If republicans think it was the right move all along to pull out of Syria, why...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
You know I’m right.
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
You know I’m right.
The fact remains we are not needed over there, and we certainly do not need them… The Middle East has been always will be a cluster fuck. Let those fuckers kill each other off
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
You know I’m right.
The fact remains we are not needed over there, and we certainly do not need them… The Middle East has been always will be a cluster fuck. Let those fuckers kill each other off
Obviously that is a complete deflection to my point but we all already knew this.
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.

But he's doing it. The two previous war loving buffoons couldnt get enough war.
Why are you whining about Trump moving troops OUT of the Mideast, when you've been clamoring for it for years?
Glad he's pulling our troops out. Wish he would pull all of our troops out of all the ME.

These dipshits have been fighting among themselves for thousands of years. With any luck they will kill themselves.
Better question is why do you stinking commie leftard fucks keep asking stupid questions about someone you hate so much. That's mostly the only question Trump supporters ask, You are just too god damned stupid to figure out why Trump does anything, so just quit trying numbnutz.
Trump pulled troopps from Syria for the same reason Obama pulled them from Iraq keeping a campiagan promise that decison had some very negative consquences this one may as well. Having said this let me ask how many Democrats who praised Obama for his troop withdrawl decision are giving Trump the same praise now?
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.
You know I’m right.
The fact remains we are not needed over there, and we certainly do not need them… The Middle East has been always will be a cluster fuck. Let those fuckers kill each other off
Obviously that is a complete deflection to my point but we all already knew this.
If Obama done the same thing you silly fuckers would be kissing his feet… And his ass so shut the fuck up you fucking retard
...didn’t they complain from year one of Trump’s presidency that he didn’t pull out the troops sooner? Wasn’t he supposed to be America First from the very beginning? What was he waiting for? Oh that’s right. it’s because it was a completely impulsive decision to distract from the impeachment scandal. I mean it’s not like Trump’s dumbass even has a basic understanding of foreign policy. This is a Neanderthal who thinks a goddamn useless wall is the solution to a complex immigration issue.

it doesn’t matter if republicans actually support this Syria decision. It doesn’t somehow explain why this toddler waited 3 years to do it.

Billy explains how world leaders do all possible diligence in the first hour. This comes from a guy who likely doesn't have control of his own simple affairs.

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