If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
Using average working people as leverage is wrong no matter how one examines it. It is immoral but not surprising. It shouldn't happen in a supposed great nation though.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

Since when is keeping a campaign promise made to the people that elected you a negative? Have you become so jaded by eight years of promises made by Barack Obama and seldom kept that someone who DOES keep their word and works hard to do what they promised they would...is somehow doing something wrong?

I would wager that the majority of those 800,000 people are liberals, Flopper...and they are being hung out to dry by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who ARE playing politics! You want to "comfort" those people? Tell Nancy to take the deal that Trump offered! The Democrats blocking the "wall" has already cost more than the wall itself would have...which makes Democrat's claim that the money is being wasted on border security total farce! The people that are being affected most by this government shutdown are Federal employees and they tend to vote Democratic. The longer it drags on the harder it's going to be to convince THEM that playing hardball against Trump's desire for a secure border is a good thing! Just saying...


This shutdown is 100% Trump's. It's his shutdown...he admitted it many times.

The Dems are under zero obligation to give in on something they do not want/believe in.

And since Trump owns the shutdown - he is 100% to blame for it.

Trump should end the shutdown and THEN negotiate.

But, since he clearly does not give a shit about those 800,000 employees - he will not do that.

Have a nice day.

Ah, Trump HAS negotiated and Pelosi has refused to do so. For some reason Democrats now seem to believe that giving Trump nothing at all...no matter how many Americans are hurt by the tactic...is going to be better for them when they run against him in 2020 then trying to compromise. They're willing to sabotage the economy because they think it will be a political win for them. It's obvious that they're scared to death that the economy will keep growing as it has since he took office.

As for who cares about the 800,000 employees? Since the vast majority of those employees support Democrats...it would seem that the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate are the ones who don't "give a shit" about them! If Nancy and Chuck are content to throw their own constituents under the bus to gain a political advantage then why should Donald Trump try and save them?

Pelosi has agreed to continue negotiations after the government is opened. Trump has nothing to lose by agreeing to fund government another 30 or 60 days while they negotiate. That is what Obama did and that has been what most presidents have done. There's no reason to punish 800,000 workers so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise. That's crazy.

Well, Piglosi also said we need to pass the bill to find out what's in it. Been a disaster ever since. Reagan was promised a stronger border by the Democrats if he only granted amnesty which he did. How did that turn out for Republicans? We have the same problem today.

The interest is dying down. When the government first shut down, it was media frenzy for about a week. The second week, it got weaker. Now that we are past a month, not many seem to care.

So how do we start the frenzy all over again? Open up government, and when Trump shuts it down again, we will have a replay of a month ago. Why should Trump play right into their hands?

Let me ask you Flopper: If you wanted to buy a certain breed of dog, and met a guy in a Walmart parking lot, and he said give me the money now, and I'll go get the dog, would you hand him the money?

Tell me: how is the government shutdown preventing Piglosi from negotiations now? It isn't. She's only use that BS to open the government again and then tell Trump to go F himself.

The fact that neither side is willing to compromise on money for a wall is causing the shutdown.

How does it damage Trump's position by signing a bill to fund the government for 30 days while the two sides try to work this thing out. If this isn't done soon, we're going to have a real national emergency.

If no agreement is reached, the government shuts down again but at least these poor people will had a chance to pay their rent and put some groceries on the table.
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.

He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal.

Is Pelosi going to be more willing to cut a deal when 800,000 people are suffering, or more willing when they aren't? Why?
Has Pelosi shown even the slightest willingness to compromise? In any way? Trump has. So why should the person who hasn't been willing to budge even slightly not be given the blame here? The shutdown has already cost more than the wall would have cost to build. Pelosi was offered amnesty for DACA. She turned her nose up at that. This shutdown that's hurting the entire country? Nancy Pelosi OWNS it from this point forward.
As for you folks that work in government? I don't know as I'd want to let the general public know just how much they DON'T need a lot of you...this shutdown may be doing exactly that!
not all of Government is in the field.

FDA inspections are not going on. How long until retailers exhaust their supply of inspected products.
As for you folks that work in government? I don't know as I'd want to let the general public know just how much they DON'T need a lot of you...this shutdown may be doing exactly that!
not all of Government is in the field.

