If President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital

if Romney was President, ISIS would of been eliminated before they had a chance.

First of all, correct grammar would demand your use of "would have" and not "would of".....but that aside, what would Romney have done, offer ISIS members jobs at Staples?

--- nah, he would of [sic] just fired 'em. I hear he likes that.

"Oh shit, lost my ISIS job. Guess I'll go see if Burqa King is hiring"...
if Romney was President, ISIS would of been eliminated before they had a chance.

First of all, correct grammar would demand your use of "would have" and not "would of".....but that aside, what would Romney have done, offer ISIS members jobs at Staples?
i can never get my "would of, should of, could of" right. its normal for us average americans,,,but at least I am pretty sure we dont have 57 states, like all democrats seem to think.
I am pretty sure we dont have 57 states, like all democrats seem to think.

If THAT is your best "criticism" of democrats, that's fine.....We'll hold on to the WH , take back the Senate in 2016.....and you can bitch about "57 states" all the way to 2024.
if Romney was President, ISIS would of been eliminated before they had a chance.

First of all, correct grammar would demand your use of "would have" and not "would of".....but that aside, what would Romney have done, offer ISIS members jobs at Staples?
i can never get my "would of, should of, could of" right. its normal for us average americans,,,but at least I am pretty sure we dont have 57 states, like all democrats seem to think.

It's fascinating how some minds (don't) work -- let's say a guy runs for POTUS, he's running ragged with 18, 20 hour days zipping all over the place campaigning... near the end he's counting up the places with the number forty-seven in mind, starts to mouth the word "fifty", from the common "fifty states"... pauses and injects the "seven", sounding like "fifty seven"......

... some wags, not only take that to mean he actually believes there are 57 states (and run off to draw up all sorts of Islamophobe conspiracy theories about the secret meaning) .... but then go on to attribute that same myth to everybody in his political party, even though they weren't even there for the speech.

Takes a special kind of moron. Boggles the very mind.
if Romney was President, ISIS would of been eliminated before they had a chance.

First of all, correct grammar would demand your use of "would have" and not "would of".....but that aside, what would Romney have done, offer ISIS members jobs at Staples?
i can never get my "would of, should of, could of" right. its normal for us average americans,,,but at least I am pretty sure we dont have 57 states, like all democrats seem to think.

It's fascinating how some minds (don't) work -- let's say a guy runs for POTUS, he's running ragged with 18, 20 hour days zipping all over the place campaigning... near the end he's counting up the places with the number forty-seven in mind, starts to mouth the word "fifty", from the common "fifty states"... pauses and injects the "seven", sounding like "fifty seven"......

... some wags, not only take that to mean he actually believes there are 57 states (and run off to draw up all sorts of Islamophobe conspiracy theories about the secret meaning) .... but then go on to attribute that same myth to everybody in his political party, even though they weren't even there for the speech.

Takes a special kind of moron. Boggles the very mind.
and if Romney was elected, millions of Children wouldn't of been either vomiting, or refusing meals ordered to their schools by "Chef Moochelle"
Takes a special kind of moron. Boggles the very mind.

I'd only disagree with the term "special" [kind of moron}.......Folks are Rexx are the everyday genre of morons....probably also a Fox devotee.
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Ah remember when. Remember when the left wing said that by invading Iraq it destabilized the middle east? Although apparently it took 10 years and Obama getting elected for it to actually happen? Can you remember the press blaming Obama for his war with Syria and Libya, the resultant humanitarian crisis and the rise of ISIS because of him destabilizing those countries? No I don't think you can.

See the left is OK with bombing a hospital and killing doctors and innocents because that is just the logical fallout of their type of war. Terrorism from the sky. They we OK with killing ethnic Serbs and Chinese nationals with terror bombing. What is the difference between a pressure cooker at a race and a Tomahawk missile falling from the sky destroying a hospital? It both cases the perpetrator enjoys the comfort of both killing and safety.
if Romney was President, ISIS would of been eliminated before they had a chance.

First of all, correct grammar would demand your use of "would have" and not "would of".....but that aside, what would Romney have done, offer ISIS members jobs at Staples?
i can never get my "would of, should of, could of" right. its normal for us average americans,,,but at least I am pretty sure we dont have 57 states, like all democrats seem to think.

It's fascinating how some minds (don't) work -- let's say a guy runs for POTUS, he's running ragged with 18, 20 hour days zipping all over the place campaigning... near the end he's counting up the places with the number forty-seven in mind, starts to mouth the word "fifty", from the common "fifty states"... pauses and injects the "seven", sounding like "fifty seven"......

... some wags, not only take that to mean he actually believes there are 57 states (and run off to draw up all sorts of Islamophobe conspiracy theories about the secret meaning) .... but then go on to attribute that same myth to everybody in his political party, even though they weren't even there for the speech.

Takes a special kind of moron. Boggles the very mind.
and if Romney was elected, millions of Children wouldn't of been either vomiting, or refusing meals ordered to their schools by "Chef Moochelle"

I suspect no matter who was elected, those kids would be learning the future conditional form "would have". Actually "would of" makes me vomit.
Takes a special kind of moron. Boggles the very mind.

I'd only disagree with the term "special" [kind of moron}.......Folks are Rexx are the everyday genre of morons....probably also a Fox devotee.

I dunno.... I heard all kinds of great lines from Shrubya, but I've never once heard anyone anywhere suggest that all Republicans "want to put food on their family" or "believe humans and fish can coexist".
To recap . Bush is NOT to blame for 911. But Obama is to blame for this hospital.

Got Ya!
now I wonder how many of those 64 or so million Americans who voted for Obama are now saying, If I had known now what I would of known then, or "What Ive would of known then and now",,,no, thats not it. If I knew then what I know no about Obama, I would of voted for Sarah Palin in 2016? or , Fool me Once, Fool Me Twice, Shame on me I voted for Obama.
If Romney were elected and we had the economy that we have today, nutbags would be calling for him to have his likeness added to Mt. Rushmore.

And you fuckers know it.
I think that Liberals cheering the bombing of a hospital when their guy is in charge is just as silly as Conservatives opposing drone strikes when their guy isn't in charge.

We don't belong over there. We need to get out, now.
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

The far left is only anti-war when there is a (R) in office..

They could care less when a (D) is in office, no matter how many illegal wars the enter and doing away with due process doe snot bother them or how drone strike are causing more collateral damage than ever. When an (R) gets elected in 2016, suddenly they will care about such things again.

Just goes to show that once you get the far left out of politics then we can have a better run country, not to mention world..

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