If reparations are paid to black Americans, they should come from the democrat party......obviously.

Ah, you mad?

Gabbard isn't perfect but was the best you had. Want Romney as a trade? Please take Matt Gaetz as well.
I'm a registered Independent after a lifetime membership in the GOP.

I am a classical liberal. The organization formerly known as the Republican Party no longer exists. The current cult of personality has no fealty to any conservative/classical liberal principles whatsoever.

I'm a registered Independent after a lifetime membership in the GOP.

I am a classical liberal. The organization formerly known as the Republican Party no longer exists. The current cult of personality has no fealty to any conservative/classical liberal principles whatsoever.

Nobody believes that
As I said, if reparations are to be paid, the states which belonged to the Confederacy should pay reparations...obviously.

ILMAO..........You accuse others of not being educated, so funny.

What about the Union States that had slaves during the war? Let me guess, you figure they're Democrat thus deserve a free ride, and aren't accountable because they're victims in some way.
ILMAO..........You accuse others of not being educated, so funny.

What about the Union States that had slaves during the war? Let me guess, you figure they're Democrat thus deserve a free ride, and aren't accountable because they're victims in some way.
If you want to add the border states to the list of states to pay reparations, feel free. Sounds good to me.
I'm a registered Independent after a lifetime membership in the GOP.

I am a classical liberal. The organization formerly known as the Republican Party no longer exists. The current cult of personality has no fealty to any conservative/classical liberal principles whatsoever.

Yes you are indeed a “classic liberal” because you entirely dismiss facts when they don’t match your wishes or feelings.
If you want to add the border states to the list of states to pay reparations, feel free. Sounds good to me.

Say republican :abgg2q.jpg: How much you figure we should give black people, and what would be the qualifications for doing so?
It should be the Southern states which belonged to the Confederacy.
Which is the really funny part. Yes, let the blue states pay for all of the reparations and keep the federal government out of it. I just read the other day that blue states were taking the lead in paying for Climate change policies. I think that is a terrific idea. Leave the red states out of it and let the blue states tax their own to death in order to pay reparations and fight mother nature. And the idiots wonder why people are moving out of their high taxes states to Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
Say republican :abgg2q.jpg: How much you figure we should give black people, and what would be the qualifications for doing so?
I don't support reparations.

I am more concerned about leveling the playing field for all Americans. Blacks are not the only ones being robbed blind.
Remember how Republicans freed the slaves?
And then abandoned them to their fate and let the former slaveholders regained power. Setting the pattern of abandoning our allies for the GOP leaders in the future.
If reparations are paid to blacks ..
  • They should be required to accept the past and not continue to leverage the past for political/social gain.
  • Affirmative action should be rescinded
  • Following the identity trend, any individual should be able to identify as black
Might Pupps suggest a Pick Your Own Reparations gift card?


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