If SCOTUS Guts Obamacare, Mississippi Will See 650% Increase

I have 1 apple and 8 kids, 7 of which could go get a job but they are too busy being lazy. What the hell s a mother to do?
That's what happened when you raise them Republican. They gave all their money to corporations. And you just don't get paid enough when you work for less than the minimum wage.
That's just MS. Each state's rise is in the chart at the link.

State-by-State Effects of a Ruling for the Challengers in King v. Burwell

The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling by the end of June in King v. Burwell, a case challenging the legality of health insurance subsidies provided to low- and middle-income people in the 34 states where the federal government is operating the insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. The map and table below show for each state:

• The number of people now receiving premium subsidies who would lose them if the Court finds for the challengers.
• The total amount of federal subsidy dollars.
• The average subsidy (or average premium tax credit) that subsidized enrollees have qualified for.
• The average increase in premiums that subsidized enrollees would face if the subsidies are disallowed.

Estimates do not reflect the substantial premium increases that would likely result in 2016 and beyond if subsidies are eliminated, triggering healthy enrollees to drop coverage and a deterioration in the insurance risk pool.
Maybe your fucking Democrat leaders won't push thru a piece of shit legislation without first reading it and listening to those of us saying we don't want it. Democrats fucked up healthcare and they will feel the full wrath of the voters in 2016.
That's just MS. Each state's rise is in the chart at the link.

State-by-State Effects of a Ruling for the Challengers in King v. Burwell

The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling by the end of June in King v. Burwell, a case challenging the legality of health insurance subsidies provided to low- and middle-income people in the 34 states where the federal government is operating the insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. The map and table below show for each state:

• The number of people now receiving premium subsidies who would lose them if the Court finds for the challengers.
• The total amount of federal subsidy dollars.
• The average subsidy (or average premium tax credit) that subsidized enrollees have qualified for.
• The average increase in premiums that subsidized enrollees would face if the subsidies are disallowed.

Estimates do not reflect the substantial premium increases that would likely result in 2016 and beyond if subsidies are eliminated, triggering healthy enrollees to drop coverage and a deterioration in the insurance risk pool.

The op suggests that we should interpret the laws of this nation by the perceived effect they will have, not what the law actually says.
Yes.... little different than suggesting guilt or innocence be determined by how the unwashed masses will react to a verdict they do not like.

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