FDA inspections are not going on. How long until retailers exhaust their supply of inspected products.

If that's something you're concerned about, Daniel...then it might be time to write your Congress person and tell them that you want them to pressure Congressional leaders to reach a compromise. This shutdown is totally political and right now it's being used as a weapon by the Democrats against a President whom they dislike. If you're OK with that...then YOU own the consequences of not having inspectors in the field looking out for you!
The point is, apparently there are a lot of people who can do just fine without a weekly paycheck in our country. Me? I could go a couple of months, and that's about it. I'm not working to entertain myself or stay busy. I need a paycheck like most people who work.

There's about a million folks and the people who depend on them as well..that are getting screwed by Trump

So why is it always Trump and not the Democrats? Trump is trying to do things to stop a problem, and the Democrats are trying to do things to stop Trump. Trump is trying to keep a campaign promise, and with the Democrats, it's pure politics.
You known the answer to that.
So Trump is just trying to keep a campaign promise. Well that should be really comforting to 800,000 people who will be going a month without pay so Trump can keep a campaign promise.

I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.

If she was willing to do that, she’d do it now. Piglosi: give us what we want now and then we’ll discuss what you want later and tell you to go pound a salt bag. So you get nothing and we get back pay and work for our voters. We are hailed heroes and you will be proven a sap.

Tell me, if you were Trump, would you accept that deal? Because if you would, you’d be the biggest sucker in the country.

Both parties are holding these workers hostage if that what you wish to call it.

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The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Because the two things are not connected.

The economy could be doing great, or could be doing poorly, and that will have little impact on your personal finances.

People do poorly, because they make poor choices. People that are bad with money, will be doing badly whether the economy is good or bad.

For example, Michael Jackson. At the time that MJ died, he was on the verge of bankruptcy. The entire reason he even tried to do a "This is it" tour, is because he was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Yet by most estimates, MJ earned roughly a Billion dollars over his life time.

Now how is it even possible to end up in bankruptcy, when you earn a billion dollars in your life?

Easy.... actually very easy. You simply spend.... more than you make.

I've lived this out in my own life.

I had a roommate years ago. We both worked at the same job. By the end of the year, I had paid off debt, and saved up money in the bank. She by the end of the year, was having trouble putting gas in her car.

In short, she spent more money than she made. I spent less money than I made. Therefore, I was better off at the end of the year, and she was worse off... even though we both made roughly the same amount of money.

That's reality.

Why do you think people who win the lottery, generally end up poor in 10 years?

When Steve Jobs left Apple computer in the 80s, he left with $10 Million dollars. He invested that money, and ended up selling Pixar for $10 Billion dollars.

When Sharon Tirabassi won $10 Million dollars, she blew it all, and ended up riding the bus to her job, living in a crappy apartment.

This is why people are poor. They make bad choices, and reap bad results. The economy could be the best that it has ever been in the history of the US, and people who make poor choices would still be poor.
Since when is keeping a campaign promise made to the people that elected you a negative? Have you become so jaded by eight years of promises made by Barack Obama and seldom kept that someone who DOES keep their word and works hard to do what they promised they would...is somehow doing something wrong?

I would wager that the majority of those 800,000 people are liberals, Flopper...and they are being hung out to dry by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who ARE playing politics! You want to "comfort" those people? Tell Nancy to take the deal that Trump offered! The Democrats blocking the "wall" has already cost more than the wall itself would have...which makes Democrat's claim that the money is being wasted on border security total farce! The people that are being affected most by this government shutdown are Federal employees and they tend to vote Democratic. The longer it drags on the harder it's going to be to convince THEM that playing hardball against Trump's desire for a secure border is a good thing! Just saying...


This shutdown is 100% Trump's. It's his shutdown...he admitted it many times.

The Dems are under zero obligation to give in on something they do not want/believe in.

And since Trump owns the shutdown - he is 100% to blame for it.

Trump should end the shutdown and THEN negotiate.

But, since he clearly does not give a shit about those 800,000 employees - he will not do that.

Have a nice day.

