If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Sorry,... none of this shows how "Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place'.
You'll have to do better.
Oh, they clearly show it,
Another lie.
Illustrate that necessary relationship.
Every one of these countries has had significant labor movements and uprisings that causes the state to respond by pushing regulations, whether it be workplace safety, child labor, the minimum wage.. It's really not that hard.
Still looking for that necessary relationship.
So far, you've produced nothing but you opinion.
Are you fucking kidding me? REGULATIONS GO HAND IN HAND WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE, put in place due to the people having enough of the shit that was happening. You'll never accept reality, I could give you 1000 texts from the early 1900's and you'd ask for more.
Its OUR money and We the People, as a society, pay the price for a lack of birth control

NO, we pay a price because a lack of personal accountability! You can get condoms now almost ANYWHERE fro free these days...and what difference has it made. There are over 5 MILLION abortions a year in this country. MORE 'free' condoms' is NOT going to change that..it just ISN'T!

The STATISTICS and FACTS prove this!

Societies have paid that price for thousands of years
How they deal with the least fortunate among them is a measure of that society.
Right wingers seem to lack common sense.

Only a liberal is dumb enough to think personal accountability is the result of a lack of common sense.

Only a liberal focuses on teaching 4th and 5th graders on how to masturbate, how to put on condoms, how to engage in oral sex, and hands out 'Chiclets' yet wonders why the un-married pregnancy rate and abortion rate is off the chart in this country while lil' Johnny can' tread when he gets out of school.

Only a Liberal forces just about everyone to hand out contraceptives / condoms, single-parent birth rates and abortion rates soar yet they think if we just made MORE 'free' contraceptives available the problem would be solved.

Pubbies also hate the idea of overtime pay, just look at how they're responding to obamas push to expand it.
Mindless idiocy.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
LOL. :happy-1:
as I said:
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing. This is the case most of the time. You're an idiot.
Right wingers seem to lack common sense.

Only a liberal is dumb enough to think personal accountability is the result of a lack of common sense.

Only a liberal focuses on teaching 4th and 5th graders on how to masturbate, how to put on condoms, how to engage in oral sex, and hands out 'Chiclets' yet wonders why the un-married pregnancy rate and abortion rate is off the chart in this country while lil' Johnny can' tread when he gets out of school.

Only a Liberal forces just about everyone to hand out contraceptives / condoms, single-parent birth rates and abortion rates soar yet they think if we just made MORE 'free' contraceptives available the problem would be solved.

What liberal focuses on teaching the above? Except for free birth control, which empirically reduces pregnancy in all cases.
Sorry,... none of this shows how "Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place'.
You'll have to do better.
Oh, they clearly show it,
Another lie.
Illustrate that necessary relationship.
Every one of these countries has had significant labor movements and uprisings that causes the state to respond by pushing regulations, whether it be workplace safety, child labor, the minimum wage.. It's really not that hard.
Still looking for that necessary relationship.
So far, you've produced nothing but you opinion.
Your statement here does not show the necessary relationship I asked for.
Perhaps you do not understand that "necessary relationship" means?
Mindless idiocy.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
LOL. :happy-1:
as I said:
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
as I said:
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Societies have paid that price for thousands of years
How they deal with the least fortunate among them is a measure of that society.

A woman who CHOOSES to have sex and gets pregnant then CHOOSES to have ELECTED SURGERY to terminate the life of her un-born baby' is NOT 'the least fortunate among us' but is instead an immature, ignorant, selfish individual who has no concept of discipline, personal responsibility, and restraint. Such an individual takes actions based on the belief that he / she already has a 'safety net' that will eliminate the consequences of THEIR choices and actions should something go wrong! Rewarding and ENABLING such behavior does NOTHING to solve the problem but continues and makes such problems even BIGGER!

