If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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I think California would ABSOLUTELY fight for Texas. Just as Texas would for California.

That is what you THINK.

I am not so sure.

And now I am not jesting.

If I'm wrong... then we're lost.

But I don't think I am. We'll never know obviously... but I hope we all consider that... the moron idiot who you're railing against (how you think of them anyways), would probably fight on your side

I agree with you - in general.

The mood on the message board is as it is because it is a venting outlet.
In the real world we all work and live aside different people. We don't jump each other even if we know we are on the totally diametrical aspects of the political spectrum.
We also have overlapping issues of support - in real life I mean.

Foreign invasion or national tragedy unites people. as PEOPLE.

I was living in NYC before, during and after 9/11.

That was inconceivable tragedy.
But I still remember and long for the incredible feeling of unity and brotherhood which was abundant for months after the tragedy in New York.
i'm not sure about fuck up...but there definitely should be a military response if either state or any state is attacked. i hope the people who would let texas or california go unanswered simply because they don't like the politics of said state...are joking.
California ...yes

Given that you hate Republicans, guns, and Southerners so much, (and I'm being brutally honest here), theoretically the best you could hope to be is a human shield. Normally we fight for our countrymen, since we do call ourselves the UNITED States of America....
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As a righty, would you let California burn without response? As a lefty, would you let Texas burn without response?

See, this is where you're trying to go and it doesn't make any sense at all. If the country is attacked, it will defend itself. You're trying to create a left and right response team that has a choice to defend or not defend a part of the country it ideologically doesn't agree with. Surely, you see how silly this comes across.

As Napoleon said, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. The Russians and Chinese don't have to invade California or Texas. Obama is destroying this country's economy and tearing the people apart just fine. If it's in China or Russia's best interests, they'll just waltz in when it's all over and pick up the pieces they want--or not.

Let's say hypothetically that today China has a serious plan in the works like in the OP. Knowing what you just said, China will observe our behavior to judge when is the best time to strike us, and real talk like yours only helps in their intelligence gathering. Your reply only strengthens the scenario here.
But I still remember and long for the incredible feeling of unity and brotherhood which was abundant for months after the tragedy in New York.

That's the last inch of America that will never be broken. We might debate taxes and social programs...

But look at the rest of the world and what they're dealing with.

Yes, I know.

And that is what is the greatest about this country.

( though the feeling of unity and brotherhood and overwhelming joy others experience, too - in the happy instances as well. During my lifetime I have had this incredible emotions to live through several times - I consider myself blessed to experience it)
I voted yes and added that explanation as to why I voted yes. The poll was too narrow. I suppose if the Californians asked nicely I might come to their aid only because children would be suffering under the boots of filthy commies. Zipping a commie would be pleasurable.
You know Old School, I find it tragically laughable that you started a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans under attack regardless of political affiliation and your avatar is of W.T. Sherman.

The "American" Sherman burned out two sides of my family when he went through Georgia. Sherman ordered my CIVILIAN city dwelling ancestors in Atlanta to pack up whatever they could carry and get out of town in 24 hours. They lost their home and livelihood to Sherman's fire. Not too many weeks later, he burned out my CIVILIAN ancestors who farmed near the small town of Millen, Georgia. What they couldn't carry off Sherman destroyed.

Uncounted thousands of CIVILIANS along Sherman's path died in the following months and especially during the following winter. Food stores had been carried off or destroyed by the guy you glorify in your avatar. The old and the young died off first.

If Sherman is your idol, it blows me away that you, of all people, would start a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans. Your idol put ideology above humanity. The South was beaten at that point in the war but that wasn't good enough for your idol Sherman. He wanted to kill civilians and he did. My family watched it happen.

You are a piece of work.
You know Old School, I find it tragically laughable that you started a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans under attack regardless of political affiliation and your avatar is of W.T. Sherman.

The "American" Sherman burned out two sides of my family when he went through Georgia. Sherman ordered my CIVILIAN city dwelling ancestors in Atlanta to pack up whatever they could carry and get out of town in 24 hours. They lost their home and livelihood to Sherman's fire. Not too many weeks later, he burned out my CIVILIAN ancestors who farmed near the small town of Millen, Georgia. What they couldn't carry off Sherman destroyed.