Ah, Trump HAS negotiated and Pelosi has refused to do so. For some reason Democrats now seem to believe that giving Trump nothing at all...no matter how many Americans are hurt by the tactic...is going to be better for them when they run against him in 2020 then trying to compromise. They're willing to sabotage the economy because they think it will be a political win for them. It's obvious that they're scared to death that the economy will keep growing as it has since he took office.

As for who cares about the 800,000 employees? Since the vast majority of those employees support Democrats...it would seem that the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate are the ones who don't "give a shit" about them! If Nancy and Chuck are content to throw their own constituents under the bus to gain a political advantage then why should Donald Trump try and save them?

Pelosi has agreed to continue negotiations after the government is opened. Trump has nothing to lose by agreeing to fund government another 30 or 60 days while they negotiate. That is what Obama did and that has been what most presidents have done. There's no reason to punish 800,000 workers so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise. That's crazy.

Well, Piglosi also said we need to pass the bill to find out what's in it. Been a disaster ever since. Reagan was promised a stronger border by the Democrats if he only granted amnesty which he did. How did that turn out for Republicans? We have the same problem today.

The interest is dying down. When the government first shut down, it was media frenzy for about a week. The second week, it got weaker. Now that we are past a month, not many seem to care.

So how do we start the frenzy all over again? Open up government, and when Trump shuts it down again, we will have a replay of a month ago. Why should Trump play right into their hands?

Let me ask you Flopper: If you wanted to buy a certain breed of dog, and met a guy in a Walmart parking lot, and he said give me the money now, and I'll go get the dog, would you hand him the money?

Tell me: how is the government shutdown preventing Piglosi from negotiations now? It isn't. She's only use that BS to open the government again and then tell Trump to go F himself.

The fact that neither side is willing to compromise on money for a wall is causing the shutdown.

How does it damage Trump's position by signing a bill to fund the government for 30 days while the two sides try to work this thing out. If this isn't done soon, we're going to have a real national emergency.

If no agreement is reached, the government shuts down again but at least these poor people will had a chance to pay their rent and put some groceries on the table.

Defense of the country, is the fundamental duty of the government.
If you can't do the fundamental responsibilities that the government is assigned to do, then it should be shut down. Trump is right. The opposition is incompetent.
As for you folks that work in government? I don't know as I'd want to let the general public know just how much they DON'T need a lot of you...this shutdown may be doing exactly that!
not all of Government is in the field.

FDA inspections are not going on. How long until retailers exhaust their supply of inspected products.

If that's something you're concerned about, Daniel...then it might be time to write your Congress person and tell them that you want them to pressure Congressional leaders to reach a compromise. This shutdown is totally political and right now it's being used as a weapon by the Democrats against a President whom they dislike. If you're OK with that...then YOU own the consequences of not having inspectors in the field looking out for you!
There is no express wall building clause. Government should Not be shut down over an Implied power.

And, we have no Immigration clause and should have no illegal problem. We have an express Establishment clause for Naturalization every time the right wing wants to waste our tax monies for their bigotry.

This shutdown is 100% Trump's. It's his shutdown...he admitted it many times.

The Dems are under zero obligation to give in on something they do not want/believe in.

And since Trump owns the shutdown - he is 100% to blame for it.

Trump should end the shutdown and THEN negotiate.

But, since he clearly does not give a shit about those 800,000 employees - he will not do that.

Have a nice day.

Ah, Trump HAS negotiated and Pelosi has refused to do so. For some reason Democrats now seem to believe that giving Trump nothing at all...no matter how many Americans are hurt by the tactic...is going to be better for them when they run against him in 2020 then trying to compromise. They're willing to sabotage the economy because they think it will be a political win for them. It's obvious that they're scared to death that the economy will keep growing as it has since he took office.

As for who cares about the 800,000 employees? Since the vast majority of those employees support Democrats...it would seem that the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate are the ones who don't "give a shit" about them! If Nancy and Chuck are content to throw their own constituents under the bus to gain a political advantage then why should Donald Trump try and save them?

Pelosi has agreed to continue negotiations after the government is opened. Trump has nothing to lose by agreeing to fund government another 30 or 60 days while they negotiate. That is what Obama did and that has been what most presidents have done. There's no reason to punish 800,000 workers so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise. That's crazy.

