If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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You are correct, nurses are always in demand. My daughter had 3 interviews and 3 job offers within 3 weeks of graduating school and taking her NCLEX. Good nurses are hard to find.
Because it's hard job with a lot of responsibilities and getting to be an RN today is 4 years of hard courses.

Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself
Because it's hard job with a lot of responsibilities and getting to be an RN today is 4 years of hard courses.

Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself
My mother the Royal nurse always said where are the orderlies. American nurses all end up disabled, it's a disgrace.
Because it's hard job with a lot of responsibilities and getting to be an RN today is 4 years of hard courses.

Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself

While I don't pretend to know anything about professionals taking care of patients, the conflict seems to be that nurses are trained to do X for a patient with certain conditions, and Doctors direct them to do Y. Doctors believe since their training is superior to an RN's, their decisions are not up for judgement. To be honest, I can understand the problem from both sides.
The giveaway to the rich by the GOP the last 35 years has wrecked our infrastructure and middle-class, we now have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history Tama and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.

1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb...able=58&Freq=Qtr&FirstYear=2008&LastYear=2010
4 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php/household-sector-debt-of-gdp
4 = The Fed - Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Current Release
Last edited:
Anyone who can't go a few years without a paycheck coming in if they really needed to isn't planning ahead

What planet do you people live on?

I live on a planet where WAY too many people don't save a damn thing out of their paycheck and then turn around and whine that they need help when something bad happens and they don't have money coming in! Newsflash...bad shit happens! If you want to spend all of your money as it comes in then you're going to have an issue when a crisis hits. If you're THAT stupid...then you deserve exactly what you get!

There was a time when Americans were known for their self reliance. I miss that time!

I found this several years ago when the discussion came up, and I was pretty surprised at it myself:

Many jobless in U.S. don't collect unemployment

well unemployment is a form of government welfare even though they paid into it,,

so maybe they just couldnt subject themselves to being a burden

It's not like it was years ago. Even I went on unemployment once. You used to have to stand in line for hours with your little booklet, fill out a form, and then go home and wait for your check. They made us do that every two weeks. Although much younger than I am today, I remember my back hurting me by the time I got home from standing so long.

Today you fill out your unemployment on the internet and that's that. It's not a hassle at all.

The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.
When I went to school for architectural design in the mid 1970's, the standard size house on our drawing boards were 1200 to 1400 square feet.

Now, with smaller families then ever, the average house is over 2000 square feet. In comparison to my parents generation, our generation is incredibly rich.

My parents started out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack. They worked and saved, and made a very good life for themselves.

Tell a married couple today to start out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack, and you would get blank stares.

Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself

While I don't pretend to know anything about professionals taking care of patients, the conflict seems to be that nurses are trained to do X for a patient with certain conditions, and Doctors direct them to do Y. Doctors believe since their training is superior to an RN's, their decisions are not up for judgement. To be honest, I can understand the problem from both sides.

this is a little off the wall, but do you know why dogs hate the mailman???

cause they come by drop their scent then leave and it piss's the dog off cause he wanted more time with him

same for nurses,,,the doctor comes in drops off his scent in the way of directions and leaves and the nurses wish they had more time with them

sometimes the dog just wants to chew the mailmans ass and the same goes for the nurse, but they cant because he left
When I went to school for architectural design in the mid 1970's, the standard size house on our drawing boards were 1200 to 1400 square feet.

Now, with smaller families then ever, the average house is over 2000 square feet. In comparison to my parents generation, our generation is incredibly rich.

My parents started out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack. They worked and saved, and made a very good life for themselves.

Tell a married couple today to start out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack, and you would get blank stares.


Actually home ownership has less interest today than years ago. It used to be the goal of every young adult to own a home. Today, it's just the opposite. I've been a landlord for over 25 years, and the last several years have been the best. I used to put out an ad for an apartment and get about four or five replies, only one or two that were serious. It all depended on the time of year as well. Most people move in spring.

