If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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Governor Moonbeam of California would give the key to the city of LA if Russia or China invaded CA so I would not fight for CA...

Texas I would fight for because the spirit of the Alamo lives on there.
Those folks would fight to the last man,woman and child.
They would be worth fighting for and with.
There is only one president who would have blundered into Iraq and that is W. Even his father was smart enough not to drag us into that shithole

Nope. you can not say "only one" because you will never know.
not that I hold Iraq against W that much - in the meaning of starting it.
what I hold against ( mildly) is the manner it was first conducted - not as a war, but as an appeasing campaign.

If you get yourself involved in the war - your main goal is to win, no matter what, not to appease.

Bush blundered when:

He diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Lied about his reasons
Made a half assed occupation because he didn't want to make it seem like a big deal
Engaged in torture
Failed to build an effective coalition

he didn't lie.
he didn't conduct the occupation as the war should be conducted.
there was NO torture.
There was a coalition, but a coalition can be built around a winning war not a procrastinated nobody-knows-what. he should have smashed the enemies and leave not engage in the "humanitarian war"
Would you support Obama and the military in fucking them up?

Or if we reversed time and Bush was still President?

They could have everything from San Francisco to Disneyland and from the Pacific Ocean to interstate-state 5..liberals have ruined that already.

Orange County is doing much better than the rest of the State thank you.....did you not see when the late TruthMatter said that OC is Republican heavy....this after i told her we were doing better than the rest of the state......so we are still holding out....:eusa_eh:
Would you support Obama and the military in fucking them up?

Or if we reversed time and Bush was still President?

I don't think they would need much input. I think 95% of Americans would be behind the government and military (wouldn't matter who was President) if the mainland was attacked by China, Russia or anyone other than Mexico.

If Mexico attacks (and one day they just might), like think the Hispanic population will have a choice to make. White, Asian and Black Americans will be in the 90% category, but I don't know how many Latino would be.

then you dont know many Latinos.....
We had an attack on US soil on 9/11/01. How many of you liberals supported going after those who attacked us? I am not asking if you supported going into Iraq and Afghanistan, because I do not support either. Would you support covert CIA action to eliminate the individuals who orchestrated the attack wherever and whoever they are?

to the OP. The people of Texas would individually defend their state against any attack, those of us in neighboring states would help them.

an attack on California would sadly be different, they would want to know if the attackers supported gay marriage and global warming, if they said yes they would welcome them to the campfire and spend the night ranting about Bush and the evil conservatives. Then in the morning the attackers would kill the californians, and take over the state.

liberalism is a mental disease.

sure they would.....im sure you have some kind of mental disease yourself....
First of all, Obama wouldn't fight. He would try to make a deal with them to stay in office and represent the invading force. Second, every chicken shit liberal in the country would follow along right behind him, the way they do now. The only ones who would fight would be the REAL Americans, the ones that value their freedom and independence. That leaves out every liberal parasite in this country.

Conservatives, libertarians, and independents would wage a guerilla war against the Chinese or Russians (whoever) and the sniveling liberals would be the informants, snitching on them to curry favor with the invaders. They're boot lickers right now for Obama, why would anyone think they would suddenly grow balls if somebody ELSE came in and took our freedom away?

Calm down. First of all, there would be no need for a guerrilla war because the US military would crush any such invasion in very short order. Second, most democrats would also stand up and fight if the homeland were being directly invaded. Don't let partisanship make a fool of you. Only the most ridiculously extreme on either the left or the right (and yes we have some such assholes here, unfortunately) would refuse to defend the homeland out of partisan spite. The nonsense that gets posted here is just that - nonsense. If push came to shove, the word games and banter would be put on hold and the vast majority of able-bodied American men - and women - would take up arms, or a knife, a bat, a pointy stick, or just their bare hands and show the visitors what a warlike people is REALLY like.

It depends whether there'd been a state of emergency or not. If yes, nobody'd know WHAT the fuck was goin' on. :doubt:
Nope. you can not say "only one" because you will never know.
not that I hold Iraq against W that much - in the meaning of starting it.
what I hold against ( mildly) is the manner it was first conducted - not as a war, but as an appeasing campaign.

If you get yourself involved in the war - your main goal is to win, no matter what, not to appease.

Bush blundered when:

He diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Lied about his reasons
Made a half assed occupation because he didn't want to make it seem like a big deal
Engaged in torture
Failed to build an effective coalition

he didn't lie.
he didn't conduct the occupation as the war should be conducted.
there was NO torture.
There was a coalition, but a coalition can be built around a winning war not a procrastinated nobody-knows-what. he should have smashed the enemies and leave not engage in the "humanitarian war"

Keep spinning the lies....at least conservatives will believe you

Bush cooked the intelligence to get what he wanted and buried anything to the contrary. He engaged in universally acknowledged torture. His coalition was a joke and left the US isolated from the rest of the world

Iraq was a major blunder and it cost Bush the reputation of hs presidency
Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.

Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas

LOL, you live in that shit state? WOW, that is funny. What a dire shit hole. The fact is I don't even feel sorry for you. I'm glad you live in that dump. This is the best shit I've read all day. Been to Camden lately Mr. 6 figures? ROFLMAO. The only gardens in that cesspool you call a state are probably on top of dead bodies. What a useless pile of shit you live in.

