If Russia and China invaded California or Texas...

Would you fight for California and Texas if a powerful enemy invaded either one?

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You know Old School, I find it tragically laughable that you started a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans under attack regardless of political affiliation and your avatar is of W.T. Sherman.

The "American" Sherman burned out two sides of my family when he went through Georgia. Sherman ordered my CIVILIAN city dwelling ancestors in Atlanta to pack up whatever they could carry and get out of town in 24 hours. They lost their home and livelihood to Sherman's fire. Not too many weeks later, he burned out my CIVILIAN ancestors who farmed near the small town of Millen, Georgia. What they couldn't carry off Sherman destroyed.

Uncounted thousands of CIVILIANS along Sherman's path died in the following months and especially during the following winter. Food stores had been carried off or destroyed by the guy you glorify in your avatar. The old and the young died off first.

If Sherman is your idol, it blows me away that you, of all people, would start a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans. Your idol put ideology above humanity. The South was beaten at that point in the war but that wasn't good enough for your idol Sherman. He wanted to kill civilians and he did. My family watched it happen.

You are a piece of work.

Sherman was given a task and he delivered. He preserved the union. And a lot of good has come from that union.

If you want to start a thread about it then go ahead. I'll happily participate.

Also... now that someones recognized my avy I can move on to the next one! I think I'll change it Friday.

You actually believed that we southerners didn't know who that was in you avatar? Wow, that's kind of insulting in a weird way. I suggest you pick an avatar of Idi Amin to keep your love for scumbags in proper order.
There are so many Chinese in California right now that it either would be over before it began or the mexicans would finally try to declare California actually part of mexico. I don't know how many Americans are left in the state to care who runs the place.

I personally would never fight for al quaeda or the muslim brotherhood. obama could get his ass kicked all the way to Canada right along with his allies from islam.
There is no outside force attacking our country it is all coming from inside. Obie and the dems are doing far more damage than the Russians could ever hope for. I think they actually planned for it and just needed a president to let it go into effect. Communists don't need to do anything if we do it to ourselves.


As predicted by NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV:

"We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism."

"You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept Communism outright; but we'll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won't have to fight you; we'll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands."
There are so many Chinese in California right now that it either would be over before it began or the mexicans would finally try to declare California actually part of mexico. I don't know how many Americans are left in the state to care who runs the place.

I personally would never fight for al quaeda or the muslim brotherhood. obama could get his ass kicked all the way to Canada right along with his allies from islam.

Another stupid post from you, as expected.
You actually believed that we southerners didn't know who that was in you avatar? Wow, that's kind of insulting in a weird way. I suggest you pick an avatar of Idi Amin to keep your love for scumbags in proper order.

Well obviously I hoped he'd be recognized. But this is the first anyone's mentioned it.

I meant to piss off certain people on this forum. For the record, you weren't one of them.
You know Old School, I find it tragically laughable that you started a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans under attack regardless of political affiliation and your avatar is of W.T. Sherman.

The "American" Sherman burned out two sides of my family when he went through Georgia. Sherman ordered my CIVILIAN city dwelling ancestors in Atlanta to pack up whatever they could carry and get out of town in 24 hours. They lost their home and livelihood to Sherman's fire. Not too many weeks later, he burned out my CIVILIAN ancestors who farmed near the small town of Millen, Georgia. What they couldn't carry off Sherman destroyed.

Uncounted thousands of CIVILIANS along Sherman's path died in the following months and especially during the following winter. Food stores had been carried off or destroyed by the guy you glorify in your avatar. The old and the young died off first.

If Sherman is your idol, it blows me away that you, of all people, would start a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans. Your idol put ideology above humanity. The South was beaten at that point in the war but that wasn't good enough for your idol Sherman. He wanted to kill civilians and he did. My family watched it happen.

You are a piece of work.

Sherman was given a task and he delivered. He preserved the union. And a lot of good has come from that union.

If you want to start a thread about it then go ahead. I'll happily participate.

Also... now that someones recognized my avy I can move on to the next one! I think I'll change it Friday.

You actually believed that we southerners didn't know who that was in you avatar? Wow, that's kind of insulting in a weird way. I suggest you pick an avatar of Idi Amin to keep your love for scumbags in proper order.

I reconized it immeadiately after he changed it, you cant miss the scuffy bead and greasy hair.....Sherman was a dirt bag.
How to survive an invasion:
1. Assume the doggy-style position until told otherwise.
2. Upon arrival of the invaders, don't sing but you must Hum ...... the invaders National Anthem:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-6CesO8YPs&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]Learn to HUM this tune[/ame]
3. Follow their orders in an unquestionable manner.

Then everything will be alright.

If there is any Russian Authorities reading this, please confirm my instructions for the sheeple.
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I meant to piss off certain people on this forum.

It must be someone who's a hairdresser, 'cause ol' Billy needs to comb his hair!

Ah fuck it! I love that guy!

Here's his D.C. statue!