FORCING 'me' to pay for such ignorant, irresponsible choices and behavior is not being 'charitable' or even 'kind'. It is cruel and ensures the process continues. It also makes slaves of those forced to enable (pay for) the behavior that is, by doing so, 'encouraged'.
Oh, they clearly show it,
Another lie.
Illustrate that necessary relationship.
Every one of these countries has had significant labor movements and uprisings that causes the state to respond by pushing regulations, whether it be workplace safety, child labor, the minimum wage.. It's really not that hard.
Still looking for that necessary relationship.
So far, you've produced nothing but you opinion.
Your statement here does not show the necessary relationship I asked for.
Perhaps you do not understand that "necessary relationship" means?
I've shown you the relationship, unregulated capitalism led to labor uprisings and anger in the population, couple this with events like factory fires and deaths due to lack of safety, etc, and you get the government stepping in.
as I said:
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
You have no idea whatsoever because you have never been in a position where you need to make that call.
You simply parrot that which you masters feed you.
Credit where credit is due -- you do a great job it; I am sure they are pleased.
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
You have no idea whatsoever because you have never been in a position where you need to make that call.
You simply parrot that which you masters feed you.
Credit where credit is due -- you do a great job it; I am sure they are pleased.
And you expect me to believe you?
You don't source anything.
Except for free birth control, which empirically reduces pregnancy in all cases.

:wtf:'Abortions reduce pregnancies'?

An abortion does not ' UN-DO' a pregnancy. It terminates the life or potential life within the pregnant mother.

That's like saying murder 'reduces life'. :confused:
Another lie.
Illustrate that necessary relationship.
Every one of these countries has had significant labor movements and uprisings that causes the state to respond by pushing regulations, whether it be workplace safety, child labor, the minimum wage.. It's really not that hard.
Still looking for that necessary relationship.
So far, you've produced nothing but you opinion.
Your statement here does not show the necessary relationship I asked for.
Perhaps you do not understand that "necessary relationship" means?
I've shown you the relationship...
No. You haven't.
At best you've argued (post hoc ergo propter hoc
And thus: Your statement remains a lie.
Okay first off many companies already offer parental leave to both parents, mine does. We didn't need the dumb ass government to force us to offer it. Second, what makes you think other companies that are not as well off financially can just shit money out their ass to pay for this benefit? Libs seem to assume companies are greedily hoarding a huge supply of money when in fact many companies struggle and historically thousands of companies big and small have gone bust.

If the libs want to ensure that the only companies that survive their socialist agenda are the big corporations, well just keep passing more and more regulations. Hey I told you before the left is retarded.

Many marginal companies do go bust
Not a reason to sacrifice worker protections. Should we waive the 40 hour week and overtime for companies that are struggling?

That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public

I see you doubled down with more idiocy. Go have a look at Upstate NY and Detroit, that's what the left's idiotic ideas and corruption have produced.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
You have no idea whatsoever because you have never been in a position where you need to make that call.
You simply parrot that which you masters feed you.
Credit where credit is due -- you do a great job it; I am sure they are pleased.
And you expect me to believe you?
You don't source anything.
As far as you simply parroting that which your masters feed you?
You, my boy, are the source -- not once have you posted an original idea.
Every one of these countries has had significant labor movements and uprisings that causes the state to respond by pushing regulations, whether it be workplace safety, child labor, the minimum wage.. It's really not that hard.
Still looking for that necessary relationship.
So far, you've produced nothing but you opinion.
Your statement here does not show the necessary relationship I asked for.
Perhaps you do not understand that "necessary relationship" means?
I've shown you the relationship...
No. You haven't.
At best you've argued (post hoc ergo propter hoc
And thus: Your statement remains a lie.
Just stop. You're honestly telling me labor organizing and all that I mentioned under unregulated capitalism has nothing to do with the government regulating?
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
You have no idea whatsoever because you have never been in a position where you need to make that call.
You simply parrot that which you masters feed you.
Credit where credit is due -- you do a great job it; I am sure they are pleased.
And you expect me to believe you?
You don't source anything.
As far as you simply parroting that which your masters feed you?
You, my boy, are the source -- not once have you posted an original idea.
I'm going off of history, you can look up the history of labor, when regulations were passed, the conditions of America before regulations for the laborers.. This has nothing to do with masters.

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