Last ad I ran was in February about three years ago, I had 15 replies; some of them telling me they'll take the unit sight unseen. Even after I removed the ad I had people emailing me for several weeks afterwards.
I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself

While I don't pretend to know anything about professionals taking care of patients, the conflict seems to be that nurses are trained to do X for a patient with certain conditions, and Doctors direct them to do Y. Doctors believe since their training is superior to an RN's, their decisions are not up for judgement. To be honest, I can understand the problem from both sides.

this is a little off the wall, but do you know why dogs hate the mailman???

cause they come by drop their scent then leave and it piss's the dog off cause he wanted more time with him

same for nurses,,,the doctor comes in drops off his scent in the way of directions and leaves and the nurses wish they had more time with them

sometimes the dog just wants to chew the mailmans ass and the same goes for the nurse, but they cant because he left

I don't think it has anything to do with that. The nurses I knew hated Doctors.

I can understand both points of view. If you're trained to do something a certain way because it's the correct way, and a Doctor tells you not to do it the way you were trained, that has to be frustrating. On the other hand, the Doctor calls the shots because the Doctor has liability issues to deal with, and they pay handsomely for malpractice insurance.

It think we all can relate in a way. I deliver to companies that have the most ridiculous protocol. They make us do a lot of extra work that solves nothing. It's just wasting time really. And who makes these rules? Some asshole in a dress shirt that never drove a delivery van in their life yet alone a tractor-trailer. I sometimes wish I could meet these morons and say "Look clown! I've been doing this for decades. Let me decide how to do the job!"
who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself

While I don't pretend to know anything about professionals taking care of patients, the conflict seems to be that nurses are trained to do X for a patient with certain conditions, and Doctors direct them to do Y. Doctors believe since their training is superior to an RN's, their decisions are not up for judgement. To be honest, I can understand the problem from both sides.

this is a little off the wall, but do you know why dogs hate the mailman???

cause they come by drop their scent then leave and it piss's the dog off cause he wanted more time with him

same for nurses,,,the doctor comes in drops off his scent in the way of directions and leaves and the nurses wish they had more time with them

sometimes the dog just wants to chew the mailmans ass and the same goes for the nurse, but they cant because he left

I don't think it has anything to do with that. The nurses I knew hated Doctors.

I can understand both points of view. If you're trained to do something a certain way because it's the correct way, and a Doctor tells you not to do it the way you were trained, that has to be frustrating. On the other hand, the Doctor calls the shots because the Doctor has liability issues to deal with, and they pay handsomely for malpractice insurance.

It think we all can relate in a way. I deliver to companies that have the most ridiculous protocol. They make us do a lot of extra work that solves nothing. It's just wasting time really. And who makes these rules? Some asshole in a dress shirt that never drove a delivery van in their life yet alone a tractor-trailer. I sometimes wish I could meet these morons and say "Look clown! I've been doing this for decades. Let me decide how to do the job!"

both my daughter in laws are nurses and thats what I get from them
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump
It's a fair Q Ray

Which ends up a STEM debate

Consider , some domestic medical students have six zero's of debt entering our HC arena

Meanwhile we're reciprocating foreign medical students on in, from socialist countries that paid for their education....

One asks a lot less than the other......One gains citizenship , while the other is a natural citizen.....

Who do you think hosptial administrators hire?


I guess that would depend on what line of work you’re in. If you’re a registered nurse, they will hire anybody and everybody. There has been a shortage of nurses for the past few decades.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

You are correct, nurses are always in demand. My daughter had 3 interviews and 3 job offers within 3 weeks of graduating school and taking her NCLEX. Good nurses are hard to find.
Because it's hard job with a lot of responsibilities and getting to be an RN today is 4 years of hard courses.

Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.
My wife is an RN and my younger sister is a nurse practitioner. I have never hear a nurse say a disparaging word about a doctor. Generally, nurses have a lot of respect for doctors and vice versa.
Actually the RN is only 2 years, but it is damn hard and very intense. The work at hospital is very hard, physically demanding and many of the people that get their RN will not do it.