But what he did was SO long ago! Why do you still hate him for it? We should've moved on by now!
Oh? If a President invaded your state then I'd absolutely fight him.

But this thread is about whether we'd fight for those who disagree with us. Because we live in a country where that was one of the founding principles.

As a righty, would you let California burn without response? As a lefty, would you let Texas burn without response?
He is invading our states. We have obiecare, we have no enforcement of getting illegals, we have economic policies that are killing the states. We don't need China or Russia to attack us we have obie.

There is no outside force attacking our country it is all coming from inside. Obie and the dems are doing far more damage than the Russians could ever hope for. I think they actually planned for it and just needed a president to let it go into effect. Communists don't need to do anything if we do it to ourselves.

Healthcare, illegals, and economic policies have been problems for 40+ years!

Answer the OP!
The answer is the Chinese and Russians don't have to attack. Our greatest threat to our country is the democrats that were elected.

I don't need to play what if games when the threat to our nation is of our own doing. You want to game out a what if plan with Texas or Cali being attacked by Russia and China? I'm telling you that's a false premise. They are being attacked from within and there is no reason for China or Russia to get involved. Cali is f*cking gone, they want communism and vote for it at every turn. They want their government handouts and will never let go of that need. Texas is hanging in there for now, but for how long? If enough people start voting for government freebies...

Our problem isn't China or Russia, it's us.
You know Old School, I find it tragically laughable that you started a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans under attack regardless of political affiliation and your avatar is of W.T. Sherman.

The "American" Sherman burned out two sides of my family when he went through Georgia. Sherman ordered my CIVILIAN city dwelling ancestors in Atlanta to pack up whatever they could carry and get out of town in 24 hours. They lost their home and livelihood to Sherman's fire. Not too many weeks later, he burned out my CIVILIAN ancestors who farmed near the small town of Millen, Georgia. What they couldn't carry off Sherman destroyed.

Uncounted thousands of CIVILIANS along Sherman's path died in the following months and especially during the following winter. Food stores had been carried off or destroyed by the guy you glorify in your avatar. The old and the young died off first.

If Sherman is your idol, it blows me away that you, of all people, would start a thread about Americans coming to the aid of other Americans. Your idol put ideology above humanity. The South was beaten at that point in the war but that wasn't good enough for your idol Sherman. He wanted to kill civilians and he did. My family watched it happen.

You are a piece of work.

You should be pissed at the traitorous leaders of the Confederacy for starting an immoral war they were obviously going to lose.
Alright so we've got one no!

Come on people! Set partisanship aside and defend your country or not?

I think everyone would agree that if China or Russia attacked we would do everything we could to repel them. That's not where the attacks are coming from at this moment. The attacks are coming from obie. Would you be willing to defend any state against a president that has gone wrong? That's the real question today.

Oh? If a President invaded your state then I'd absolutely fight him.

But this thread is about whether we'd fight for those who disagree with us. Because we live in a country where that was one of the founding principles.

As a righty, would you let California burn without response? As a lefty, would you let Texas burn without response?

Any true American would defend any of our states and any of our allies. An attack on any state, any ally or any of our embassies is an attack on America. Period. I am shocked that the left didn't take the attack on Benghazi personally. Maybe because there are indications that our own government was involved.

I don't like the division in this country with all the talk of red and blue states. It's crazy to label things since there are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, commies and socialists in every state. To call the entire state red or blue based on the majority of votes is asinine. Texas gets picked on a lot. The Southern states also get ridiculed and the people called names. Yes, California gets picked on because whacko liberals like Pelosi keep getting voted in.

I don't think we should be involved in Syria and don't believe it will help us or our allies there. I think it's another effort to get the Muslim Brotherhood in control. Worked so well for Egypt, they want to try again in Syria. al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and the like are all bad news for us and our allies, especially Israel.

China doesn't need to invade us. They already own us. Russia will never change and we should try to have a mutual respect, but no way we'll ever be real allies. Only time to side with some is when you use the rule, 'an enemy of your enemy is your friend' (though only temporarily). In Syria, we don't have friends on either side of the fight. Obama has been arming al Qaeda, so he has clearly picked a side. He also seems too friendly with the Muslim Brotherhood. Hell, why should we trust him?

A poster here stupidly said that the right would side with Russia. Idiot. Putin made Obama look like the inexperienced community organizer that he is and pointing it out does not make one side with Russia. I don't like Putin. I don't like Obama's policies one iota, but we are stuck with him. I always side with our own, even when he clearly made it known he is not one of us. He thinks his credibility is just dandy and says it's America's credibility that has been lost. He did it, yet isn't about to take responsibility for his role or take the heat.

What is apparent because of his own actions is that Obama sides with al Qaeda terrorists. I think deep down the left is having trouble accepting that. I know I am. He refuses to condemn radical Muslims and until he does, he cannot be trusted.
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Shit, no one has the balls to invade Texas. If cali gets invaded, Texans will kick out the commies and the liberals and turn it into our back yard and fire up the BBQ's

Turn it into your back yard? Man, it would take like forever to mow the lawn!

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