If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

I have no obligation to pay for others irresponsibility. Try reading the article I just posted the link to.
Assuming you have an income you already are obligated and have been for quite sometime. Suck it.

So from one side of your mouth it's "You're not really paying much if anything" and from the other side it's "Assuming you have an income you already are obligated and have been for quite sometime. Suck it"
Typical two-faced loony leftist ... angry and stupid.

No, you wouldn't be paying much and yes, we've all been paying to put other kids through school. So, suck it.

I have no problem paying my share to educate but I do have a problem with carrying the load for those who aren't responsible enough to give their own kids a fighting chance. One third of the kids born today will be raised in a single-parent (mostly poverty stricken) household. I did not make those babies and their welfare - beyond the education opportunity which many eschew - is not my responsibility.
It is the responsibility of their PARENTS.
I have no obligation to pay for others irresponsibility. Try reading the article I just posted the link to.
Assuming you have an income you already are obligated and have been for quite sometime. Suck it.

So from one side of your mouth it's "You're not really paying much if anything" and from the other side it's "Assuming you have an income you already are obligated and have been for quite sometime. Suck it"
Typical two-faced loony leftist ... angry and stupid.

No, you wouldn't be paying much and yes, we've all been paying to put other kids through school. So, suck it.

I have no problem paying my share to educate but I do have a problem with carrying the load for those who aren't responsible enough to give their own kids a fighting chance. One third of the kids born today will be raised in a single-parent (mostly poverty stricken) household. I did not make those babies and their welfare - beyond the education opportunity which many eschew - is not my responsibility.
It is the responsibility of their PARENTS.

it's paid leave, not welfare and every family (based on their employment) would qualify. it's a chance for poor and middle class families not to fall behind, end up on food stamps because they had to quit their job and be even more of a burden.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.

Please don't give angry greedy white Republican dude any ideas. Stop it.

you know,lib- your dnc is made up of 95% rich white dudes.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:

Yeah and they NEVER will.
Loserterians want to go back to 1890 or before. They don't give a shit about human rights or workers rights...

They just want no government in the economy and if you end up a slave...Well, too damn bad.

Forget roads, science institutions and educating our children as all those things need to be abolished as far as they're concerned. I really do wish these people would get out of my country and go live in Somalia or some other place that doesn't have these things. Oh'yess, take Ted effin Cruz with them.
Many companies already provide paid leave. Leave it alone and let the market sort it out.

We could leave it alone with air quality, food, workers conditions and on down the list to slavery. Would it be right? Fuck no.

educating our children? You pretend to care about the children? really? Abortion ring a bell? And as far as "educating".. you mean brainwashing to vote lib. And I've told you twice already the huge obama stimulis' were supposed to go to the infrastructure lib. They didn't.
How angry and greedy of me to expect parents to provide for their OWN children
Oh, we're way beyond that now. It's now the responsibility of an employer to put food on your table, not you.

The individual is now the victim and "someone else" is now responsible.

We're not going back to those days to which you refer.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.

Funny. Nowhere in there do you mention the irresponsibility of a parent who allows their child to be come a sweat shop minion.
Republican "family values" don't exist, unless it involves protecting zygotes.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave
Several participants at the Republican debate last week spoke fervently about putting Rosa Parks’ image on the $10 bill. They also spoke fervently in support of a decision by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood—an organization that counted Rosa Parks among the members of its national board.

The contradiction would have been obvious and painful to Ms. Parks. Like many of us, she’d have been bewildered by the priorities of candidates who have held vote after vote on shutting down vital health services for women, but won’t even schedule a hearing on the FAMILY Act, a bill to provide affordable family and medical leave. It’s impossible to care about families and leave communities bereft of services for contraception, mammograms and other cancer screenings, and dozens more critical health services for women. It’s also impossible to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose a badly-needed, common sense program to make family and medical leave affordable to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member.

In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act passed Congress with bipartisan support. The FMLA provided up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for care of a new child or a serious personal illness or that of a child, spouse or parent. Republicans as well as Democrats saw that valuing family meant making sure people could care for family members without losing their jobs or health insurance. Many of the state and local campaigns within Family Values @ Work’s national network have leaders from both parties—including the numerous Republicans leading the charge for the Family Care Act in Georgia.

So what’s the problem in the nation’s capital today?

The FMLA is now 22 years old. While it constituted a major breakthrough and established the principle that having a family shouldn’t cost you your job, the leave remains out of reach for millions—some because they’re not covered by its protections (two-fifths of the nation’s workforce), and many who are eligible because they cannot afford to take unpaid leave. According to a study done for the Department of Labor (DOL), nearly one in four employed mothers who are pregnant go back to work within two weeks of giving birth—with disastrous results for maternal and infant health. Others who take the time they need to heal and bond with a child often face financial hardship.
So how is it you people think you're for family values when your entire platform is pushing for single mothers, hatred of marriage, disgust of religion and morals, the actual murder of unborn children and the selling of their body parts, Yet you claim to be pro-family for paid leave? Are you fucking kidding me? Is family leave to you getting paid to skip work in order to go kill your unborn child?

You people are pathetic.
Republican "family values" don't exist, unless it involves protecting zygotes.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave
Several participants at the Republican debate last week spoke fervently about putting Rosa Parks’ image on the $10 bill. They also spoke fervently in support of a decision by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood—an organization that counted Rosa Parks among the members of its national board.