And you told me to take meds? Lolol
Bush blundered when:

He diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Lied about his reasons
Made a half assed occupation because he didn't want to make it seem like a big deal
Engaged in torture
Failed to build an effective coalition

he didn't lie.
he didn't conduct the occupation as the war should be conducted.
there was NO torture.
There was a coalition, but a coalition can be built around a winning war not a procrastinated nobody-knows-what. he should have smashed the enemies and leave not engage in the "humanitarian war"

Keep spinning the lies....at least conservatives will believe you

Bush cooked the intelligence to get what he wanted and buried anything to the contrary. He engaged in universally acknowledged torture. His coalition was a joke and left the US isolated from the rest of the world

Iraq was a major blunder and it cost Bush the reputation of hs [sic] presidency

Wrong on all counts as usual.
Bush blundered when:

He diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq
Lied about his reasons
Made a half assed occupation because he didn't want to make it seem like a big deal
Engaged in torture
Failed to build an effective coalition

he didn't lie.
he didn't conduct the occupation as the war should be conducted.
there was NO torture.
There was a coalition, but a coalition can be built around a winning war not a procrastinated nobody-knows-what. he should have smashed the enemies and leave not engage in the "humanitarian war"

Keep spinning the lies....at least conservatives will believe you

Bush cooked the intelligence to get what he wanted and buried anything to the contrary. He engaged in universally acknowledged torture. His coalition was a joke and left the US isolated from the rest of the world

Iraq was a major blunder and it cost Bush the reputation of hs presidency

it is you who is spinning the lies. Bush had the approval of Congress - BIPARTISAN with a MAJORITY of Senate democrats voting FOR the war ( 29 out of 50) Bush had the support of American people at that time when we invaded Iraq and Bush had the blessing from the UN SC.
You might consider HIS coalition to be a "joke", but your "messiah" does not have even that for his itch for the war, he has a widespread opposition from the American people and both houses of Congress, including his own party :lol:

There was no torture, so stop lying.
Plus Bush has pretty good opinion these days - when we can compare what shit we are in NOW :D

and the LOVE of the whole world we have now is simply burning :D Not that other world really matters, but all your points are just laughable - if one compares
Miss me yet? YES, we do :lol:
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An invasion that had a goal of regime change might have more support than you think.
Last year there were two movies about the white house being under attack. Both movies bombed. In both movies the president survived. People would rather see a movie with a happy ending.
Last year there were two movies about the white house being under attack. Both movies bombed. In both movies the president survived. People would rather see a movie with a happy ending.

You are a despicable coward. I have NEVER met a person that put their personal ideology before the lives of other Americans. I can't express enough how much of a joke I now consider you.
We had an attack on US soil on 9/11/01. How many of you liberals supported going after those who attacked us? I am not asking if you supported going into Iraq and Afghanistan, because I do not support either. Would you support covert CIA action to eliminate the individuals who orchestrated the attack wherever and whoever they are?

to the OP. The people of Texas would individually defend their state against any attack, those of us in neighboring states would help them.

an attack on California would sadly be different, they would want to know if the attackers supported gay marriage and global warming, if they said yes they would welcome them to the campfire and spend the night ranting about Bush and the evil conservatives. Then in the morning the attackers would kill the californians, and take over the state.

liberalism is a mental disease.

We supported going after who attacked us, Bush did not. Are you really this thick?
We had an attack on US soil on 9/11/01. How many of you liberals supported going after those who attacked us? I am not asking if you supported going into Iraq and Afghanistan, because I do not support either. Would you support covert CIA action to eliminate the individuals who orchestrated the attack wherever and whoever they are?

to the OP. The people of Texas would individually defend their state against any attack, those of us in neighboring states would help them.

an attack on California would sadly be different, they would want to know if the attackers supported gay marriage and global warming, if they said yes they would welcome them to the campfire and spend the night ranting about Bush and the evil conservatives. Then in the morning the attackers would kill the californians, and take over the state.

liberalism is a mental disease.

I was living in NYC at that time and working in NJ.
I can't tell about the message board leftards but the ones in the real life ALL were supporting going "after them". Some even admitted that they were happy it was Bush as a President, not Gore, because, verbatim "in the cases of a grave danger to our country Republicans are more reliable Presidents than Dems are". And they voted for Gore and were upset at court ruling initially.

Gore would have gone after the right people. He had nothing to prove to his father.
Texas fought against the USA? I have to see some proof of that.

Yea, we had a little tussle we like to call the Civil War. It is in all he history books but I am not sure it is in the ones they print in Texas
Anyway, we kicked their asses and they begged to com back into the union

Oh now your just being stupid. Which comes rather easy to you.

If you are going to call someone stupid, use proper English.
I can't believe this thread is still going. The entire idea is preposterous. It's a troll thread anyway, though I didn't mind using it to voice my contempt for the cowardly bed wetting liberals I believe would betray America and welcome the chi-coms as "liberators". Just as the bed wetters were more than delighted to insinuate Texans weren't Americans and would side with the Chi-coms in order to break free.

I hope Old Douche enjoyed the conflicts it caused. It should have started in the rubber room, I'm suprised it's not there yet.
If this country was attacked by Russia or China, every American from coast to coast, would know what it feels like to be a Palestinian.

BTW, if we were attacked by Russia or China, would Israel come to our aid?

No one would come to obama's aid. He has assured that we haven't got an ally left in the world.

If California or Texas were invaded, obama would treat the states the same way he treated Benghazi. He'd go to bed and fundraise the next day. Slip him some yuan or rubles and he'd give a speech about how he won't rest until he finds out how it happened. Then he'd play cards, or golf. Leave him alone, pay him off and he'd sell out any state.
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given how the right recently started tonguing Putins ass over Syria. No i think they would side with russia


And I would support America in a fight against foreign invaders. But first, we need to fight off the modern liberal invaders from within, so we still have a country worth defending.

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