If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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It is not "Obama's Army" you partisan prick, it is AMERICA'S military, and we would all fight for AMERICA, not for this or that temporary representative. Stop being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

My money says you're a moron.

Thats a suckers bet...

But doesn't change the fact that since the Kenyan was elected President, Texas has been banging the secession drum

Putin will be treated as a Liberator and Texas will once again be free
Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

My money says you're a moron.

Thats a suckers bet...

But doesn't change the fact that since the Kenyan was elected President, Texas has been banging the secession drum

Putin will be treated as a Liberator and Texas will once again be free

Texas has been beating that drum forever you hack.
Would you support Obama and the military in fucking them up?

Or if we reversed time and Bush was still President?

If our country were attacked, no matter what state or who happens to be president, it would be the duty of all able bodied citizens to respond and fight the invaders. Of course I would support Obama or Bush or whoever in "fucking them up."
Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

My money says you're a moron.

Thats a suckers bet...

But doesn't change the fact that since the Kenyan was elected President, Texas has been banging the secession drum

Putin will be treated as a Liberator and Texas will once again be free

Use meth much?

You're taking this Putin thing too far. Putin acted like a statesman and a leader. That's one thing your magic Negro can't do. He can't do it because he's a puppet and you're a stupid fuck to fall for it. All of you maggots are. But in your case it's worse than that. I believe you're a tyrant and a boot licker.

I'm still waiting for your SS to come take me off of USMB so you can make 3 figures a year you punk ass liar.
If this country was attacked by Russia or China, every American from coast to coast, would know what it feels like to be a Palestinian.

BTW, if we were attacked by Russia or China, would Israel come to our aid?
Israel wouldn't do shit. They might come to the aid of some rich Jews who had already paid for an exit, but the fact is if the U.S. get's nuked then Israel get's nuked which is perfectly fine by me.
My money says you're a moron.

Thats a suckers bet...

But doesn't change the fact that since the Kenyan was elected President, Texas has been banging the secession drum

Putin will be treated as a Liberator and Texas will once again be free

Texas has been beating that drum forever you hack.

For some reason, it usually involves black folks

Slavery: Texas seceeded
Civil Rights: Texas threatened secession
Election of a Kenyan: Texas threatened secession
In all honesty the stupidity of sincere Putin admirers is equal to the stupidity of obamacult worshipers.

Freedom of religion in Russia, really :rolleyes:
Have you ever been to Russia further than Moscow or St.Petersburg?

You obviously know nothing about Russia or China for that matter if you project American values on the countries which don't value the human life , forget about freedoms.

There is no freedom of religion in Russia, but there is a state owned religion instead.

If yiou are able to understand the difference
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OP- It's only with the rise of the hater dupe 'no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' --TIME that such a question could be asked. RW idiocy...
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I can't speak for California but god help anyone who invades a redneck state.

Yes or no. Would you throw down for California if Russia or China or some other world power violently invaded it?

California would be the gateway to the country being invaded. Why would anyone not react?

I learned a long time ago from a famous lecture that it's likely our leaders, due to their weak nature, would just capitulate, when the shit REALLY hits the fan. That's why.
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Thats a suckers bet...

But doesn't change the fact that since the Kenyan was elected President, Texas has been banging the secession drum

Putin will be treated as a Liberator and Texas will once again be free

Texas has been beating that drum forever you hack.

For some reason, it usually involves black folks

Slavery: Texas seceeded
Civil Rights: Texas threatened secession
Election of a Kenyan: Texas threatened secession

You're as dishonest as the day is long.

You hate Texas, we get that. And it's probably because Texas is doing great in spite of what your idols Obama and holder do.

How does your state compare to Texas? Or are you too embarrassed to say?
Yes, I would immediately do everything in my power to repel any invaders to ANY part of this nation. I've always said that we have many, many differences as a nation, but I wouldn't be walking up and slapping Uncle Sam in the mouth just yet. You might look down just in time to watch a razor slice off your balls before they're stuffed in your mouth.

Rightwinger, Putin is a lying, slimy ex-KGB aparatchik (SP?). I wouldn't trust him, wouldn't listen to a thing he said and I have no love for the man. What makes me mad is that Barry let him take a leadership role in the Syria thing. I've said it before, I would have been much happier to wake up to a video of smoking Syrian army ruins and a statement from the White House saying, "I told you not to. You didn't listen. Don't do it again or we'll be back."

P.S. - In spite everything Barry and his cronies have tried, Texas is doing GREAT. 50% of the jobs gained by Barry have been in that state alone.
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OP- It's only with the rise of the hater dupe 'no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' --TIME that such a question could be asked. RW idiocy...

Are you scared when you have a rational thought that doesn't involve "hater dupe pub's" or "time to change the channel"?

I'll bet everyone of your neighbors has a shotgun leaning against the wall by the front door.
Yes or no. Would you throw down for California if Russia or China or some other world power violently invaded it?

California would be the gateway to the country being invaded. Why would anyone not react?

Maybe because they don't care! One totalitarian government is no different from another totalitarian government. In some cases, Russia or China would be an improvement over liberals.

so are you going to let their troopers stay at your place?.......or does it have to be someone elses place?....just askin....
Would you support Obama and the military in fucking them up?

Or if we reversed time and Bush was still President?

I've seen this game. Milton-Bradley (just the name is suggestive!) - Fortress America. It had a successful implementation of the SDI, hovertanks, it was the USA alone against the World. Seriously! It was the most successful of the wargamer games that M-B put out.

The original cover art (think Risk!, but more realistic) included an image that looked a lot like Saddam Hussein, late of Iraq. (Subsequent releases & revisions deleted him, worse luck).

Who would be fool enough to invade the US through TX, though? That place is crawling with people who own long guns & are jist a-twichin' to use 'em agin somebody, anybody crazed enough to give 'em an excuse ...
Texas has been beating that drum forever you hack.

For some reason, it usually involves black folks

Slavery: Texas seceeded
Civil Rights: Texas threatened secession
Election of a Kenyan: Texas threatened secession

You're as dishonest as the day is long.

You hate Texas, we get that. And it's probably because Texas is doing great in spite of what your idols Obama and holder do.

How does your state compare to Texas? Or are you too embarrassed to say?

Can you name an issue that Texas threatened to secede on that did not involve black folks?

My state, the Great State of New Jersey, loves America and has never threatened to secede. We fly our flag proudly around these here parts.....and I'm talking about the Stars and Stripes
If Putins Russian Army came ashore in Texas and were being opposed by Obamas American Army there is little question that Texans would side with Putin

It is not "Obama's Army" you partisan prick, it is AMERICA'S military, and we would all fight for AMERICA, not for this or that temporary representative. Stop being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Commander in Chief

Will Texas side with Obama as Commander in Chief or Putin?

My money says they side with Putin

AMERICANS would side with AMERICA, you partisan douchebag. Stop being a fucking asshole, it's really not as 'cute' as you want to think it is.


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