If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
I understand you have little grasp of history, but LBJ and his Great Society program started in the mid-60s, back when Detroit was still thriving. Don't talk about things that are beyond you. You leave yourself open to derision, this being a case in point.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
I understand you have little grasp of history, but LBJ and his Great Society program started in the mid-60s, back when Detroit was still thriving. Don't talk about things that are beyond you. You leave yourself open to derision, this being a case in point.
Sure did......and it was working until Nixon started to dismantle it

Nothing in the Great Society caused fathers to leave their families
Losing jobs did that.......welfare stepped in to fill the gap
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
I understand you have little grasp of history, but LBJ and his Great Society program started in the mid-60s, back when Detroit was still thriving. Don't talk about things that are beyond you. You leave yourself open to derision, this being a case in point.
Sure did......and it was working until Nixon started to dismantle it

Nothing in the Great Society caused fathers to leave their families
Losing jobs did that.......welfare stepped in to fill the gap
Well, at least you acknowledged that you have a minimal grasp of American history. The other thing you have little grasp of are the results of LBJ's Great Society, which is a classic example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. The state replaced the fathers, especially in poorer families leading to multi-generational poverty and government dependency. The effect on the family unit and fatherhood has been no less than catastrophic.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause

Funny how families stayed together before there were all these helpful welfare programs.
Funny how all these Democrats on here hail the unions, yet none of them belong to a union and make excuses why they are not in the unions. The Democrats that claim they own businesses on this board are not unionized and make excuses as to why they aren't unionized.

Pretty dishonest.
Actually other countries are sacrificing their upper class by keeping people in middle class status. In this country many middle class people move up to upper class.
That's an interesting theory

You wouldn't have any data to support it would you?
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. You claimed europe sacrifices the wealthy.
Rightly so. You havent disproven it at all.
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. You claimed europe sacrifices the wealthy.
Yup. And you've posted nothing to refute that statement.
Hell the fact that your link included Russia, which has a flat tax, tells me you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
Genius, all the link showed was europe has quite a few billionaires, want more?
Wealth in Europe at record high of 56 trillion euros: report
Lemme check. Nope, that's still not proof of anything. Thanks.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
If the problem was rapidly decreasing poverty then yes, the Great Society "solved" that problem. Detroit was the recipient of the Model Cities program. It has certainly become the model for progressive policiies.
You honestly think that paid maternity leave would cause businesses to raise prices to compensate for the tiny amount of employees who would take it? Bullshit, as demonstrated by every other country.

Can't help an American Mother out. It could effect the bottom line. You can't reason with angry greedy white Republican dude. It's all about the hate & greed for him. You can't get through.

many business owners are black democrats. WTF is it with you and the constant racist bullshit?

Hey we know, helping an American Mother out could effect the bottom line. No-Can-Do. We gotcha. Wave bye bye to Congress and the White House for many years to come.

What happened to the father being responsible for his wife and children?

The "villiage" doesn't work.

If you can't afford to have a child, don't get pregnant. Its really quite simple,

We get it. Helping out American Mothers is a big No-Can-Do for you greedy white Republican dudes. Seriously, how can you guys believe most Americans are gonna support you and your Party? Stupid greedy shit like this is the reason why more & more will flock to the other Party.

Yep, because the most greedy people are the voters.

Leftists want their "free" world handed to them by politicians. The party of irresponsibility promises other people's money.

What leftists hate the most is the philosophy of Action/ Reaction.

Every action causes a reaction. If we meet in person, and I reach out to shake your hand, more than likely you will do the same. However if we meet and I shove you instead, most likely you will shove me back and it will lead to a fight.

In other words, a negative action will likely bring on a negative reaction. A positive action will likely bring on a positive reaction.

Liberals on the other hand believe that a negative action will result in no action at all, or a positive reaction. It defies logic. It doesn't happen.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?

When they got behind the Women's lib movement. They promoted getting rid of dad, being independent and get out of the house and start a career.
You could only keep them barefoot and pregnant for so long. Sorry.

They were always that way until liberalism came along. Then the family unit was dismantled.

You see back then, each parent had their place in the family unit. Dad took care of money and bills, and mom took care of house and children.

