If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

No, idiot. Consumers would pay for it. The added costs would be added to the cost of every product that you buy, just like taxes, SS, medicare, and every other govt mandate.

You cannot add a cost of production and force the business to retain the same prices. they would go out of business and then the workers would have lots of unpaid leave.

it never ceases to amaze me how you libs have no idea how the economy works.
You honestly think that paid maternity leave would cause businesses to raise prices to compensate for the tiny amount of employees who would take it? Bullshit, as demonstrated by every other country.

Can't help an American Mother out. It could effect the bottom line. You can't reason with angry greedy white Republican dude. It's all about the hate & greed for him. You can't get through.

many business owners are black democrats. WTF is it with you and the constant racist bullshit?

Hey we know, helping an American Mother out could effect the bottom line. No-Can-Do. We gotcha. Wave bye bye to Congress and the White House for many years to come.

What happened to the father being responsible for his wife and children?

The "villiage" doesn't work.

If you can't afford to have a child, don't get pregnant. Its really quite simple,

We get it. Helping out American Mothers is a big No-Can-Do for you greedy white Republican dudes. Seriously, how can you guys believe most Americans are gonna support you and your Party? Stupid greedy shit like this is the reason why more & more will flock to the other Party.
Seems to me that if Democrats cared about families, they wouldn't have the government usurp the role of the father.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.

Please don't give angry greedy white Republican dude any ideas. Stop it.
How angry and greedy of me to expect parents to provide for their OWN children

If you EXPECT parents throughout to support their own children, you are apparently a very naïve and sheltered little child (thank your parents). The concept of monogamy and the family unit is very new in human history. Unfortunately, most people haven't evolved to that point yet. Polygamy is (unfortunately) the 'natural' human social construct.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

I am not a Republican so your hatefest is wasted on me.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling people what to do. They need to concentrate more on paying of this enormous debt, protecting our borders against an invasion and establishing a strong economy instead of catering to the low class filth that are too sorry to earn a decent living.on their own.

Yeah, you're not hateful & greedy. No way. :cuckoo:
I never denied that. Union workers were overpaid for many years. That's one of the reasons jobs left the country.
LOL. I knew it, this is right in line with your belief that the 40 hour work week is an entitlement. Hey buddy, care to explain why other countries with strong union participation are doing just fine for their middle class? Your solution is to cut back everyone's pay, have workers work 50 hours a week, take away all benefits.. No, fuck off.
Actually other countries are sacrificing their upper class by keeping people in middle class status. In this country many middle class people move up to upper class.
That's an interesting theory

You wouldn't have any data to support it would you?
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. I knew it, this is right in line with your belief that the 40 hour work week is an entitlement. Hey buddy, care to explain why other countries with strong union participation are doing just fine for their middle class? Your solution is to cut back everyone's pay, have workers work 50 hours a week, take away all benefits.. No, fuck off.
Actually other countries are sacrificing their upper class by keeping people in middle class status. In this country many middle class people move up to upper class.
That's an interesting theory

You wouldn't have any data to support it would you?
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. You claimed europe sacrifices the wealthy.
Actually other countries are sacrificing their upper class by keeping people in middle class status. In this country many middle class people move up to upper class.
That's an interesting theory

You wouldn't have any data to support it would you?
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. You claimed europe sacrifices the wealthy.
Yup. And you've posted nothing to refute that statement.
Hell the fact that your link included Russia, which has a flat tax, tells me you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
That's an interesting theory

You wouldn't have any data to support it would you?
Check my sig line. I'm tired of spoon feeding you knowledge.
The Richest People In Europe
With 468 billionaires, Europe claims 28% of the world’s ten-figure fortunes adding up to an aggregate net worth of $1.95 trillion. Russia leads the count with 111 billionaires – the same number as the state of California – while Germany has the second-highest, boasting 85 ten-digit fortune.
You undertstand those are meaningless statistics, right?
LOL. You claimed europe sacrifices the wealthy.
Yup. And you've posted nothing to refute that statement.
Hell the fact that your link included Russia, which has a flat tax, tells me you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
Genius, all the link showed was europe has quite a few billionaires, want more?
Wealth in Europe at record high of 56 trillion euros: report
Your claims of corporate poverty are not phasing me
We have seen what happens when we make it easier for them.....they just pocket the excess profit and hike executive pay
Our corporations are doing just fine. The difference is they no longer see the need to reward their employees. Government stepped in under Reagan and passed legislation to help the supply side. It is time for Government to pass legislation that helps the workers

It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class

No, unions and Democrats destroyed the middle-class. They are still doing it today. All those foreigners that are willing to work for a third less than Americans is utopia for a Democrat.

