If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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It may surprise some, but there are plenty of conservatives in California, and lots of liberals in Texas. I've lived in both states for many years.
The OP is attempting to make a case that people who don't like Obama would side with the enemy in an unrealistic scenario such as China invading Texas or California, as if they were individual countries. The question is silly.

It's not that unrealistic 50 years down the line, when the United States is a withered husk, full of abandoned factories and power plants, and China is the industrial hive-mind superpower of the globe.
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I dunno though, I'd send Texas to fight FOR California, they're their own nation practically.

It's my belief and hope that California would fight for Texas as well.

I think they would.

I don't believe so. Neither would they know HOW. :lol:

Unless they promise immediate citizenship all those Mexican gangs - those would fight FOR California.

But I am not sure who are worse - Russians, Chinese or Mexican cartels ;)

Yer an idiot.
[MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION]

I"d fight for Texas and let the chinks have California. I would actually enjoy watching that occur.

Under no circumstance shall the Militia refuse to answer the call to Repel Invasion in any part of the Union, it is our Duty to preserve the Union (assuming it's not in 100% Tyranny-Curbstomp mode)

Congress shall have the power to (United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8):
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

Obligations of the Federal Government (and by implication the Militia):
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Homeland Security --- The Second Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What is interesting, is that when you combine all of these clauses, it tells you that a Republican form of Government is the only Form of Government for freemen; notice that Democracy is not mentioned at all, in fact, it was reviled by nearly all Enlightenment thinkers.

Furthermore, when you read the entire Constitution (and cross reference with the Declaration of Independence), the "right to revolution" only exists in certain cases.

First: One must not revolt to simply overturn the existing Order, one only revolts to Restore the Rule of Law, when the Government has become either so tyrannical or dysfunctional, that one could no longer tell the difference between living in Chaos with no Government (anarchy) or living in Chaos with a Totalitarian Government; but experience shows that Totalitarian Government and Anarchy actually have the same effects, the only difference being the Anarchy is greatly decentralized tyranny, under the control of local warlords, and Totalitarianism is centralized tyranny, under a dictator; but for the common man living under either system, the results and life style are EXACTLY the same. This is expressed by Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson.

Declaration of Independence:
rudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

Thomas Paine, Common Sense:
Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government

However, both the Declaration of Independence and Common Sense arrive at the same conclusion, that Totalitarian Government is No Government. It is Anarchy, it is Chaos.

Common Sense:
And a government which cannot preserve the peace, is no government at all,

Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

Thus a Government is a fictional entity, comprised of real individuals, that protect your rights; when these men cease to protect your rights, they are no longer a Government (of a free state, which can only be in the Form of a Republic).

To be a Free State, the People must be Sovereign. Popular Sovereignty was the FOCUS of the Enlightenment. However, to be Sovereign, you must be equipped with modern firearms, and collectively, your local militias need to possess modern weaponry, from tanks to napalm, under the local CIVILIAN control of the state/local/county governments (which also must be Republics).

Notice that the Second Amendment doesn't say it is "optional" to the security of a free state, but that it is NECESSARY.

necessary to the security of a free state

By examining all texts, sources and communications and rulings from the Magna Charta to the ratification debates of the Constitution (and each of the States ratification documents), we have a clear (but very small and limited) list of conditions and events that are required before a "revolution" (restoring the Rule of Law) becomes a DUTY of the Sovereign People:

1: Confiscation of Firearms.
The Constitution itself makes this precise. It is NECESSARY for the security of a Free State.

2: Suspension of Jury Trials.
This is cited in the Declaration of Independence as one of the primary causes of severing ties with Great Britain. The Constitution also goes to many lengths to preserve trial by Jury in as many Cases as possible. Whereas the Second Amendment is the "source of Popular Sovereignty," Trial by Jury is the "exercise is Popular Sovereignty." All laws made by the Legislative Branch, all enforcement of that law by the Executive, and all actions by the Judiciary upon that law, must meet the final and absolute approval of the Jury, which are the People themselves.

You may ask "what about mass genocide and concentration camps," the answer is simple: These people aren't getting Jury trials, and definitely aren't allowed to have firearms. Hitler expressly forbade Jews from owning guns, and they didn't get jury trials either.
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I don't believe so. Neither would they know HOW. :lol:

Unless they promise immediate citizenship all those Mexican gangs - those would fight FOR California.

But I am not sure who are worse - Russians, Chinese or Mexican cartels ;)

I think California would ABSOLUTELY fight for Texas. Just as Texas would for California.

That is what you THINK.

I am not so sure.

And now I am not jesting.

Neg'd cuz yer an idiot..and I am not jesting either.
What result when an invading force, however bad they might be, is still better than the government we have now?

Don't count on an external threat pulling us together in a common cause as one people. That train left the station long ago.

Either they win or they don't. Hopefully, it's the Chinese, because their language is easy to learn for the average American. They'll be in the driver's seat, not us. To stay ahead better learn Chinese, but you'll have to let go of everything you hold dear to you.
I would fight for Texas but that's it. They would take california too quickly since the local population would capitulate or even aid them in the conquest.

However after a week the Russians and Chinese would leave the place.

Alright so we've got one no!

Come on people! Set partisanship aside and defend your country or not?

I think everyone would agree that if China or Russia attacked we would do everything we could to repel them. That's not where the attacks are coming from at this moment. The attacks are coming from obie. Would you be willing to defend any state against a president that has gone wrong? That's the real question today.

Certain states WANT to live in the tyranny of a nanny state. They'll fight to achieve it.

I'll let them starve to death.

You can lead an idiot to knowledge, but you can't make them think.
Why should they invade Texas?

If they ask nicely, Texas will just seceed and join them
I dunno though, I'd send Texas to fight FOR California, they're their own nation practically.

It's my belief and hope that California would fight for Texas as well.

I think they would.

I don't believe so. Neither would they know HOW. :lol:

Unless they promise immediate citizenship all those Mexican gangs - those would fight FOR California.

But I am not sure who are worse - Russians, Chinese or Mexican cartels ;)

If the armies came up from mexico, the californians and Texas would fight to protect their states. The californians who had the capacity to fight would end up in Texas, because they would be betrayed by half the people in their own state.
Of course "we" would, but it wouldn't have anything to do with obama. We'd be defending AMERICA, not that kenyan buffoon.

So yes?
Yes, California, like it or not, is part of America, and I for one wouldn't sit idly by and watch some foreign bastards think they're going to take it. Over my dead body.

You're a loyal American patriot, but you know half the people there would consider the Chi-Coms a "liberation army" and oppose you all the way.

I wouldn't waste my time.
I'd fight for any state that was attacked. Seems some of the liberals on here prefer a divided states of America instead of a United States of America.
It may surprise some, but there are plenty of conservatives in California, and lots of liberals in Texas. I've lived in both states for many years.

The libtards in Texas would simply flee. Either south with open arms to the mongolid commie hordes, or north to save themselves from having to fight.

The conservatives in commiefornia might try and resist, but they'd end up dead or going elsewhere.
Why should they invade Texas?

If they ask nicely, Texas will just seceed and join them

Texas might seceed, but we'd fight in two directions. We won't capitulate to the chi-coms like you bed wetters, and we won't stay subservient to you assholes after we repeled them.

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