When moms gave up that parent role, both parents were involved in each others prior activities. Too many cooks in the kitchen--more things to fight about.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:



The "Market' is an economic paradigm that is created by the dominant military power...i.e. the U.S. Government. The 'free Market' is a fallacy whereby the government creates a market for the benefit of the best thieves. One of the basic responsibilities of the U.S. government is to provide for the general welfare of the people. Letting the 'Market' determine everything would result in the reinstitution of slavery.

bullshit, are you 12 years old?

Is that the best you could come up with to repudiate? Pitiful!
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?

When they got behind the Women's lib movement. They promoted getting rid of dad, being independent and get out of the house and start a career.
You could only keep them barefoot and pregnant for so long. Sorry.

They were always that way until liberalism came along. Then the family unit was dismantled.

You see back then, each parent had their place in the family unit. Dad took care of money and bills, and mom took care of house and children.

When moms gave up that parent role, both parents were involved in each others prior activities. Too many cooks in the kitchen--more things to fight about.
Leave it to Beaver was a TV show. Move on.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Where did Dems do that?

When they got behind the Women's lib movement. They promoted getting rid of dad, being independent and get out of the house and start a career.
You could only keep them barefoot and pregnant for so long. Sorry.

They were always that way until liberalism came along. Then the family unit was dismantled.

You see back then, each parent had their place in the family unit. Dad took care of money and bills, and mom took care of house and children.

When moms gave up that parent role, both parents were involved in each others prior activities. Too many cooks in the kitchen--more things to fight about.
Leave it to Beaver was a TV show. Move on.

Too bad you weren't there to enjoy the value of it.
Let the Market Decide?

So Child Labour is OK.
Working in unsafe conditions, hey you signed a wavier
Hey if that woman wants to keep her job she better get on her knees, hey it is her free choice.

How about this? I will only hire Muslims, nothing official, just hate those Christians. If I do hire Christians they will be expected to go to prayers(Muslim ones)

I fire women who get pregnant, so if they get in the family way, better find a doctor quick to pull out that fucking parasite...

I mean how stupid are these guys...

I wouldn't call free marketers stupid...exactly, they're more Mussolini style fascists. They believe in a dictatorship of the wealthy. Workers should have no rights, owners dictate all.

Besides that they're incredibly self centered, immoral people. So arguing with them based on moral, philosophical or even patriotic grounds is useless.
Where did Dems do that?

When they got behind the Women's lib movement. They promoted getting rid of dad, being independent and get out of the house and start a career.
You could only keep them barefoot and pregnant for so long. Sorry.

They were always that way until liberalism came along. Then the family unit was dismantled.

You see back then, each parent had their place in the family unit. Dad took care of money and bills, and mom took care of house and children.

When moms gave up that parent role, both parents were involved in each others prior activities. Too many cooks in the kitchen--more things to fight about.
Leave it to Beaver was a TV show. Move on.

Too bad you weren't there to enjoy the value of it.
Oh, but I was. And I saw the dark side of it as well. Times have changed, for the better.
How can the Republican Party believe it's gonna get the White House back anytime soon? Most Americans will not support a Party represented by heartless greedy white dudes. It's not a winning Platform.

That idea alone gets you 30% of the vote.

Yeah, the angry greedy white guy thing just isn't something most Americans will support. Not sure why Republicans think they will.

Unfortunately, the greedy white guy thing works well. That's because greedy white people go out and vote...for their own self interest. Meanwhile, liberals will only go out and vote when there's some hot button issue that they care about or if the liberal candidate is some charismatic speaker that gets them excited. Otherwise they stay at home on election day.
Where did Dems do that?
It started with LBJ's Great Society, kind of an ironic name, eh? If the government is going to support the family, there's a lot less pressure on the babydaddies.

You kind of have it backwards

When the jobs left the cities, daddies had no way to support their families

The Great Society was the solution, not the cause
I understand you have little grasp of history, but LBJ and his Great Society program started in the mid-60s, back when Detroit was still thriving. Don't talk about things that are beyond you. You leave yourself open to derision, this being a case in point.
Sure did......and it was working until Nixon started to dismantle it

Nothing in the Great Society caused fathers to leave their families
Losing jobs did that.......welfare stepped in to fill the gap
Well, at least you acknowledged that you have a minimal grasp of American history. The other thing you have little grasp of are the results of LBJ's Great Society, which is a classic example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. The state replaced the fathers, especially in poorer families leading to multi-generational poverty and government dependency. The effect on the family unit and fatherhood has been no less than catastrophic.
The state helped people who needed help

It was conservatives who insisted that unemployed fathers could not live with his family receiving welfare

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