If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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I give no quarter to commies you stupid bitch.

You have said previously on this very thread that you would, you idiotic liar.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about rover. Roll over and I might scratch your belly with a wire brush.

So now you're a racist, a coward, and a liar. We're getting a very complete picture of what passes for your 'character' and it's not favorable.
Israel wouldn't do shit. They might come to the aid of some rich Jews who had already paid for an exit, but the fact is if the U.S. get's nuked then Israel get's nuked which is perfectly fine by me.

You need to be institutionalized. Preferably in an institution located anywhere outside my country.
Israel wouldn't do shit. They might come to the aid of some rich Jews who had already paid for an exit, but the fact is if the U.S. get's nuked then Israel get's nuked which is perfectly fine by me.
I don't want to see us (or Israel) nuked.

But if we were attacked by Russia or China, we'll need to start getting used to the term, "American insurgent".

Because that's what all of us will be labeled, when we take up arms against an invading force.

And just like the Iraqis, Afghani's, Libyan's and Syrian's, that won't stop us from what we have to do.
It is not "Obama's Army" you partisan prick, it is AMERICA'S military, and we would all fight for AMERICA, not for this or that temporary representative. Stop being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

AMERICANS would side with AMERICA, you partisan douchebag. Stop being a fucking asshole, it's really not as 'cute' as you want to think it is.


I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans
Would you support Obama and the military in fucking them up?

Or if we reversed time and Bush was still President?

They could have everything from San Francisco to Disneyland and from the Pacific Ocean to interstate-state 5..liberals have ruined that already.
Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

AMERICANS would side with AMERICA, you partisan douchebag. Stop being a fucking asshole, it's really not as 'cute' as you want to think it is.


I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans

Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.
AMERICANS would side with AMERICA, you partisan douchebag. Stop being a fucking asshole, it's really not as 'cute' as you want to think it is.


I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans

Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.

Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas
Yes, I would immediately do everything in my power to repel any invaders to ANY part of this nation. I've always said that we have many, many differences as a nation, but I wouldn't be walking up and slapping Uncle Sam in the mouth just yet. You might look down just in time to watch a razor slice off your balls before they're stuffed in your mouth.

Rightwinger, Putin is a lying, slimy ex-KGB aparatchik (SP?). I wouldn't trust him, wouldn't listen to a thing he said and I have no love for the man. What makes me mad is that Barry let him take a leadership role in the Syria thing. I've said it before, I would have been much happier to wake up to a video of smoking Syrian army ruins and a statement from the White House saying, "I told you not to. You didn't listen. Don't do it again or we'll be back."

P.S. - In spite everything Barry and his cronies have tried, Texas is doing GREAT. 50% of the jobs gained by Barry have been in that state alone.

I am not a fan of McCain neither I share his views about our role in the situation with Syria.

However, the guy is SPOT ON about Putin and nowadays Russian affairs.

For all the new Putin admirers - read THIS.
Maybe something will click in your minds.

Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin - English pravda.ru
I'd support the president.

I wouldn't personally fight under the command of this president though.

I think he is a fuck up surrounded by fuck ups.

I served under Bush Sr. and Clinton.

Bush Sr. understood how to run the military...you put the best people in charge, tell them what you want done, give them the resources to do it, and let them handle it.

Clinton, I don't have much good to say about him either.

R.I.F. and B.R.A.C. became the vernacular of the day.

Great soldiers I served with were RIFfed or retired early.

Their years of service were inconsequential to the Powers That Be.

I decided it was time for me to go do something else...Clinton's army wasn't an army I wished to serve in.

You'll have to look to someone else to recount service during the W. Bush years.

My son joined in 2003 just after the Iraq war started. He wishes Bush was still in office.....
I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans

Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.

Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas

LOL, you live in that shit state? WOW, that is funny. What a dire shit hole. The fact is I don't even feel sorry for you. I'm glad you live in that dump. This is the best shit I've read all day. Been to Camden lately Mr. 6 figures? ROFLMAO. The only gardens in that cesspool you call a state are probably on top of dead bodies. What a useless pile of shit you live in.
For some reason, it usually involves black folks

Slavery: Texas seceeded
Civil Rights: Texas threatened secession
Election of a Kenyan: Texas threatened secession

You're as dishonest as the day is long.