Uncounted thousands of CIVILIANS along Sherman's path died in the following months and especially during the following winter. Food stores had been carried off or destroyed by the guy you glorify in your avatar. The old and the young died off first.

If Sherman is your idol, it blows me away that you, of all people, would start a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans. Your idol put ideology above humanity. The South was beaten at that point in the war but that wasn't good enough for your idol Sherman. He wanted to kill civilians and he did. My family watched it happen.

You are a piece of work.

Sherman was given a task and he delivered. He preserved the union. And a lot of good has come from that union.

If you want to start a thread about it then go ahead. I'll happily participate.

Also... now that someones recognized my avy I can move on to the next one! I think I'll change it Friday.
Yes, it is the DUTY of every able bodied male to defend this country from Invasion, especially if the Congress uses their expressly defined power to call the Militia to Repel Invasion; call in the professional military, navy, and air force too.

However, if the Gun Grabbers succeed in banning military grade firearms, I won't be very useful.
Yes, it is the DUTY of every able bodied male to defend this country from Invasion, especially if the Congress uses their expressly defined power to call the Militia to Repel Invasion; call in the professional military, navy, and air force too.

However, if the Gun Grabbers succeed in banning military grade firearms, I won't be very useful.

Baaaaahhhh I've given too much rep today apparently. I'll get you tomorrow!
Alright so we've got one no!

Come on people! Set partisanship aside and defend your country or not?

I think everyone would agree that if China or Russia attacked we would do everything we could to repel them. That's not where the attacks are coming from at this moment. The attacks are coming from obie. Would you be willing to defend any state against a president that has gone wrong? That's the real question today.

Oh? If a President invaded your state then I'd absolutely fight him.

But this thread is about whether we'd fight for those who disagree with us. Because we live in a country where that was one of the founding principles.

As a righty, would you let California burn without response? As a lefty, would you let Texas burn without response?
He is invading our states. We have obiecare, we have no enforcement of getting illegals, we have economic policies that are killing the states. We don't need China or Russia to attack us we have obie.

There is no outside force attacking our country it is all coming from inside. Obie and the dems are doing far more damage than the Russians could ever hope for. I think they actually planned for it and just needed a president to let it go into effect. Communists don't need to do anything if we do it to ourselves.
Sherman was given a task and he delivered. He preserved the union. And a lot of good has come from that union.

If you want to start a thread about it then go ahead.

Also... now that someones recognized my avy I can move on to the next one! I think I'll change it Friday.

His task wasn't to kill civilians by the thousands. If I'm wrong, I'd appreciate the correction. I'd like to see an order from Grant or Lincoln to kill civilians. The guy you admire for preserving the union deliberately starved and froze fellow American civilians because of political ideology. At that point in the war, the South was finished. Instead of going after General Johnston's army, Sherman ploughed through civilian inhabited land with a scorched earth policy. There was nothing military about what he did against the civilians. And he's your guy.

Read Grant's memoirs. A superb insight into the mind of the Union's leading general. He never did anything like Sherman or condoned anything like it. When Sherman cut loose from his supply base and went independent, he was off the grid until he reached Savannah. The decisions to kill civilians was his and his alone. And this is the guy you admire. How can we take any of your posts seriously?
Shit, no one has the balls to invade Texas. If cali gets invaded, Texans will kick out the commies and the liberals and turn it into our back yard and fire up the BBQ's
I think everyone would agree that if China or Russia attacked we would do everything we could to repel them. That's not where the attacks are coming from at this moment. The attacks are coming from obie. Would you be willing to defend any state against a president that has gone wrong? That's the real question today.

Oh? If a President invaded your state then I'd absolutely fight him.

But this thread is about whether we'd fight for those who disagree with us. Because we live in a country where that was one of the founding principles.

As a righty, would you let California burn without response? As a lefty, would you let Texas burn without response?
He is invading our states. We have obiecare, we have no enforcement of getting illegals, we have economic policies that are killing the states. We don't need China or Russia to attack us we have obie.

There is no outside force attacking our country it is all coming from inside. Obie and the dems are doing far more damage than the Russians could ever hope for. I think they actually planned for it and just needed a president to let it go into effect. Communists don't need to do anything if we do it to ourselves.

Healthcare, illegals, and economic policies have been problems for 40+ years!

Answer the OP!

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