Well, Piglosi also said we need to pass the bill to find out what's in it. Been a disaster ever since. Reagan was promised a stronger border by the Democrats if he only granted amnesty which he did. How did that turn out for Republicans? We have the same problem today.

The interest is dying down. When the government first shut down, it was media frenzy for about a week. The second week, it got weaker. Now that we are past a month, not many seem to care.

So how do we start the frenzy all over again? Open up government, and when Trump shuts it down again, we will have a replay of a month ago. Why should Trump play right into their hands?

Let me ask you Flopper: If you wanted to buy a certain breed of dog, and met a guy in a Walmart parking lot, and he said give me the money now, and I'll go get the dog, would you hand him the money?

Tell me: how is the government shutdown preventing Piglosi from negotiations now? It isn't. She's only use that BS to open the government again and then tell Trump to go F himself.

The fact that neither side is willing to compromise on money for a wall is causing the shutdown.

How does it damage Trump's position by signing a bill to fund the government for 30 days while the two sides try to work this thing out. If this isn't done soon, we're going to have a real national emergency.

If no agreement is reached, the government shuts down again but at least these poor people will had a chance to pay their rent and put some groceries on the table.

Defense of the country, is the fundamental duty of the government.
If you can't do the fundamental responsibilities that the government is assigned to do, then it should be shut down. Trump is right. The opposition is incompetent.

We have a common defense clause not a general defense clause and their is no express wall building clause.

We have a general welfare clause.
Look at your average CEO....talk about gravy job. Never met one who was worth their pay.

The Insane Work Ethic of Mark Cuban, Jeff Bezos, and 14 Other Powerful Leaders

Apple CEO Tim Cook routinely begins emailing employees at 4:30 in the morning.
Steve Jobs left incredibly big shoes for Cook to fill. However, the man got the top job for a reason. He's always been a workaholic, and Fortune reports that he begins sending emails at 4:30 a.m.

A profile in Gawker reveals that he's the first in the office and the last to leave. He used to hold staff meetings on Sunday night in order to prepare for Monday.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban didn't take a vacation for seven years while starting his first business.
At first glance, Cuban's amazing success looks like a stroke of luck. He sold his first company at the peak of its value and got into technology stocks at exactly the right time.

Cuban writes on his blog that it took an incredible amount of work to benefit from his luck. When starting his first company, the now billionaire routinely stayed up until 2 a.m. reading about new software, and went seven years without a vacation.

Mary Barra rose to the top of General Motors after 33 years at the company.
Barra started at the very bottom of General Motors at age 18, when she enrolled in an engineering college sponsored by the company. There, she spent half the year inspecting parts at a Pontiac plant, according to Fortune.

She worked her way up the ladder with smart decision-making and a willingness to give the company everything she had. The Financial Times reports that colleagues recall her being the first person in the office every morning and responding to emails after 11 p.m.

Nissan and Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn flies more than 150,000 miles a year.
Ghosn runs two of the world's largest automakers, which should tell you something about his work ethic. A profile in Forbes describes how Ghosn works more than 65 hours a week, spends 48 hours a month in the air, and flies more than 150,000 miles a year.

Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi worked the graveyard shift as a receptionist while putting herself through Yale.
Now one of the most powerful and well-known women in business, Nooyi worked midnight to 5 a.m. as a receptionist to earn money while getting her masters degree at Yale.
This mirrors my own experience.

I've seen CEOs crawling under soldering machines, to fix broken belts, in a multi-million dollars company. I have a CEO at another job, show up at 6 AM every morning, and be the last one to leave every night.

The vast majority of CEOs work their asses off. The only reason some idiots want to claim they don't do anything, and live a cushy life, is because it makes them feel better about their own failure. If people had to face the fact that CEOs work way harder than they do, then they would be denied the excuse that the reason they have not succeeded in life, is because they are lazy, and not willing to put in that effort.

Once again, Atlas Shrugged is being played out in real life.
OP acts as though some people living paycheck-to-paycheck is a phenomenon that only recently sprung into being?

What rock have you been living under?
OP acts as though some people living paycheck-to-paycheck is a phenomenon that only recently sprung into being?

What rock have you been living under?
I dont see it that way, since we are talking about gov employees that are the highest paid people in the country,,,why didnt they plan ahead since a shutdown is always a possibility and more so in todays climate??
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