, Desert Storm, invasion of Iraq, crimes in Syria, etc.
It is the right who is making the fed gov more powerful with these fake wars, TSA, FISA phone tapping, etc.
I can't agree with the ones who rioted in over 200 cities.

Vietnam was a stupid War.
Desert Storm wasn't as our national interest were at stake. The Petro dollar.
Invasion of Iraq. Any long term war is Not IN OUR INTEREST. And is stupid in the quick sand of the Middle East. No one has really ever succeeded there.
Syria was a snowball of the leftovers from Iraq. Who were released from camps who formed ISIS
The Patriot Act was a time of FACTION that they used to gain power. And I was actually for it when it happened. Now I know that was a mistake.
Then reelect Trump who's a malignant psychopath & see where we end up.
Did just fine til the plannedemic with him. Economy was rolling........My biggest problem was the 2 weeks to control the spread and not firing people like Fauci.

We should have never shut down........and that did happen on his watch.

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