If the Democratic party didn't want Hillary in 08 why would America want her in 2016?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?
You're not allowed to ask questions which exude common sense and truth. It's not allowed in librul Zombieville.
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Hillary is more of the same without the racial angle.

During Obama's presidency we get to hash out our racial differences.

During Hillary's presidency we get more Obamacare and we get to learn that Gays have rights too.
the dimocraptic party don't choose SHIT.

the dimocraptic party IS the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They are one and they same. They are interchangeable, they work back and forth for each other, they transition seamlessly from one to the other -- All the time.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was all set to go with Hitlery until they got a load of the Magic Negro™ and they dropped Hitlery like a bad habit.

the dimocraptic party hasn't had control of their own party since then. It's not like it's an unknown, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has long had a special place at the table in the dimocrap party.

But now, they sit at the Head of that table.

But they don't dislike Hitlery. Don't kid youselves. They just liked the Magic Negro™ better. A lot better.

Now that he can't be re-elected, they're gonna back Hitlery...

Check it out....

Media Already Gearing Up Behind Hillary Run In 2016: NBC To Air Four Hour Miniseries


Via Newsbusters:

As NewsBusters has been reporting, the media are now in a full court press to get Hillary Clinton elected president in 2016.

Apart from a new biopic set to be released in the middle of the campaign season, it was announced Saturday that NBC has purchased the rights to a four-hour miniseries about the former first lady starring Diane Lane.

NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt told the Television Critics Association’s summer tour that the series will likely air before Clinton announces her candidacy making it unnecessary for the network to grant equal time to whoever her Republican challenger is.

Isn’t that convenient?

“She’s not going to declare her candidacy for two more years so I think it will be the late spring or early summer of ’15 that she will declare,” Greenblatt told reporters including The Hollywood Reporter’s Lesley Goldberg. “This could well have aired before that. We have to talk through all that.”

According to a press release, “Hillary” will recount her life as “a wife, mother, politician and cabinet member from 1998 to the present. The script will begin with Clinton living in the White House as her husband is serving the second of his two terms as president. In the years following, she would eventually become a United States senator, run for president and, ultimately, serve the country as secretary of state.”

It apparently will also include her likely run for president.

Once again, isn’t that convenient?
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Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.
Ummmm... 'cause they've got nobody else warmin'-up in the bullpen?


"...But, she's struggling, ya know?..."
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The CONS kept telling us we were scared of Sarah, but it appears that was just a projection of their Hillary-fear. :lol:
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Why would America want ANY Democrat?

Well, because the average American voter is dumber than a bag of hammers.
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Why would America want ANY Democrat?

Well, because the average American voter is dumber than a bag of hammers.

Ah yes, the strategy that worked so well for Romney, kick the people that might have voted for you in the teeth! :lol:
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Hillary is more of the same without the racial angle.

During Obama's presidency we get to hash out our racial differences.

During Hillary's presidency we get more Obamacare and we get to learn that Gays have rights too.
What is Obamacare but Hilliarycare from the nineties, and any despots wetdream to control the people they are supposed to serve?
Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.

That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D
I think Santorum should get the nom in 2016.... Yeah, let that egotistical Religious bigoted Dictator have a go at losing the WH.
LMFAO!!! Diane Lane as HILLBILLY HILL??!!!! OMG.. That's like Angelina Jolie playing Janet Rino! You fucking libruls are pathetic in your dream world of make believe.. but knock yourselves out!
Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.

That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D
She's a tyrant wearing a skirt, and this impresses you? Some people are easily led by the nose. Yeah, I mean YOU.
Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.

That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D

Extraordinary, how? Because she can talk like a black person when campaigning in black areas of the country?

Racist by definition. It's hard to watch, see how you feel, it's not very long.
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She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Because she has learned her lesson about the epic oafish stupidity of the Iraq War. She's going to make a great President, just like her husband way, and of course, just like Obama is.

America will for the third election in a row reject a third Bush term by electing whatever buffoon the bible school people think is "smart".

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