If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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We supported going after who attacked us, Bush did not. Are you really this thick?

your biased incorrect view of history is noted. Iraq was a stupid mistake and a waste of lives and money----but, to claim that Bush did it all on his own is just wrong. Congress, both parties, authorized and funded that fiasco, the UN pushed it, all of our allies were in favor of it.

You libs call Bush stupid that then you claim that he was so brilliant that he fooled the entire world into a war--------reallly?

Not even close to the truth

Most Democrats voted against the invasion
The UN opposed it
NATO did not support it
Most of our allies including Canada refused to meaningfully participate

Bush was the decider and his legacy paid the price

except the majority of Senate dems ( 29 our of 50) supported it and 40% of Hose dems also supported it :D
It does not get more bipartisan than THAT

and the UN SC blessed it :D
Run and hide! Hell no. But we would be shooting at liberals like you. Think of China or Russia as allies helping Americans rid the country of liberals. They'd be like France during the Revolution.

this is not only despicable stupidity it is also incredible ignorance.

about what Russia or China would do ( or any invader, for that matter) and about what actually happened during French revolution and who slaughtered whom :rolleyes:
With the number of Russian Jews as there are, you might say Israel has already invaded Russia.

Only an idiot like you might say that.

she also claims the Chinese have a standing army in California.....i have said it before....Katz has more bullshit the fucking Bull himself...

Of course I never said that. You made it up largely because you are a democrat. Maybe you can't read and that's your problem.

The fun part is, this whole topic is whether Americans would defend democrats should the Russians or Chinese have a purge. The answer is certainly not. I would absolutely help in any way I could and so would every other American, resident alien or casual visitor done with liberal bullshit.

The nation would pull together. What a laugh that is. Have you learned your lesson yet? Probably not. You probably think obama has been a president too.
Only an idiot like you might say that.

she also claims the Chinese have a standing army in California.....i have said it before....Katz has more bullshit the fucking Bull himself...

Of course I never said that. You made it up largely because you are a democrat. Maybe you can't read and that's your problem.

The fun part is, this whole topic is whether Americans would defend democrats should the Russians or Chinese have a purge. The answer is certainly not. I would absolutely help in any way I could and so would every other American, resident alien or casual visitor done with liberal bullshit.

The nation would pull together. What a laugh that is. Have you learned your lesson yet? Probably not. You probably think obama has been a president too.

And what makes you think they would purge the leftards and live conservatives intact?

( given the ideological similarity it would be quite the opposite, if the choosing whom to purge by an invader would be true).

An invader does not distinguish between the colors of those he is invading.

You are actually in a mindset absolutely identical to the leftards - they all think that the slaughtering machine of totalitarian regime of the left, should it be imposed, will never touch THEM, since they are the ones who are the worshipers of the regime and who will put such regime into power.
Same with you - you think the Russian or Chinese invaders won't touch YOU since you are going to meet them with flowers and orchestra :D

You should read some world history, Madame. Including the detailed history of the above mentioned Russia, China, and France, for that matter.

It is a banality, that “History teaches that history teaches us nothing “( Hegel), but one can actually realize that there won't be any surprises possible - since there is nothing new under the sun in every case scenario, including invasions.
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Only an idiot like you might say that.

she also claims the Chinese have a standing army in California.....i have said it before....Katz has more bullshit the fucking Bull himself...

Of course I never said that. You made it up largely because you are a democrat. Maybe you can't read and that's your problem.

The fun part is, this whole topic is whether Americans would defend democrats should the Russians or Chinese have a purge. The answer is certainly not. I would absolutely help in any way I could and so would every other American, resident alien or casual visitor done with liberal bullshit.

The nation would pull together. What a laugh that is. Have you learned your lesson yet? Probably not. You probably think obama has been a president too.

oh you did not say it?.....who said this numbnuts?....

China doesn't have to invade. They are here. All they have to do is foreclose. You do understand that don't you? If the Chinese intended to invade, they already did it. There is a rotating Chinese military force in California at all times. They are here for "training". In Los Angeles, they stay at the Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills Hotel and the Palomar. During the day they are at our military bases. Permanent forces live in Chinese owned homes from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to Malibu.

are you not the same asswipe who said that?.....let me put the music on before you start dancing....
Only an idiot like you might say that.

she also claims the Chinese have a standing army in California.....i have said it before....Katz has more bullshit the fucking Bull himself...

Of course I never said that. You made it up largely because you are a democrat. Maybe you can't read and that's your problem.

The fun part is, this whole topic is whether Americans would defend democrats should the Russians or Chinese have a purge. The answer is certainly not. I would absolutely help in any way I could and so would every other American, resident alien or casual visitor done with liberal bullshit.