You hate Texas, we get that. And it's probably because Texas is doing great in spite of what your idols Obama and holder do.

How does your state compare to Texas? Or are you too embarrassed to say?

Can you name an issue that Texas threatened to secede on that did not involve black folks?

My state, the Great State of New Jersey, loves America and has never threatened to secede. We fly our flag proudly around these here parts.....and I'm talking about the Stars and Stripes

I've never in my lifetime ever heard of Texas threatening to secede.

Petition started seeking approval for N.J. to secede from union

More proof that you're a liar.
I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans

Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.

Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas

Texas has had six flags fly over in in it's history. And it's just as American as your shit hole of a state.
You're as dishonest as the day is long.

You hate Texas, we get that. And it's probably because Texas is doing great in spite of what your idols Obama and holder do.

How does your state compare to Texas? Or are you too embarrassed to say?

Can you name an issue that Texas threatened to secede on that did not involve black folks?

My state, the Great State of New Jersey, loves America and has never threatened to secede. We fly our flag proudly around these here parts.....and I'm talking about the Stars and Stripes

I've never in my lifetime ever heard of Texas threatening to secede.

Petition started seeking approval for N.J. to secede from union

More proof that you're a liar.

9,000 huh......

Lets see how many loyal Texans signed that petition


125,000 Texans? Damn, talking about hating America
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If this country was attacked by Russia or China, every American from coast to coast, would know what it feels like to be a Palestinian.

BTW, if we were attacked by Russia or China, would Israel come to our aid?

If we came under attack, you can bet that all the middle East Muslim countries would be attacking Israel while we were occupied. Israel can handle themselves, but they wouldn't be able to provide any material aid to us. They are a regional power, but compared to Russia or China, they are insignificant. Of course, neither Russia or China have the capability of mounting an effective invasion of the USA anyway.
Fuck you, you are NOT an American yourself. NJ should throw you out into the Atlantic with the rest of the trash. You don't belong in any part of The United States of America.

Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas

Texas has had six flags fly over in in it's history. And it's just as American as your shit hole of a state.

No, we fought for our nations freedom
Texas took up arms against our nation

When I drive around NJ, I see us proudly flying the stars and stripes....just like all loyal Americans

When I drive through Texas, I see the stars and stripes replaced with the lone star flag or the confederate flag
Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

AMERICANS would side with AMERICA, you partisan douchebag. Stop being a fucking asshole, it's really not as 'cute' as you want to think it is.


I am not talking about Americans

I am talking about Texans

I'll remember that bed wetter. We'll wait until the commies are done purging the likes of you, who embraced your commie "liberators" before we open fire on them.

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Can you name an issue that Texas threatened to secede on that did not involve black folks?

My state, the Great State of New Jersey, loves America and has never threatened to secede. We fly our flag proudly around these here parts.....and I'm talking about the Stars and Stripes

I've never in my lifetime ever heard of Texas threatening to secede.

Petition started seeking approval for N.J. to secede from union

More proof that you're a liar.

9,000 huh......

Lets see how many loyal Texans signed that petition

White House responds to secession petition, says Texas doesn't have right to leave the US | Fox News

125,000 Texans? Damn, talking about hating America

You do know there are over 26 million Texans.

Less than 9 million in New Jersey.

Still doesn't take away the fact you lied.
Myself, and all citizens of NJ are proud to call ourselves Americans. We fly our flag proudly and our flag is the Stars and Stripes

Not the Lone Star flag or Confederate flag that they fly in Texas

Texas has had six flags fly over in in it's history. And it's just as American as your shit hole of a state.

No, we fought for our nations freedom
Texas took up arms against our nation

When I drive around NJ, I see us proudly flying the stars and stripes....just like all loyal Americans

When I drive through Texas, I see the stars and stripes replaced with the lone star flag or the confederate flag

Texas fought against the USA? I have to see some proof of that.

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