I worked with RN's when I was delivering and repairing medical equipment years ago. The most common complaint by them was working with the Doctors. I never met one that didn't think all Doctors were assholes.

who cares as long as theyre good doctors

They never said anything about good or bad doctors. But for whatever reason, there is always conflict between RN's and Doctors.
its a understandable conflict considering the environment of the job

you have doctors that are consumed with treating their patients and not messing up giving instructions to the RN's then leaving.
the RN's have to be there all the time dealing the patients that are sick and dying,,,OH and cleaning up all the mess's

I take my hat off to both and that both dont loose their minds at times is amazing in itself

While I don't pretend to know anything about professionals taking care of patients, the conflict seems to be that nurses are trained to do X for a patient with certain conditions, and Doctors direct them to do Y. Doctors believe since their training is superior to an RN's, their decisions are not up for judgement. To be honest, I can understand the problem from both sides.
Just about everything you see on TV about doctors and nurses is probably wrong. Nurses don't follow doctors around all day taking notes nor do doctors manage, hire or fire them. In fact, they are are pretty autonomous. Doctors have their duties, responsibilities and skills and nurses have theirs. Doctors write orders for tests, procedures, and medications and nurses see that they get done.
When I went to school for architectural design in the mid 1970's, the standard size house on our drawing boards were 1200 to 1400 square feet.

Now, with smaller families then ever, the average house is over 2000 square feet. In comparison to my parents generation, our generation is incredibly rich.

My parents started out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack. They worked and saved, and made a very good life for themselves.

Tell a married couple today to start out in a 12 foot by 20 foot shack, and you would get blank stares.

The size of houses can vary a lot depending on availability of lots and the cost. In Seattle, I have seen some really small homes. Some of them couldn't be over a 1000 sq. ft.
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

It's pretty damn simple, the government halls of indoctrination don't emphasize the virtue of saving or preparation for unexpected situations. How many media stories have you seen on saving vs. people lining up at Apple stores to buy the latest thousand dollar gadgets?

Considering the productivity and working ability of workers today and how they keep increasing productivity for less wages I'd say 99.99 are giving every last drop of sweat for their employers.
Speaking of general stupidity, how do you call "over and over again" when the number is actually five bankruptcies after owning or operating over 550 companies?

And you know damn well that all those companies are nothing more than pieces of paper. Having 500 passthrough LLCs doesn't mean you actually own 500 businesses. It simply means you have 500 complicated loopholes to use for tax and debt dodging.

It makes no difference. Find me any other business person who owned and operated that amount of companies and only had five bankruptcies.

:lol: Was that supposed to have a coherent meaning? Even for me, pissing in your own face is not sexy.

How is that pissing in my own face? The truth of the matter is Trump has been a very successful businessman. Again, he has owned or operated over 550 businesses and is a multi-billionaire. You call that "reckless spending and general stupidity," I call that great success. Which one of us is correct?
Trump was handed millions by Daddy. M i l l i o n s. Not to mention a name that was good at the time.

If Trump had done nothing but invest the 'small loan' his father gave him, he'd still be worth about $2 billion today

I'm not sure which is more embarrassing: Trump's behaviors or that of his obedient fans.

I agree with you completely on this.
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

Since when is keeping a campaign promise made to the people that elected you a negative? Have you become so jaded by eight years of promises made by Barack Obama and seldom kept that someone who DOES keep their word and works hard to do what they promised they would...is somehow doing something wrong?

I would wager that the majority of those 800,000 people are liberals, Flopper...and they are being hung out to dry by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who ARE playing politics! You want to "comfort" those people? Tell Nancy to take the deal that Trump offered! The Democrats blocking the "wall" has already cost more than the wall itself would have...which makes Democrat's claim that the money is being wasted on border security total farce! The people that are being affected most by this government shutdown are Federal employees and they tend to vote Democratic. The longer it drags on the harder it's going to be to convince THEM that playing hardball against Trump's desire for a secure border is a good thing! Just saying...
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