The contradiction would have been obvious and painful to Ms. Parks. Like many of us, she’d have been bewildered by the priorities of candidates who have held vote after vote on shutting down vital health services for women, but won’t even schedule a hearing on the FAMILY Act, a bill to provide affordable family and medical leave. It’s impossible to care about families and leave communities bereft of services for contraception, mammograms and other cancer screenings, and dozens more critical health services for women. It’s also impossible to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose a badly-needed, common sense program to make family and medical leave affordable to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member.

In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act passed Congress with bipartisan support. The FMLA provided up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for care of a new child or a serious personal illness or that of a child, spouse or parent. Republicans as well as Democrats saw that valuing family meant making sure people could care for family members without losing their jobs or health insurance. Many of the state and local campaigns within Family Values @ Work’s national network have leaders from both parties—including the numerous Republicans leading the charge for the Family Care Act in Georgia.

So what’s the problem in the nation’s capital today?

The FMLA is now 22 years old. While it constituted a major breakthrough and established the principle that having a family shouldn’t cost you your job, the leave remains out of reach for millions—some because they’re not covered by its protections (two-fifths of the nation’s workforce), and many who are eligible because they cannot afford to take unpaid leave. According to a study done for the Department of Labor (DOL), nearly one in four employed mothers who are pregnant go back to work within two weeks of giving birth—with disastrous results for maternal and infant health. Others who take the time they need to heal and bond with a child often face financial hardship.
So how is it you people think you're for family values when your entire platform is pushing for single mothers, hatred of marriage, disgust of religion and morals, the actual murder of unborn children and the selling of their body parts, Yet you claim to be pro-family for paid leave? Are you fucking kidding me? Is family leave to you getting paid to skip work in order to go kill your unborn child?

You people are pathetic.

yes you are exactly correct
Yeah, fuck those bitches! Gettin pregnant an shit. That shit's their problem.

Is this serious.

Yeah. Sums up angry greedy white Republican guy.

So what happened to your Rand Paul attitude ?

Still support Rand on many issues.

So you are a libertarian.

And you're a little slow, aren't ya?
For the life of me, I can't figure out why the left wants to discriminate against non-parents. Why can't non parent get extra paid leave?
I dont give a fuck one way or another.
If ya cant afford to feed em dont breed em.

So, the future of this country is sinking people into poverty when they can least afford it? Kind of puts the next generation at a steep disadvantage to children from other countries and somehow this helps us.

Modern Conservative wingnuts. not family friendly.

So it's my fault irresponsible people are having kids they cant afford?
Kiss my ass ya fucken commie.

You're already paying for others' education, why are you not complaining about that? A healthier, more educated society is better for the country, starting off a new family in poverty helps no one.

People in poverty shouldn't be starting a family, hell they can't even take care of themselves.

We aren't just talking about families in poverty. You're stuck in some wingnut wet dream welfare queen fantasy

Of course you're not, it also includes executives making a million or two a year. That ought to piss matt off, he's not smart enough to think of that on his own.
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
Right, how did we ever survive 200 years without progs dictating how people spend their money. God, we must be really lucky.

Thankfully we progressed. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to live in the 1890s.

It might be fun, people like you wouldn't last very long.

That's a great argument "I don't want to support these worthless families, bring back the poor houses!"

I have no obligation to pay for others irresponsibility. Try reading the article I just posted the link to.

Assuming you have an income you already are obligated and have been for quite sometime. Suck it.

I've already said that, I've been helping to support other people's rug rats for more than 50 years, and like the welfare queens they can never get enough, they always want more. Fuck'em.
Just like taking care of their spawn should be up to the family.

It still would be. How does that change?

Well since you are too dumb to get the point, allow me to rephrase. Just like taking care of their spawn should be up to the family, without any subsidies from their employer or the government. Maybe you can get the point now.

You're not really paying much if anything.

Try reading this article and educating yourself.


Great non-point You do the ame.

How The New Paid Family Leave Bill Will Benefit Everyone

You got a real link, I don't open leftwing hate sites.
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.

That is exactly what the republican tea party wants...These bastards want to destroy all the protections and regulations that have built this nation over the last 150 years.

Evil is what they're. As simply they wouldn't care if this country looks like central America as long as the rich got theirs.
I think you mean all the protection and regulations that have come about in the last 40 years.
Right, how did we ever survive 200 years without progs dictating how people spend their money. God, we must be really lucky.

Thankfully we progressed. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to live in the 1890s.

It might be fun, people like you wouldn't last very long.

That's a great argument "I don't want to support these worthless families, bring back the poor houses!"

I have no obligation to pay for others irresponsibility. Try reading the article I just posted the link to.

Yes you do... It is called taxes and democracy...

If a majority want it and they get it passed... And guess what you backed a loser here again(look at the polls)... You will be paying...

Many people paid for a war they didn't want and go figure they weren't given an option about paying taxes for it either...

So while your crowd decided to blow 3.7trillion is shit heap in the ME... The actual people in who live in America want to make there lives a little more better under time of stress with a new born baby in the house...

Folks thinking having another mouth to feed will relieve stress aren't mature enough to have a kid in the first place. Just you thinking that say much about you.
Republicans oppose abortion

But if a pregnant worker needs time off to have a baby....that is her problem
No, but it certainly should be her husband's problem.

Good point

And if a family relies on two salaries to support themselves, losing the womans income or possibly her job due to pregnancy is a reason they may consider abortion

Now consider the options of a single mother

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