If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Sure it is….you LefTarded folks have been shitting your pants, burning shit down, rioting and looting when a jungle person gets smoked by police…now you’re cool with it…that’s new.
As always, scratch a conservative, find a racist.
Asked and answered. You keep asking only because you're not bright enough to comprehend the answer I already gave. Even worse for you, you keep asking the same question over and over while expecting a different answer.
Nope, I told no lie. And her sex did not matter. Whoever tried to enter the Speaker's Lobby past that police barricade would have been shot; male or female. Same as the other police barricade where officers had to draw weapons.


The police weren't fucking around with those shitheads trying to get inside the House chamber. All the others got the message. Pathetically, Ashes Targetpractice chose not to heed the warnings.
Faun the Traitor continues to lie because he loves violence directed at unarmed women.

Other protesters committed worse acts of mayhem. Only coward Byrd got scared and committed murder.

Faun the Traitor continues to lie because he loves violence directed at unarmed women.

Other protesters committed worse acts of mayhem. Only coward Byrd got scared and committed murder.

Looks like that pussy hat fits you well. :itsok:
Asked and answered. You keep asking only because you're not bright enough to comprehend the answer I already gave. Even worse for you, you keep asking the same question over and over while expecting a different answer.
We got it. Like all demons, you are a coward. You like trying to be intimidating but people need to know that your only power is that which they willing give you. I give you no power.

You haven't even the dignity to own your own hate.
Freak, people do not have the right to break into the House chamber to prevent or delay Congress from certifying a presidential election. And if you weren't such a pussy, you wouldn't keep crying about one law breaking woman being justifiably shot as "violence against women."

Here, you earned this...

You seem incoherent and angry. Is this because you realize that Ashli could easily have been arrested? Is it because you’ve been caught lying: Ashli never threatened anyone.

Are you in fact now drooling with pleasure as you think about the brutal murder of this unarmed woman?

Why not crawl back under your rock you odious traitorous authoritarian slug.
We got it. Like all demons, you are a coward. You like trying to be intimidating but people need to know that your only power is that which they willing give you. I give you no power.

You haven't even the dignity to own your own hate.
That you think I'm a demon doesn't speak well towards your mental state.

As far as traitors like Ashes Targetpractice, who doesn't hate them? Other than America-haters who consider her a patriot, that is.
You seem incoherent and angry. Is this because you realize that Ashli could easily have been arrested? Is it because you’ve been caught lying: Ashli never threatened anyone.

Are you in fact now drooling with pleasure as you think about the brutal murder of this unarmed woman?

Why not crawl back under your rock you odious traitorous authoritarian slug.
If she could have easily been arrested, you would have been able to answer my question of how Byrd could have arrested that mob behind her who would have followed her into the Speaker's Lobby.

And yes, she was a threat. You just can't bring yourself to face reality. Again, she was not alone. She was part of a violent mob trying to break past a police barricade to get inside the House chamber where some members of Congress & staff were still holed up because they didn't get the chance to be evacuated yet for their own safety from that violent mob as others already had. Anybody getting past that barricade was a threat, which is why cops had guns drawn at two separate police barricades to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber. Ashes Targetpractice committed suicide by cop by being the only one stupid enough to actually try to breach it. No one else was shot because no one else was as retarded as her to attempt such an idiotic thing. Everyone else but her backed down and no longer threatened to get at lawmakers inside the House chamber.
Did Ashli threaten anyone? What threatening words did she use? Was she armed? How do you know she intended to hurt anyone? Is it okay to kill one protestor because other protesters were engaged in a shoving contest with police?

How do you know what the other protesters would do? Maybe if they saw her arrested they would have backed off. Stop speculating and consider the facts.

Can you provide evidence that Ashli was the only one to breach the barricade outside the House Chamber?

Provide evidence that neither Byrd nor any other officer couldn’t arrest Ashli. How do you know no other cops were in shouting distance from Byrd?

Since you are a coward I suppose you’ll run away from these questions again. Facts don’t matter to you. You are only interested in attacking, hating this woman. I think you’d lap up her blood if you could.
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Already posted the link to the article for you. Why do you blame me because you're too retarded to understand it? That's why I call you ShortBus... because you're retarded.

Oh, and I thought you already gave me your "last warning"??? How'd that turn out for ya?

Nope....you didn't post how many served time. You fat fuck.
Of course there were repercussions, ShortBus...

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy.
Despite “numerous examples of violence” during last year’s protests, they said “it appears that individuals charged with committing crimes at these events may benefit from infrequent prosecutions and minimal, if any, penalties” and claimed the Justice Department’s “apparent unwillingness” to punish them stands in “stark contrast to the harsher treatment” of the Capitol defendants.

From that same article you fat fuck and only 70 had any prison time. 70 LOL out of 1000s. Are you ever not a complete and utter failure as a human being you fat fucking loser?
Nope....you didn't post how many served time. You fat fuck.

Yeah, ShortBus, I did. Feel free to read the link I posted earlier -- it provides numbers.

But then again, you're fatter than me even though you call me fat, so be careful, because numbers hurt you.
Despite “numerous examples of violence” during last year’s protests, they said “it appears that individuals charged with committing crimes at these events may benefit from infrequent prosecutions and minimal, if any, penalties” and claimed the Justice Department’s “apparent unwillingness” to punish them stands in “stark contrast to the harsher treatment” of the Capitol defendants.

From that same article you fat fuck and only 70 had any prison time. 70 LOL out of 1000s. Are you ever not a complete and utter failure as a human being you fat fucking loser?
70 out of 120, ShortBus. Which is what I said, most of them (the 120 charged) served time. Thanks for doing the work of proving me right.

But look at that, you're making progress... you found the numbers you claimed I hadn't posted.

70 out of 120, ShortBus. Which is what I said, most of them (the 120 charged) served time. Thanks for doing the work of proving me right.

But look at that, you're making progress... you found the numbers you claimed I hadn't posted.

How many violent protesters were there, fat Fuck? More than 70. Leftist buffoon. Find a job yet? Unemployed fat Fuck

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