Creating and sustaining a poor, disenfranchised voting block is Demo utopia. It is slowing transforming our democracy into an ineptocracy:

INEPTOCRACY - (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
It's not the federal governments job to help workers. Governments job is to govern.

Government doesn't create jobs, the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to do so.

Rate of pay is created by the employer and employee. If the employer is not paying enough, then the employer will suffer not having enough workers. If the employee is not making enough, it's up to the employee to make themselves worth more money to an employer.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class

No, unions and Democrats destroyed the middle-class. They are still doing it today. All those foreigners that are willing to work for a third less than Americans is utopia for a Democrat.

Creating and sustaining a poor, disenfranchised voting block is Demo utopia. It is slowing transforming our democracy into an ineptocracy:

INEPTOCRACY - (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Yeah, which explains the massive income/wealth inequality..
The entier country runs on investments. How does one reward income from labor anyhow?

Supply side worked and worked for many years afterwards.

Labor creates wealth. Investments move that wealth around

Supply side was a disaster........destroyed the middle class

No, unions and Democrats destroyed the middle-class. They are still doing it today. All those foreigners that are willing to work for a third less than Americans is utopia for a Democrat.
"unions and Democrats "
Hey, funny how you ignored this the first time:

I seen it. I don't know what your point is though.
Middle class incomes decline hand in hand with union membership going down. Sorry bud.

And we have union actions and policies to thank for both. Of course, by not paying union dues the workers have been enjoying more spendable income. It's a win-win-win dontcha think?
More spendable income. lower production costs and less union thuggery. WooHoo!
I never denied that. Union workers were overpaid for many years. That's one of the reasons jobs left the country.
LOL. I knew it, this is right in line with your belief that the 40 hour work week is an entitlement. Hey buddy, care to explain why other countries with strong union participation are doing just fine for their middle class? Your solution is to cut back everyone's pay, have workers work 50 hours a week, take away all benefits.. No, fuck off.

Of course, he never said such things but in order to feel superior you are forced to lie about the agendas and motivations of others.

All you have proven is your eagerness to be a whiny, sniveling liar.

Typical leftist.
Actually other countries are sacrificing their upper class by keeping people in middle class status. In this country many middle class people move up to upper class.

It's the socialist agenda. Everyone must be equal ... equally poor and dependent on the gov't!
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.

Please don't give angry greedy white Republican dude any ideas. Stop it.
How angry and greedy of me to expect parents to provide for their OWN children

If you EXPECT parents throughout to support their own children, you are apparently a very naïve and sheltered little child (thank your parents). The concept of monogamy and the family unit is very new in human history. Unfortunately, most people haven't evolved to that point yet. Polygamy is (unfortunately) the 'natural' human social construct.
No, in fact burial excavations, the need to ensure the genetic survival on the part of the male and the prolonged period of maturation of human children strongly and suggest monogamy in most societies going back far before recorded history, possibly to the point of the evolution of the species.
It's not the governments job to help corporations either.......but we do it

We sold out to supply side economics with a promise of a rising economic tide and trickle down prosperity. It never delivered
It is time to start rewarding income derived from labor over income derived from investment.

how exactly do we help corporations? By taxing them at the highest rate in the entire world?
Telling the same lie over and over again does not make it true

No lie here, the US does have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Expert debunks claim U.S. corporate taxes are too high

the opening line of your cite: The 35 percent statutory U.S. corporate tax rate is the highest in the world.

thats all I said, if you want to talk about exemptions and deductions that is another topic, and one that you should take up with you dem friends since those were put in the tax code by the dems who have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
Who cares about the "statutory rate"? What matters is what you end up paying at the end of the year

In terms of effective tax rate, we are in the lower half
how exactly do we help corporations? By taxing them at the highest rate in the entire world?
Telling the same lie over and over again does not make it true

No lie here, the US does have the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
Expert debunks claim U.S. corporate taxes are too high

the opening line of your cite: The 35 percent statutory U.S. corporate tax rate is the highest in the world.

thats all I said, if you want to talk about exemptions and deductions that is another topic, and one that you should take up with you dem friends since those were put in the tax code by the dems who have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
Who cares about the "statutory rate"? What matters is what you end up paying at the end of the year

In terms of effective tax rate, we are in the lower half

they don't care as they simply want to undermine this country as a world power. This is the muslim brotherhood wing of a party that is bat-shit crazy.

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