If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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i would fight behind Obozo if he were 100 yards in front of me, when he was killed they would find that every bullet wound came from the rear :up:

As much as I would love to see Obabble hang for treason (for aiding and abetting Al Qaeda),

In this particular scenario, if Congress called the Militia to Repel Invasion, Obama would be the Commander in Chief.

You can vote him out/impeach him/hang him after the war.
You should be pissed at the traitorous leaders of the Confederacy for starting an immoral war they were obviously going to lose.

Justification for killing fellow Americans who at that stage of the rebellion had already lost?

Your point is valid from your point of view and knowledge of history but it's a deflection away from Sherman's atrocities. I'd once again reference Grant's memoirs. He states in very clear first hand terms the futility of the war before it started and goes into detail how we were dragged into it by a very few.
it's a deflection away from Sherman's atrocities..

Not at all. Those atrocities would never have happened if some traitorous idiots hadn't started an immoral war they had to know they couldn't win.

You make a good point. The same could be said about slave-owning Southerners like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The only difference is that those three Southerners and many like them won their rebellion. (But there I go deflecting away from your deflection!)

You use the word traitorous. If you're interested in this subject, you might find it interesting to see why the leaders of the Confederacy were not brought up on charges of treason. There were certainly thousands in the north screaming for it. From a legal and constitutional point of view, it's quite interesting. To our eyes, they committed treason but by the constitution, they didn't.

You might also find interesting Lincoln's views on the post war treatment of Southerners and his plans for reuniting the country. As it turned out, the worst thing that ever happened to the South was Lincoln's assassination. The hatred you display with your "traitorous idiots" quote was turned loose on the destroyed South for the years of "Reconstruction". As hard as the war was against the South, Reconstruction was worse.

"I accompanied President Lincoln and General Weitzel to Libby Prison and Castle Thunder, and heard General Weitzel ask President Lincoln what he (General Weitzel) should do in regard to the conquered people. President Lincoln replied that he did not wish to give any orders on that subject, but, as he expressed it, 'If I were in your place I'd let 'em up easy, let 'em up easy. "

President Lincoln Enters Richmond, 1865

Merely suggestions for review based on your input. But I get the impression you're more into trolling than serious study of history. So be it.
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You wouldn't do anything but cower somewhere like the racist coward you are.

I'm not a racist or a coward you dip shit. Far from it.
Ignore the troll, R.C.


The hatred you display with your "traitorous idiots" quote was turned loose on the destroyed South for the years of "Reconstruction". As hard as the war was against the South, Reconstruction was worse. .

You can lay that blame as well at the feet of the idiots who started a futile, immoral, traitorous war.

I'm not sure who it is you think I "hate," but then I don't really care enough to ask.
Of course I voted yes. I bet the 2 people who voted no also think Obama is destroying America. Their answer? Let America get destroyed.
What result when an invading force, however bad they might be, is still better than the government we have now?

Don't count on an external threat pulling us together in a common cause as one people. That train left the station long ago.
What result when an invading force, however bad they might be, is still better than the government we have now?

Don't count on an external threat pulling us together in a common cause as one people. That train left the station long ago.

Here comes Chicken Little AGAIN. What a boring, predictable idiot.
The OP is attempting to make a case that people who don't like Obama would side with the enemy in an unrealistic scenario such as China invading Texas or California, as if they were individual countries. The question is silly.
The last patriot that America coughed up is Edward Snowden. Where did he go?

An invasion by China or Russia wouldn't be an attack. It would be an act of mercy.
You wouldn't do anything but cower somewhere like the racist coward you are.

I'm not a racist or a coward you dip shit. Far from it.

That post of yours I quoted indicates otherwise.

Why? Because I called a commie Chinese a chink? I refer to the people I truly hate with the worst possible name I can think of. Pan head, gook, zipperhead, ancestor worshipper would have been in the same category. Would I do that to the pretty Chinese girl waiting on me at the buffet? Hell no, because I don't hate her because she has a flat face and pretty eyes. I actually find that quite attractive.

I save my names and stereotypes for scumbags. Chinese soldiers meet that criteria and I'd have them and their enablers exterminated in a heart beat without thinking about it. I'd do the same for Castro his brother. I'd spit on the graves of dead Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge. I give no quarter to commies you stupid bitch.
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