The nation would pull together. What a laugh that is. Have you learned your lesson yet? Probably not. You probably think obama has been a president too.

hey dildo why dont you call over your two fuck buddies Dean and Dudley....im sure they would have something too say to you about that.....more fucking bull than anyone in this forum....
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she also claims the Chinese have a standing army in California.....i have said it before....Katz has more bullshit the fucking Bull himself...

Of course I never said that. You made it up largely because you are a democrat. Maybe you can't read and that's your problem.

The fun part is, this whole topic is whether Americans would defend democrats should the Russians or Chinese have a purge. The answer is certainly not. I would absolutely help in any way I could and so would every other American, resident alien or casual visitor done with liberal bullshit.

The nation would pull together. What a laugh that is. Have you learned your lesson yet? Probably not. You probably think obama has been a president too.

oh you did not say it?.....who said this numbnuts?....

China doesn't have to invade. They are here. All they have to do is foreclose. You do understand that don't you? If the Chinese intended to invade, they already did it. There is a rotating Chinese military force in California at all times. They are here for "training". In Los Angeles, they stay at the Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills Hotel and the Palomar. During the day they are at our military bases. Permanent forces live in Chinese owned homes from the Palos Verdes Peninsula to Malibu.

are you not the same asswipe who said that?.....let me put the music on before you start dancing....

Katz if the "invasion" ever happened you would be hiding in your closet waiting for someone to come and protect you.....but dont worry the 1.9 million vets here in Cal along with the active Military now here will come and stand in front of you......

Watch your back, there are millions of dedicated anti-american libtards in cali. I don't think they would hesitate to shoot at you from behind.

you have to be talking about the Far Left ones.....i know lots of moderate and Conservative "libtards"....i have never felt any of them would not defend this country if it was invaded .....and a great deal of them have expressed their disdain for Illegals also.....

Well, there's no such thing as a moderate "libtard", and there's for damn sure no better example of an oxymoron than "conservative libtard". I'm speaking of course of the "far left" assholes when I say "libtard", so I'm not sure how you can confuse the subject.

There is no creature on earth more repulsive than today's modern "liberal". There is nothing more disgusting than a parasite who demands productive people are enslaved by a collectivist nanny state. These people aren't just traitors, they're something worse. There is no word for them yet.
Watch your back, there are millions of dedicated anti-american libtards in cali. I don't think they would hesitate to shoot at you from behind.

you have to be talking about the Far Left ones.....i know lots of moderate and Conservative "libtards"....i have never felt any of them would not defend this country if it was invaded .....and a great deal of them have expressed their disdain for Illegals also.....

Well, there's no such thing as a moderate "libtard", and there's for damn sure no better example of an oxymoron than "conservative libtard". I'm speaking of course of the "far left" assholes when I say "libtard", so I'm not sure how you can confuse the subject.

There is no creature on earth more repulsive than today's modern "liberal". There is nothing more disgusting than a parasite who demands productive people are enslaved by a collectivist nanny state. These people aren't just traitors, they're something worse. There is no word for them yet.

I think he meant "people, voting democrat".

That is often substituted, but in reality it is not necessarily the case - those voting for democrats are often not leftards at all, there are many reasons why they choose to overlook the clearly leftardish swing of the modern day democratic party.
If they invaded Texas, then Texas would get a decent education and welfare system.

Texas has a somewhat large portion of the US military. I don't think we have much to worry about.

Texas Personnel Totals
Army 60,945
Navy & Marine Corps 6,909
Air Force 40,981
Coast Guard 1,409
Active Duty Military 108,835
Reserve and National Guard 84,721
Total Personnel 194,965

California Personnel Totals
Army 7,697
Navy & Marine Corps 80,572
Air Force 21,428
Coast Guard 4,811
Active Duty Military 109,697
Reserve and National Guard 98,292
Total Personnel 212,800
Watch your back, there are millions of dedicated anti-american libtards in cali. I don't think they would hesitate to shoot at you from behind.

you have to be talking about the Far Left ones.....i know lots of moderate and Conservative "libtards"....i have never felt any of them would not defend this country if it was invaded .....and a great deal of them have expressed their disdain for Illegals also.....

Well, there's no such thing as a moderate "libtard", and there's for damn sure no better example of an oxymoron than "conservative libtard". I'm speaking of course of the "far left" assholes when I say "libtard", so I'm not sure how you can confuse the subject.

There is no creature on earth more repulsive than today's modern "liberal". There is nothing more disgusting than a parasite who demands productive people are enslaved by a collectivist nanny state. These people aren't just traitors, they're something worse. There is no word for them yet.

Well, there's no such thing as a moderate "libtard",

sure there is.....just like there are Moderate Republicans.....not all Liberals are like Dean or Dudley.......

and there's for damn sure no better example of an oxymoron than "conservative libtard"

sure there is......far lefties refer to them as Blue dogs.....just like the far righties refer to Liberal Republicans as RINOS....the far right and left have problems accepting anyone who doesnt see things as they do....

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